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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. Wow… what can I say? I’m not of talking about other teams, but Poland’s been quite a deception. As everyone could see, Mexico doesn’t have a real talent this time, and yet they manage to press Poland back to their area for the last 10 mins. Let’s see what’s happens on second half, but this result doesn’t suit any team.
  2. Enough for a win by your team or at least draw.
  3. I wonder if Fifa and Infantino could be brougth to justice before a Swiss tribunal because of these actions?
  4. I honestly don’t have a real answer. It could be the actual initial XI for tomorrow’s game. I’m not following this team enough to tell their strategy, but Martino’s strategy always seem to be deciphered by their rivals, so I guess Polish media just made it public this time.
  5. Well, this is not a really high city compared to others in Mexico, just slightly below 1500m above sea level, but it could be a factor that should been tested some time before. As for humidity, we have a semi humid climate all year round. But I highly doubt any of the above could cause a malfunction capable of altering the device. They need to lie better.
  6. Same reason the cup is being hosted in Qatar
  7. So, how much do the Qatari government promised Ecuador for not scoring in the second half?
  8. As sad as it sound, I don’t think we have no other option for our first game.
  9. Another brawl in the concentration… so the Champions curse will probably benefit Tunisia or Australia
  10. Probably the medal that was actually more a fact than a fantasy, and with some real support, a possibility for Paris.
  11. We’ll see next Tuesday. i’ll be having a nice breakfast to watch the game at the office. May the least failed squad win.
  12. I know. I’ve seen some fights in this and other competitions, where the headgears doesn’t seem to record a proper, solid kick. They do need to review their technology to be fully dependable on it, or, allow more challenges.
  13. See @Monzanator? You’ll only need Lewandowski to score a lonely goal to beat Mexico. Then your park the bus defense should do the rest. Mexican playera could score a goal between the Arc de Triomphe.
  14. Was about the post the list. As expected useless Funes Mori stays and Jimenez gets in the list as the new pet boy (along Henry Martin) from Hispanic America largest TV group, despite not being in form. Pity Santiago Gimenez didn’t get a shot in the team, as he is in better shape as a striker than any of those in the list.
  15. gets one quota per gender in kitesurfing from 2022 American Championships.
  16. Enough to defeat Mexico and Saudi Arabia, imo. None of them have a striker with talent like Lewandowski and, speaking about my country’s team, balls.
  17. Well, I never expected a second gold medal so soon after the other.
  18. Well, it took me a little while but here it is. First and foremost, my greatest praise and a standing ovation goes to @Hipooo for delivering a neat and well organized contest from start to finish Thank you for a great experience!! Of couse, another round of applause goes to this edition winner France .@Bohemia & @Benolympique you finally did it, thanks to a very deserving entry. Needless to say, I would like to recognize the other podium finishers of the day, @Belle & @heywoodu Well done! As for my team @thepharoah , @catgamer , @Cobi , @dezbee2008 & @Olympian1010 , I'd like to say I appreciate your picks that contributed to Prague Stags win the team competition. Here's to you Finally, a my most sincere Thank You for every jury that considered Molotov's entry worthy enough to be on amongst your picks, particularly the three that gave us medals: jury @ManuCHIL jury @intoronto @Wanderer @Bohemia for your individual points. @Dnl @dezbee2008 jury @konig @Memo @thepharoah @Cobi @Federer91
  19. Quotas in 3x3 Basketball Men: Women:
  20. It's official. Quota for in women's 10m air pistol.
  21. In your defense, you didn't made the random draw that sort USA as the anchor of our team.
  22. Unless another mishap like Grau's happen, is five shots away from securing it's first quota in shooting.
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