Does anyone watch Lucifer? It lacked something in the first season despite some great episodes but since season 2 I'm enjoying it more and more! (it's now on season 3)
Il y aura une appli mobile comme pour les JO de Rio ou pas ? Ca serait plus simple et rapide pour moi de suivre tout ça quand je suis au travail (je vais quasiment tout rater ça me frustre...)
Rha quel goujat
Contente qu'on en soit débarrassés. En plus il commentait le biathlon.
J'aime pas spécialement regarder le patinage non plus, même si ça devrait nous donner une médaille d'or/argent cette année Donc vas-y tu peux te lâcher si tu veux
There was the second semifinal of Destination Eurovision tonight and my favorites will be there! (I'd like to post the videos of all 8 finalists but I fear it would make the thread crash...)
It's probably gonna stop this weekend, he did big training sessions earlier this week so he probably won't be in shape for the next two days (who knows though, his best sprint result in Antholz was today)
How can we put something in our signature? I thought this was possible again but I can't find where we can do that. (unless it's only possible for a few users)