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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Gledao sam sad. Svaka mu cast! Da iz teske povrede dodje do bronze...naklon do poda
  2. Bas bi mi bilo krivo da je ne osvoje. Blizu su a opet... Vidim da su u polufinalu bili i 6 i 5. Ali je vrijeme dobar predznak.
  3. Teska grupa. Bas teska. Opet recimo Njemacka...
  4. Can you post nations that are in B final? Site is dead ATM.
  5. Meni je bitno da je on blizu kvote i da je i dalje u vrhu. Sve ostalo ce doci na svoje. Uz malo srece koju cesto nije imao moze on do medalje u Tokiju.
  6. Zna li neko ko su nam protivnici u B finalu za 4ac? Sajt opet ne radi.
  7. I ja mislim, mada je i Nemanja rovit. Medalja bi bas dobro pala ali sam zadovoljan i ovako.
  8. Uzas. mozda moze do bronze. Bas steta.
  9. Bice cupavo u B finalu. Moraju bas visoko da budu. Nadam se da mogu.
  10. So, Italy and Spain have most boats qualified for Tokyo.
  11. Majdov u polufinalu! Mislim da posle ovoga ne treba da bude dileme ko treba da nas predstavlja. Ovo nosi jako puno bodova. Sada protiv Noel Van Tenda. Sanse su polovicne. Kukolj razocarao, nadao sam se da moze do 1/4 finala. Ali sam je kriv. 2017 je morao da predje u -100 kg.
  12. To some extent, i am familliar with that. But as i told to MHSN, sport is changing. Who would say that Israel will be two times in a row European basketball champion (youth level)? Nationalisation can also happen, Ossetian wrestlers are great. And so on... I know that chance for wrestling or taekwondo medal is extremelly unrealistic but from Iranian POV, its also something to think about.
  13. Yes, even someone who doesnt like sports as much, will now what is happening with those 'injuries' and 'losses'. I was reading some Wiki article about Iran-Israel relations and i can say that no one has enough knowledge to be judge in this case. Its to complicated. I see that those relations were good in some period,decent in another... Combining politics and sport is extremelly difficult, victims are always on the later, not on the former. Iran just didnt find right balance in boycoting Israel and allowing athletes to show everything they can. Sport is great ambassador for Iran. Benefits of medals shouldnt be ignored by the government, should they?Westerners tend to judge everything just because they think they know everything. Iran was deemed as an evil country few years ago. You know, nuclear power, Ahmadinejad, supreme leaders. So, propaganda did what it knows the best. 10 countries will do the same,but only Iran is mentioned and criticised. Plus, some western governments are hypocrites. Saudi Arabia banned women from olympics up until 2012 and it was ok for western countries just because Saudi goverment was strategic partner,mainly for USA. So, i understand your point of view, but its double standard, and Iran will always be 'culprit' in that sense. That is also my fear. Iran is always heading toward world scene, only world championships count. So, why to bother when best possible scenario is to win a medal on Asian championships or Asian games? And to hope that Israel wont be good in particular category? As you mentioned, that logic was enough few years ago ( Mirasemeilli case) when Israel was good only in 1 or 2 weights. But now, they are good in almost every category. I know, thought that Israel can win a medal in wrestling is quite funny as its impossible. But, giving some Ossetian or Dagestani citizenship is more than realistic. Mussulbes won medals for Slovakia. Why not for Israel? Wrestling keeps changing. Nationalisation of wrestlers is more present than ever. Israel is already doing that but all of them werent as good. Sometimes in the future, they will chose some above average wrestler and judo will repeat... I know its only a theory, but not impossible at all...
  14. Injury can also be faked but i agree, loss is always better option in these cases. Other explanation actually cleared my doubts. For a moment, i forgot that after medal bouts there is also a medal ceremony, and that Iran wouldnt allow some mixture with Muki, Butbul or Sasson even at podium. Since these things just keep repeating, i can only feel sorry for those good Iranian judokas that are hostages of some policy that is at least doubtfull. Ok, those topics are sensitive, but if Iran or any other country intend to sacrifice some medal because of principle, then i am also fine with it. But i am affraid that judo in Iran will be in great danger because of that policy. Israel is getting stronger every year in many disciplines. What would Iran do if some Israeli starts winning on taekwondo or wrestling mats? What about weightlifting? All those sports are almost national sport in Iran and majority of medals are won in these sports. I know thats theory for now, but things keep changing.
  15. Why would Mollaei lose on purpose when he had certain medal with win against Casse? I will try to watch his match just to convince myself but i highly doubt that he lost on purpose.
  16. Sjutra Jasmina Milovanovic. Mada ne ocekujem nista jer je u brzoj paljbi znacajno losija. Stevan I Sebic korektni u kvalifikacijama, 1170 i 1169, Lazar u kvalifikacijama sa svega 1159. Nadam se da ce to sjutra biti mnogo bolje.
  17. Ostaje joj trostav al je i gora u njemu.
  18. Da je makar u petoj bila na nivou 104.5...
  19. Nista od nje nazalost. Svaka serija i sve gori rezultat. Propusta ona OI...nazalost...
  20. Vrlo dobar nastup Sanje. Ova djevojka je zaista cudo.
  21. Povratak Ivane nije bio los ali ipak, za sada kasno. Ne znam kako Andrea gadja ali bih se zacudio da udje i u top 20.
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