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  1. Mexico will have a second athlete in Men's 200m - Cesar Ramirez 20.50 seconds
  2. So here's provisional quota, prior to confirmation by NOC's Men's Individual Continental Qualification Events: World Qualification Event: Olympic Qualification List: Points List: Reallocations: - this place will be awarded only if one of the tripartite places is not allocated. First reserve is but there are already 8 NOC's with three qualified athletes, so Canada will only get it if one of those committees does not confirm their 3rd place. NOC's eligible for tripartite: NOC's already securing 3 places (maximum 8 NOC's): Women's Individual Continental Qualification Events: World Qualification Event: Olympic Qualification List: Points List: - If Sweden gets one of the reallocations, takes its place. Reallocations: NOC's eligible for tripartite: None, they'll be likely reallocated. NOC's already securing 3 places (maximum 8 NOC's): and if ITU confirms the reallocated place.
  3. You're right, this is pure media gossip... poor girl, I hope people could understand is not entirely her fault. Right now I'm still trying to figuring out the outcome of the diving soap opera in Mexico... it seems they will do another "check up round"; not to mention the bitterness that will ensue the selection in Men's 20km race walk and the possible exclussion of our hammer thrower.
  4. One of the first Olympic "soap operas" that will reveal how is not always simple about being fair regarding National selections.
  5. Mokhtar Al-Yamani achieved OST in men's 200m Freestyle at the Arena Pro Swim Series in Charlotte
  6. I made a small sim of Triathlon qualification; if my math is not wrong (I've forgot a lot since High School ), here's what it looks like before the last two events (one World Series and one Continental Cup, that only counts for points list) Men's Individual Continental Qualification Events (if not accepted, quota goes to Olympic Qualification List): Africa rejected the spot. America Asia Europe Oceania World Qualification Event (if not accepted, quota goes to Olympic Qualification List): Olympic Qualification List: - entirely qualified up to second French quota on this list; other places and quotas might change. Points List - Open to the best unqualified NOC from each continent (if not accepted quota goes to next eligible NOC on Point List): Africa - this quota will only be awarded if its competitor in the World Series finishes in 26th place or above; no other NOC from this continent is eligible and the place will go to Olympic Qualification List. America - if it advances through qualification list, the first reserve is Asia - if it rejects the quota, it goes to Europe - If it gets the spot via qualification list, the quota goes to Oceania - No country is eligible, so the spot is reallocated to qualification list Host country quota (reallocation): Other reallocations: NOC's fulfilling conditions for tripartite Invitation (up to 2 places): - probably only one place will be used as Barbados is almost sure to grab the spot from the Points List NOC's already securing 3 places (maximum 8 NOC's): - other countries that can secure a maximum 3 quotas are and Women's Individual Continental Qualification Events (if not accepted, quota goes to Olympic Qualification List): Africa rejected the spot. America Asia Europe Oceania World Qualification Event (if not accepted, quota goes to Olympic Qualification List): Olympic Qualification List: - entirely qualified up to first Hungarian quota on this list; other places and quotas might change. Points List - Open to the best unqualified NOC from each continent (if not accepted quota goes to next eligible NOC on Point List): Africa - if the quota is rejected no other NOC from this continent is eligible and the place will go to Olympic Qualification List. America - this place will be defined in the continental cup event; to secure the quota Romina Palacio must finish first or second and also two places above Elizabeth Bravo of ; other results might see the later NOC qualified. Asia - if it rejects the quota, it goes to Europe - If not used, the quota goes to Oceania - No country is eligible, so the spot is reallocated to qualification list Host country quota (reallocation): Other reallocations: NOC's fulfilling conditions for tripartite Invitation (up to 2 places): None, so if ITU confirms this, another two spots from qualification list will be awarded. NOC's already securing 3 places (maximum 8 NOC's): - other countries that can secure a maximum 3 quotas are and
  7. In my opinion this was their best chance to qualify, the chances of making it through a mostly European field will be difficult.
  8. In men's the quota go to Mexico, El Salvador and Chile
  9. The Dominican Republic upset Cuba in women's and joins Canada and Venezuela in women's... she still has to obtain the MQS though...
