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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Tennis must be the only sport where players are allowed to abuse the refs and think they can get away with it. In NFL you put one finger on the umpire and you're thrown out, in football (soccer) you get a red card and you're off but hell, Serena thinks the umpire is her butler and she can treat him like crap. She run into a frickin' wall instead.
  2. This thread should be about Osaka and the rise of next generation of tennis stars. The first Japanese GS winner. But no, nobody cares about her because Serena this and Serena that. She buckled under pressure and showed what a sore loser she really is. Maybe she will boycott USO like she boycotted Indian Wells before?
  3. [hide] First Round September 9th - September 18th, 2018 24 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 9th 2018, h. 19:30 Italy 3 0 Japan September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Dominican Republic 1 3 Slovenia September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Belgium 2 3 Argentina September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Dominican Republic 0 3 Japan September 13th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Belgium September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 3 2 Slovenia September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Argentina 3 0 Dominican Republic September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Belgium 3 2 Slovenia September 15th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 1 Argentina September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 3 2 Belgium September 16th 2018, h. 21:15 Dominican Republic 0 3 Italy September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Belgium 3 1 Dominican Republic September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Argentina 2 3 Slovenia September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 2 3 Argentina September 18th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Slovenia Group B Date & Time (GMT +3) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 12th 2018, h. 14:00 France 3 0 China September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Netherlands 3 2 Canada September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 0 Egypt September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Egypt 1 3 Canada September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 2 France September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 China 3 2 Netherlands September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 France 3 0 Egypt September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Canada 2 3 China September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 0 3 Brazil September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 China 3 1 Egypt September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 1 3 France September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Egypt 0 3 Netherlands September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 0 Canada September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 China 1 3 Brazil September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Canada 2 3 France Group C Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 12th 2018, h. 14:00 Cameroon 1 3 Tunisia September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 0 3 Russia September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 United States 3 2 Serbia September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 0 3 United States September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Cameroon 0 3 Serbia September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 3 0 Cameroon September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Russia 3 0 Tunisia September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 0 Tunisia September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 United States 1 3 Russia September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Cameroon 0 3 United States September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Serbia 3 1 Australia September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Russia 3 0 Cameroon September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Australia 3 1 Tunisia September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 United States 3 0 Tunisia September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Serbia 2 3 Russia Group D Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 9th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 3 1 Finland September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Iran 3 1 Puerto Rico September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Cuba 0 3 Poland September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Puerto Rico 0 3 Poland September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Iran 3 2 Bulgaria September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Finland 3 2 Cuba September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 3 0 Puerto Rico September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Cuba 1 3 Iran September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 Poland 3 0 Finland September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Puerto Rico 1 3 Finland September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Cuba 1 3 Bulgaria September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Cuba 3 2 Puerto Rico September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Iran 2 3 Poland September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 Finland 1 3 Iran September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 1 3 Poland [/hide]
  4. Huh? Kvitova was there before Svitolina. And Kvitova ALWAYS struggles with the humidity during the American summer. Watch her explode during the Asian swing in the fall.
  5. Sharapova always thrives vs these ballbashers, Ostapenko was playing mindless tennis
  6. Donald boycotted camp for the second year running and that neither hurts Rams nor his bank account IMO. Gruden is crazy if he thinks all that draft capital will help him to find someone even remotely close to Mack. Pass rushing has become huge these days with so many teams battling OL issues. This is will be a wild ride for the Raiders this season if the secondary doesn't step it up and the front seven suddenly loses it's grip. Don't tell me Gruden wants to waste year one on rebuilding only to explode when they move to Vegas. This could be even worse than Al Davis flaming out with his SB MVP free agent ideas...
  7. Gruden is running the show, period. GM McKenzie just became the proverbial puppet and it's not simply all down to money. Raiders have sucked for so long and now that they finally have a genuine QB, they get rid of their best player. Rams trolled around with Donald but still paid him. I have zero trust in Gruden's long-term plan now. I only wait untl he starts to complain about a lack of pass rush during the season. You had the man in the building and you let hm go
  8. Okay, how about blowing up the Raiders on September 1st! Gruden will trade Khalil Mack to the fuckin' Chicago Bears? Like really? Gruden is officially burning my house down
  9. Hopefully Khachanov has something left for the 4th set!
  10. The invisible rain break helped Stephens. Azarenka had the momentum before that.
  11. Puig is a bit of a choker tbh. She beat Garcia last week in New Haven but Garcia looked to be mentally out of order back then. Still USO > New Haven
  12. Wozniacki OUT. Meanwhile Sharapova delivers some serious shit show and Cirstea can't take advantage of that. 8 DF and 18 UE for Maria at 5-2 first set
  13. Tsuenko wins the first set vs Wozniacki. USO used to be Woz's best GS but I feel like this season was completed for her when she won AO.
