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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. So if not already taken, line up Totallympics maidens.
  2. Oh I'm well aware. I'm not sure what a caber is, but I'm sure those beefy dudes won't go around throwing straw (no matter the actual weight) to show their strength. It couldn't be a hammer, that's too Olympic for their tastes. So between the heavy weight and a beam, I think the second one sounds more likely I hope
  3. Wow, no kidding that is a hard one that only @OlympicIRL could be sure of the right answer... Still I'll take a risk and save my lifelines (if I get this right) Answer is C: Wooden beam
  4. I know, but I think I can fo ahead, so
  5. So, remembering my childhood I'll go with the way Mexican kids (and some adults) make their choices: "De-tin-marín-de-do-pingüé-cucara-macara-títere-fue-yo-no-fui-fue-Teté-pégale-pégale-que-este-merito-ha-de-ser" Since those words sum 23, I'll pick #5
  6. Nice twist I'm ready @OlympicIRL
  7. Wow, now we're getting to the hard part of the test, nice It was a good thing that for TISC draw (little spoiler) the numbers will be hidden by horror movie posters, and I take a good look at horror movies list... This time my answer is B: Sawbones
  8. Well, you're talking about one of my favorite snacks as a kid having to go through 40 minutes on the way back home from school. By the way I still eat them with hot sauce, and of course, as hummus. So answer is D: Chickpea
  9. ... ... Naah, I'm kidding, I know is just beggining and the real test is awaiting next, but the answer to the question is C: Polo Player
  10. Well some youngsters might think is the fault of Karen of course, but sorry kids. The real culprit is B: Katrina I still remember the huge media uproar here when the Mexican Army crossed the Rio Bravo for the first time in 140 years, but this time to help in relief efforts.
  11. Wow, I thought they were closer Since no other option gives me a country, I'll go with D: Dominican Republic
  12. Well, I really liked the first film, but the sequel (like most of them) was rather a flop. My pick is B: Frozen
  13. Tricky, tricky... you know I turn out to be a lawyer just to avoid this kind of math Just kidding, although please no calculus for me The answer is D:0
  14. Of couse is not Mothringen nor Flyège It could be Waspend . But I'm pretty sure is B: Antwerp
  15. Once again, quite creative options, but of course I'll go with C: Anteater
  16. Well, that's an easy piece, despite the crafty options. My answer is D: Influencer
  17. Thank you, it's such a joy as always, taking a trivia in my favorite (well, only) forum. Día de los Muertos is originally a tradition mostly preserved in central and southern Mexican states, but slowly growing in western (where I live) and northern Mexico. Let's say I'm only fond of the pan de muerto (an orange scented bread with sugar on top) and calaveritas (decorated skulls made of sugar). I choose 1
  18. Well @hckošice Romero got justice service cold. He definitely can box. I can’t understand why they changed their decision and left the Slovak boxer without a chance to advance in the tournament
  19. Me As TISC draw is still on hold, I could give a chance.
  20. Mexico with 374 athletes in total, according to chef de mision. Sadly, a sure gold in women's race walk is lost, as Alegna Gonzalez is injured. Delegation
  21. Votes sent. A tough choice in the end, but I'll stick with my picks. Good luck everyone!!
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