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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Yes,pitty that she isnt brave as needed. But congrats nevertheless!
  2. Yes,apetitte is growing. Still,should have been better,but she will finish in top 20.
  3. Nevena wasnt good as i expected but it will be decent result.
  4. Koji su ovi na slici? Mislim na sportiste.
  5. Bas tesko,makar sad. Dusan je na svjetskoj listi oko 500 mjesta a na evropskoj 250. A prvi sledeci je oko 1000 mjesta. Kad bi se sad pravio presjek to je 1 mjesto. A i to je pitanje. Znaci da mora bas dosta poena da se skupi.
  6. Milos Zaric ce ucestvovati na POI. Jedini nas paraolimpijac i na ljetnjim i na zimskim igrama.
  7. Sve su to Vucicevi ljudi. Ja zaista ne znam ko bi mogao da bude trener a da niej stranac.
  8. Bas super. Provjereno nesposobni trener se mijenja provjereno nesposobnim trenerom.
  9. Potpuno si u pravu. Al neka ih. Ako njima tako odgovara necu ni ja da se nerviram. Dosta sam to radio. Ovo je dno dna i eto.
  10. Uzas. Al dobro,svakako od OI nista,sta god da urade.
  11. Ili ukinuti. Ovako nezdrav savez ne zasluzuje ni cent. Toliko sam pricao o njima da mi je dosadno. 15 godina sve gore stanje,rezultati,liga,najveca stopa odlazaka iz tima i niko nista. Bolje da te pare daju macevaocima,strelicarima i slicno.
  12. Stoka... ma tacno ih razumijem kad odbiju da nastupaju za Srbiju...
  13. Sramno. Ne znam ko treba da reaguje al ovo je vec odavno zrelo za kaznjavanje. Ne bih se bunio da rukometni savez iskljuce iz OKS.
  14. Ona je jedina koja valja. Ovaj broj promasaja je cak i ok. Uz malo bolju tehniku moze ona dosta solidna da bude. Al ovi ostali...13 promasaja...od 20. Pa mijenjajte sport momentalno!
  15. I could easily be mistaken but i think that he was reffering only to Rio games when i asked wheather qualifing events will be uploaded. You are right, i dont expect any new uploads on YT since they are probably planning to develop OC in sense of full events. I also prefer YT since navigation is so easy. Also,with Chromecast and other devices you can watch everything in Full HD,on big screen.
  16. Exactly. I presume that watching 1992 boxing match with Swahili or Mongolian commentator and with 144p resolution isnt everyones cup of tea. Its so much better to watch it on OC,with great quality,legally and with good commentator,if any. IOC made precedent with 2010 games by uploading it in entirety,followed by London games. Sochi was uploaded partially on YT,Rio just finals on OC. So,i hope that from now on IOC will cover games as they did with PyeongChang. We could ask sindo are there any plans to upload previous games on YT but i know the answer.
  17. I know about Rio,London and Vancouver which are,more or less,covered on YT and olympicchannel. I was reffering mainly to previous games,Sochi,Beijing,Torino and so on. I saw some full events from say Nagano,but OC is very confusing and i thought we could have similar thread with videos from Barcelona,Nagano,Lilechamer and others. It would be much easier to follow those games with links posted than to search it manualy through searchbar. If hckosice is busy or anything i am willing to post links i can find.
  18. Tek kvalifikacije.. Ovi nasi rekli EP.
  19. Inace sjutra pocinje evropsko u stonom tenisu. Zna li ko sta o tome?
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