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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. Well I see your point, I mean, burritos are to be enjoyed. However, watercress is a rarely item in Mexican cuisine, so people here would be msotly shocked to find some inside their burritos.
  2. Well I like peas and watercress, but they are bizarre ingredients for a burrito, unless it's a "picadillo" (minced meat) burrito, in which there could be some peas. Still, I wouldn't give olives nor corn to my friend @heywoodu
  3. By the way, if anyone wants to check the Mexican preselection for this edition called MEXFEST'23, you can take a look here or listen here. Hope you enjoy it , and please, any comments made them after the last sesion or by message.
  4. Hey, if I recall correctly we haven't heard the contest's anthem:
  5. They are also an Easter dish here in Mexico. You made me crave for some and still just noon.
  6. Well I'm sure there's still some beer from St Patrick's, so I'll be glad to join you and Seamus to watch the last portion.
  7. Another decent round for the Mexican song, and this time I want to say: Thank you ! @dezbee2008 @Olympian1010 @owenp_23 χάρης ! @Yannakis @maestro @Makedonas Grazzi @Glen ! Dziękuję @rybak ! Muito obrigado ! @vinipereira @titicow
  8. MEXICO PORTUGAL 12 ITALY 11 FRANCE 10 FINLAND 9 CHILE 8 SERBIA 7 ARGENTINA 6 CHINA 5 CROATIA 4 LITHUANIA 3 SLOVAKIA 2 GREECE 1 Felicito a todos los participantes en esta edición por sus excelentes canciones y al anfitrión por su gran trabajo. Nos vemos en el siguiente concurso ¡Adiós! I congratulate every participant in this contest for their excellent songs and the host for his great work. See you at the next contest. Bye!
  10. MEXICO ¡Hola! Buenos días desde Guadalajara. Es un placer estar de nuevo con todos Ustedes, y sin más demora, éste es el voto del jurado mexicano. Hello! Good morning from Guadalajara. It's a pleasure to be again with all of you, and without further delay, this is the vote of the Mexican jury FRANCE 10 FINLAND 9 CHILE 8 SERBIA 7 ARGENTINA 6 CHINA 5 CROATIA 4 LITHUANIA 3 SLOVAKIA 2 GREECE 1
  11. First of all: Amazing organization @Cobi You've been an excellent and efficient host, plus that walktrough Spanish music at the Opening was amazing. A big round of applause for you Now, after a good St Patrick's party last night at a local pub owned and attended by actual Irish people, I find that my entry didn't had the best of starts, but has made some ground, so I want to acknowledge Grazie mille ! @SteveParker @Pablita @Henry_Leon Tak ! @Wumo @Agger תודה @Dnl ! Kiitos @Finnator123 ! (I can finally say it, after binge watching 3 seasons of Karppi) شكرا جزيلا @amen09 Hvala vam @dcro !
  12. Remember , & (or was it ?) will be battling for the bottom. Just kidding, let’s hope for a good result for everyone.
  13. I'd like this bonus points, but after each session. For example, most points scored by a single jury in each turn, awards 5 extra points, even in case of a tie. Same for entry with longest streak in each segment, 5 extra points even if 3 or more get that bonus.
  14. Well thank you for your words. However I don’t root for Mexico, mostly because they are the only sport that gets government resources, while every other deserving athlete in my country must give two thirds of their “scholarship” to the lesbian lover of former Olympian Ana Guevara. And all because of the tirannical rule of the new mascot of Latin American “left”
  15. Another decent performance by Mexico, but now looks like it will be difficult for Israel to beat Iceland, thus another year for the Mexican team to be stuck in this division.
  16. And as leaders of the group, to face the winner of the next game between & . Meanwhile, correct me if I’m wrong, but is GB the one being relegated if the US win against Colombia?
  17. Wow, Canadians did the “smart” thing and let Arozarena to walk on balls, thus accepting just one more run instead of 4
  18. That is if the players don’t blend in the crowd and fail to appear on the field
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