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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Geez, Roberts almost face-planted there...
  2. They're probably too busy with their intros for the Main Event The stadium is half-empty anyway so I doubt they need to switch the fans all that much.
  3. Maybe they need a break for their Muslim prayer or sth like that? IAAF can't be more important than the Prophet?
  4. Maria Andrejczyk said the javelin simply died in the air and there was nothing wrong with her technique to explain the poor distance. She said other girls looked good in the throwing process too but the javelin just didn't carry on.
  5. Wyciszkiewicz & Gaworska might run the 4x400 heats. Hell, they should have run either of them in the mixed relay heats and keep Kielbasinska out. I feel like she's been compromised for the women's relay now. No way either Wyciszkiewicz & Gaworska run the women's relay final IMO. They will put Kielbasinska in there and this could be a struggle.
  6. But Holub didn't make the individual cut so what's the point to run Kielbasinska in all three events? Holub being fresh for the 4x400 doesn't cut the mustard IMO. Run Holub in both relays and save Kielbasinska for individua & the women's relay.
  7. Kielbasinska probably didn't recover from the mixed relay shit. I can't understand why they didn't put Holub in there instead?
  8. Moroko beats her PB by 0,7 secs.? Really?
  9. Yes, just two Qs so far. Exception from the rule. Good news for Kolak though.
  10. Not looking too good for Andrejczyk either
  11. Spotakova below 55m and obviously doesn't want this to be measured
  12. Sara Kolak 60,99m right on the bubble IMO. 6th in Group A.
  13. Rio & Doha humidity must be similar tbh London? Not so much if it's not raining
  14. Maybe the women's competition is simply on the upswing as well?
  15. Hammer is far heavier than discus & javelin, mind you. As they call it in downhill alpine skiing, the weight carries you alone. If the air in Doha is 'stale' because of the humidity (checked on google and it's listed 73% today) so that means the heat is stale in the air so to speak, that's why there's nothing there to carry the discus & javelin. Hammer isn't affected as much because of its weight IMO.
  16. Everyone knows Trump and his clown show so he can't be his own worst enemy anymore. And if Dems can't count on Trump beating himself they need a strong leadership. They don't have this. Nancy Pelosi is probably the most senior politician I know and she's way past-prime. You can't move forward with her even moonlighting as the leader. Biden is the rich old white guy which doesn't suit the progressive ways at all but the back-up is old-as-the-hills Sanders. The Dems enjoyed a massive boost with the Obama craze and can't follow that winning formula up. You want to win the political war with Biden & Sanders as Obama's replacement? That's hilarious. Trump will be elected again because Dems are both divided & leader-less at the moment. Their party in-fighting is what helps Trump the most. GOP is smart enough that while they didn't give him full support back in 2016 at least they're not stupid to ignore the polls. Vox populi vox Dei even if blue-collars from Rust Belt voted for a millionaire businessman. Dems are wasting time & energy if they think the impeachment deal works for them. It won't.
  17. Somehow I don't believe ARD would be let anywhere near the Salazar's empire in Oregon though. And Mo Farah is treated like a God by BBC & the UK media. So there is that. I believe Farah got warned off after his 2015 DNA passport anomalies so that he came away clean come 2016. There is some protection involved IMO. Sebastian Coe has a strong ally in the Caster Semenya controversy so he's gonna ride this horse out to appease the public while protecting the USA & UK. Not to mention Russia & Kenya are easy punchbags too.
  18. Based on history, I bet everyone's using doping but only some get caught. And let's be honest, there's a special emphasis on countries like Russia, China or East Africa while the Western countries are able to get away with it. The last major doping scandal involving track & field athletes from USA only got exposed because it was so big it stretched beyond this single event. Imagine if Coleman was Russian or Kenyan. He'd be eaten alive by all the Western media. Now it's just finding excuses for him. Few years ago I used to hate Dwain Chambers but at least he was honest about his doping. No typical bullshit we hear all the time now.
  19. It's funny since when I last visited Hungary I could communicate faster with the the locals in German rather than English That tells me Germans are visiting the damn place too
  20. Huh? You just said F1 is interesting and everyone loves fast cars? Now you say it's boring? I watch F1 since 1991 so listen to what I say. Spa Francorchamps, Budapest & Silverstone are the best attended F1 races year after year. If Germans won't come to athletics WCh in Budapest it's because the German team is in decline and there are low expectations. I'm pretty sure Polish fans will flood the place to take the spot vacated by Germans. The entire Europe will come here since Hungary is easily reachable from every corner of the continent.
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