  10. No, only top 3 individuals from different NOC's
  11. Well my name's not Marvin, but you're welcome
  12. Canada and Venezuela secured one quota in women's... the other will be contested between Cuba and the Dominican Republic
  13. According to the entry list for the American qualification this week, 12 NOC's in men's andn 7 in women's will try to obtain one of three quotas. In men's I think the places will go to Cuba, Mexico and Chile, and to Venezuela, Cuba and Canada in women's.
  14. I just saw the results from the African qualification... The winner of women's 48kg (that is Mauritius) actually lifted 17 more kilograms that the winner in women's 53 (Tunisia)
  15. i take Diving, and if anyone else choose them, I could take either Tae Kwon Do or Beach Volleyball.
  16. Start Book has been published in IWF site. Very few entries, with one event having only 3; I think the quotas are almost defined as only 7 countries will have 6 or more competitors in Men's, one of them being DR Congo, whose every entry is listed as 55kg In the women's competition it seems Cameroon, Nigeria and Tunisia will take the first 3 positions, with the last spot open to competition.
  17. Again so close to grab one more quota... poor Alma Valencia
  18. Just to clarify, it should be Thailand in Men's Pairs and Russia in Mixed Pairs the NOC's that shall benefit from the rejection on continental places for Australia. In the case the Thai pair advance, one of their athletes is already qualified, so that would add one more spot in men's singles. Also, I don't know if USA place in women's doubles should be counted as continental as they actually secured their spot without taking a place from other elegible pair... let's see what BWF has to say in two weeks...
  19. Thanks for your answer. I hope he goes out like in his two first fights in Mongolia... he really seemed determined to go to Rio.
  20. Do you think Escobar (-75) has a slight chance?
  21. Besides Sri Lanka, I think Suriname is also a good candidate for a spot in men's
  22. Here's a provisional list of the qualification places Men's Singles World Ranking list: Africa Continental quota: According to its qualification rules, South Africa will reject the continental quota; gets this place if no triparte place is given to a NOC from Africa, are the countries that satisfy the IF requirements to be awarded that place. Oceania Continental quota: Australia can only select two of its continental quotas; if this event is not selected, quota goes to , which does not accept reallocated places. As no other NOC from Oceania fulfills the requirements for participation, this place will be reallocated to World Ranking list. Host country quota (reallocation): World Ranking (reallocation): ; currently there are up to three spots up to be awarded to singles competition, given that each NOC chooses their first and/or second ranked athletes in the other events of the same gender. NOC's fulfilling conditions for tripartite Invitation (up to 3 places): (plus the African countries mentioned above) Women's Singles World Ranking list: Africa Continental quota: ; gets this place if no triparte place is given to a NOC from Africa, are the countries that satisfy the IF requirements to be awarded that place. Oceania Continental quota: Australia can only select two of its continental quotas; if this event is not selected, quota goes to , which does not accept reallocated places. As no other NOC from Oceania fulfills the requirements for participation, this place will be reallocated to World Ranking list. Host country quota: World Ranking (reallocation): ; as with men there are three spots up to be awarded. NOC's fulfilling conditions for tripartite Invitation (up to 3 places): (plus the African countries mentioned above) Men's Pairs World Ranking list: Africa Continental quota: There isn't a pair inside top 50 in qualification ranking. America Continental quota: (35 in ranking); if the spot is rejected, gets the place. Oceania Continental quota: (46 in ranking); Australia can only select two of its continental quotas; if this event is not selected, there's no other pair that fulfills the requirements. World Ranking (reallocation): gets the spot if Australia doesn't take the spot in this event. Women's Pairs World Ranking list: Africa Continental quota: There isn't a pair inside top 50 in qualification ranking. America Continental quota: No continental place, as the top NOC from this continent already qualified by ranking. Oceania Continental quota: No pair from this continent in the top 50 of qualification ranking. Mixed Pairs World Ranking list: Africa Continental quota: There isn't a pair inside top 50 in qualification ranking. America Continental quota: (25 in ranking); if the spot is rejected, gets the place. Oceania Continental quota: (33 in ranking); Australia can only select two of its continental quotas; if this event is not selected, there's no other pair that fulfills the requirements. World Ranking (reallocation): gets the spot if Australia doesn't take the spot in this event.
  23. I know, this is stupid, but they have done for almost all events. In men's 100m for example the difference is just .02 seconds Here's the selection criteria This stupid rule almost also prevents the current record holder in men's hammer throw (a 22 years old who has break 4 times the national record since last year) to be formally selected to compete.
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