  14. Posted my predictions Hopefully I won't finish last but I'd be amazed if I do better than bottom five
  15. PREDICTION DESIGN - START COPYING HERE ---> [hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Individual Endurance Day 1 September 12th, 2018 Mohamed Aida Any Athlete from Argentina Any Athlete from Bahrain Any Athlete from France X Any Athlete from Italy Any Athlete from the Netherlands X Saleh Al-Balushi Any Athlete from Qatar Sulaiman Mohammed Almhaimidy Mario Hoffmann Jaume Punti Dachs Any Other Athlete from Spain Jahan Perlyasamy Barbara Lisarrague Hamdan bin Mohd Al-Maktoum X Any Other Athlete from UAE Isha Judd Any Other Athlete Team Endurance Day 1 September 12th, 2018 Argentina Australia Bahrain France X Germany Italy Netherlands X Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Spain Switzerland United Arab Emirates X United States Uruguay Any Other Nation Team Reining Day 1 September 12th, 2018 Australia Austria Belgium X Brazil Canada France X Germany Italy Netherlands United States X Any Other Nation Team Dressage Day 2 September 13th, 2018 Canada Denmark Germany X Great Britain X Netherlands X Portugal Russia Spain Sweden United States Any Other Nation Individual Special Dressage Day 3 September 14th, 2018 Daniel Bachmann Andersen Sönke Rothenberger Dorothee Schneider X Isabell Werth X Charlotte Dujardin X Carl Hester Edward Gal Inessa Merkulova Therese Nilshagen Juliette Ramel Laura Graves Kasey Perry-Glass Any Other Athlete Individual Reining Day 4 September 15th, 2018 Any Athlete from Australia Any Athlete from Austria Cira Baeck Bernard Fonck Franco Bertolani Any Athlete from Canada Mathieu Buton Glen Arthur Estival Grischa Ludwig Gennaro Lendi Daniel Huss X Jordan Larson X Cade McCutcheon X Any Other Athlete from the USA Any Other Athlete Individual Freestyle Dressage Day 5 September 16th, 2018 Daniel Bachmann Andersen Sönke Rothenberger Dorothee Schneider Isabell Werth X Charlotte Dujardin X Edward Gal Madeleine Witte-Vrees Severo Jurado Lopez Patrik Kittel Therese Nilshagen Laura Graves X Kasey Perry-Glass Any Other Athlete Individual Eventing Day 5 September 16th, 2018 Christopher Burton Shane Rose Karin Donckers Selena O'Hanlon Any Athlete from France Ingrid Klimke Julia Krajewski Rosalind Canter X Kristina Cook Piggy French Any Athlete from Ireland Yoshiaki Oiwa Jonelle Price X Tim Price X Sara Algotsson-Ostholt Phillip Dutton Marilyn Little Any Other Athlete Team Eventing Day 5 September 16th, 2018 Australia Belgium Canada France Germany X Great Britain X Ireland Italy New Zealand X Sweden United States Any Other Nation Individual Championship Grade V Para-Dressage Day 6 September 18th, 2018 Ciska Vermeulen Estelle Guillet X Regine Mispelkamp Sophie Wells X Tomoko Nakamura Frank Hosmar X Any Other Athlete Individual Championship Grade III Para-Dressage Day 7 September 19th, 2018 Emma Booth Barbara Minneci Lauren Barwick Tobias Thorning Joergensen Angelika Trabert X Steffen Zeibig X Natasha Baker Erin Orford Rixt van der Horst Rebecca Hart X Any Other Athlete Individual Championship Grade I Para-Dressage Day 7 September 19th, 2018 Eveline van Looveren Sergio Oliva Winona Hartvickson X Line Munk Madsen Katja Karjalainen Elke Philipp Sara Morganti X Rihards Snikus Laurentia Tan X Roxanne Trunnell Any Other Athlete Team Vaulting Day 7 September 19th, 2018 Austria Canada Germany X Italy Switzerland X United States X Pas-de-Deux Vaulting Day 8 September 20th, 2018 Jasmin Lindner/Lukas Wacha Theresa Thiel/Stefan Csandl Any Athletes from Canada Theresa-S. Bresch/Torben Jacobs X Janika Derks/Johannes Kay Lorenzo Lupacchini/Silvia Stopazzini X Syra Schmid/Zoe Maruccio Selina Walder/Svenja Lehmann X Any Athletes from the United States Any Other Athlete Team Para-Dressage Day 9 September 21st, 2018 Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark X Finland Germany Great Britain X Italy Netherlands X United States Any Other Nation Team Jumping Day 9 September 21st, 2018 Belgium Brazil Canada Egypt France Germany X Great Britain X Ireland Italy Mexico Netherlands Sweden Switzerland United States X Any Other Nation Individual Freestyle