BMX Cycling UCI Racing World Championships 2024
1. Alise Willoughby
2. Zoe Claessens
3. Daleny Vaughn
1. Joris Daudet
2. Niek Kimmann
3. Sylvain Andre
I missed the race, but based on a +10 seconds finish, I assume Sakakibara had a fall in the final. Just like Pajon and Shriever in the semifinal, resulting in a very surprising womens podium.
Meanwhile on the men's side a pretty expected podium. I predict we'll see Daudet, Andre and Mahieu represent in Paris, and it wouldn't surprise me if 2 of them reach the podium there as well. Hopefully 2nd place for Kimmann and semi finals for Brink and Van den Burg are enough to secure a 2nd quota in the ranking. Unlucky tournament for with White also falling in the final.