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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. She's probably the only one in the delegation that truly excelled and achieved her goals, so I'm very proud of her.
  2. And all because Mexicans don't seem to like the top of the podium
  3. A little dissapointed by Mexican performance. Some of those silvers could have been gold have our athletes dropped it at the line. Still, top 3 should be the goal, given they are the second biggest team at this competition.
  4. Seems he needs some psychology to help him in the decisive duels. It's not the first time he fails at this point, and honestly, if he wants to have a long career in the sport, he'll need to overcome those fears.
  5. So basically anyone who ends 4th in Concacaf and 5th in South America.
  6. By that margin, I can only think of biased judging favoring Cuba like in CAC Games
  7. Thanks for the hard work on these stats. If not too much to ask, I’d like to see my voting history, since I’ve lost some of it. I was well aware of Mexican one sided crush on French music, who if I remember correctly have only returned points on one ocasion.
  8. To add preteens with stupid nicknames supposedly "dancing"
  9. Talking about peculiar names: the names of the US competitors in men's air pistol are Hunter Battig & Remington Smith
  10. I think they're not complete yet. If you look, you'll see there's no entry from Colombia yet. So probably in the next couple of days we will see them complete.
  11. Entries are up on the official website @intoronto @Olympian1010 @thiago_simoes @vinipereira
  12. Congratulations @Hipooo Well done @Wanderer & Belle for the podium
  13. Najlepša hvala @hckošice Oops my bad I meant Ďakujem mnohokrát
  14. Wow, Mexico was screwed by this week long wait Anyway, thank you very much for the points: @dophuquy @OlympicIRL jury
  15. Mexico New Zealand 12 Croatia 11 France 10 Argentina 9 Greece 8 Serbia 7 Czech Republic 6 Denmark 5 Kazakhstan 4 Lithuania 3 Ukraine 2 Hungary 1 Gracias a @Dnl por organizar este concurso y felicidades a todos los participantes. ¡Hasta la próxima! Thanks to @Dnl for organizing this contest and congratulations to all participants. Till next time!
  16. So, does someone dare guess who gets top prize from me this time?
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