Grade IV Para-Dressage Day 10 September 22nd, 2018 Manon Claeys Rodolpho Riskalla Susanne Jensby Sunesen Jose Letartre X Sanne Voets Louise Etzner-Jakobsson X Angela Peavy X Kate Shoemaker Any Other Athlete Women's Individual Vaulting Day 10 September 22nd, 2018 Katharina Luschin X Lisa Wild Sheena Bendixen Kristina Boe X Janika Derks Sarah Kay Lucy Phillips Anna Cavallaro Silvia Stopazzini Nadja Büttiker Ilona Hannich Elizabeth Osborn X Any Other Athlete Men's Individual Vaulting Day 10 September 22nd, 2018 Dominik Eder Juan Martin Clavijo Thomas Brüsewitz X Jannis Drewell X Jannik Heiland Vincent Haennel X Lambert Leclezio Clement Taillez Balazs Bence Lorenzo Lupacchini Lukas Heppler Any Other Athlete Individual Freestyle Grade II Para-Dressage Day 10 September 22nd, 2018 Pepo Puch X Stinna Tange Kaastrup Jaana Kivimäki Celine Gerny Lee Pearson X Maurilio Vaccaro Nicole den Dulk X Any Other Athlete Squad Vaulting Day 10 September 22nd, 2018 Argentina Austria Brazil Canada Germany X Italy X Netherlands Switzerland X United States Any Other Nation Individual Driving Day 11 September 23rd, 2018 Boyd Exell X Glenn Geerts Edouard Simonet Benjamin Aillaud Mareike Harm Christoph Sandmann Georg von Stein Bram Chardon Ijsbrand Chardon X Koos de Ronde Jerome Voutaz X Chester Weber Misdee Wrigley-Miller Any Other Athlete Team Driving Day 11 September 23rd, 2018 Belgium X France X Germany Netherlands X United States Individual Jumping Day 11 September 23rd, 2018 Any Athlete from Belgium Any Athlete from Brazil Eric Lamaze X Carlos Lopez Kevin Staut Marcus Ehning X Any Other Athlete from Germany Cian O'Connor Shane Sweetnam Danielle Goldstein Any Athlete from Italy Harrie Smolders Peder Fredricson Henrik von Eckermann Steve Guerdat Devin Ryan McLain Ward X Any Other Athlete [/hide]
  16. Jon Gruden will probably blow up the Raiders season in mid-October. Trading Khalil Mack remains an option? Gonna cheer for the Seahawks too now that old man Janikowski has found a new home! And as usual, fuck the Giants AND Broncos! Btw, ESPN won't broadcast the anthem on MNF. Pussy move!
  17. Muchova is an ITF mainstay, she's 22 already. Muguruza's dismal year gets crowned with a proper icing on the cake.
  18. And Murray goes out. Good. No more BBC hype.
  19. Anderson is Isner 2.0. He'll never win a GS, he'd have a better chance in the 90s with the faster surfaces.
  20. Nothing to be happy about. The grandma needs to go!
  21. Monique Adamczak is on the tour for a while just like Olivia Rogowska I've never heard of Krawczyk before, probably some ITF/NCAA scrub.
  22. Uber shit show from Sharapova & Schnyder Schynder hit her first winner at 2-5 down in the second set. Sharapova tried to make it exciting with a ton of errors where she should have closed it out with ease. Cirstea next
  23. We had similar issues in the women's team a while back but two Olympic medals calmed the storm until it all went downhill since 2016. In the men's team Konrad Niedzwiedzki trained in the Netherlands for years but nobody objected since we didn't have indoor arena in Poland until last year and even Szymanski said in 2015 the Polish rinks "are trash" so nobody should expect any medals (that was after the team bronze in Sochi). Thankfully we know how far back we are when it comes to venues and the rift in the women's team was a classic case of too much female ego. When women begin to argue then it's much worse then the men All this being said, Sochi was our high-water mark and we're back to sqaure one these days. Maybe Karolina Bosiek turns into a solid Top 10 competitor but that's just about it.
  24. She basically matches Jelena Jankovic's career - including a nose-dive in the rankings. She doesn't have Wozniacki's athleticism so I suspect she might only continue for 2 more years or when her ranking drops so low she'll have to play qualies just to get into MM tournaments.
  25. Speaking of Romania... Meanwhile Farshad Ahmadzadeh became the first player from to score a goal in Polish Ekstraklasa. It surely helps he's the first Iranian to actually play in our top league
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