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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. As I need some major points back to my count, and I don't say any sympathetic jury for Mexico ahead, I think I shall call for back up:
  2. and @Vektor you thought it was over. This last session is quite entertaining.
  3. Indeed. It is Brazil instead who goes for the quota.
  4. Well, still one more round to go and two other shooters to be cut. It seems it will be v. for this quota.
  5. @Benolympique the site is actually going with live results now. The guy from Ecuador, and one of the Cubans are out.
  6. x2 x2 & made the ranking phase of men’s 10m air pistol. x3 x2 & did the same in women’s 10m air pistol.
  7. I’m offended. ”Hasta la Raíz” is from Mexico, even if the singer’s father is Chilean
  8. Hey, why am I not invited. You know I’ll bring my own provisions
  9. And Romania gives point to the gang having cocoa and marshmallows. @Werloc @Belle
  10. Oh common everybody. Let me have my 2 minutes of happiness. The only thing my country is getting soon from Argentina is a defeat by 6 goals.
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