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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Guess who first used the 'G' word? Our lovely friend from USA I suppose you guys in the Netherlands still remember Arthur Seyss-Inquart just as we in Poland remember Hans Frank?
  2. But that's the whole point! Appeasing Israel serves a greater purpose. Netanyahu should have been kicked out long time ago but USA has to have a solid base in the Middle East. If not Israel then where? You lost Iran in 1979, you had Iraq & Afghanistan burn down in flames during the War on Terror, Turkey is run by another hard-nosed guy and of course there's Saudi Arabia which nobody calls a democracy? There's a civil war in Yemen and UAE and Qatar are doing mighty fine without serving as US puppets. That's a big stakes geopolitics which is played out over decades and more important than current issues whether Israel supported Trump over Clinton.
  3. Well, Israel is your safest base in the Middle East. They serve a huge purpose regardless of who's in the White House. As for Russia, well, Trump is a businessman, not a politician. He always does business before doing politics. He fights the economical war with China, not with Russia. China broke away from the Soviet leash in the mid-60s. Historically USA hasn't made the most of that split due to old sins from the Korean War and the Vietnam fiasco.
  4. Polish Ekstraklasa is back! Slask Wroclaw vs Rakow Czestochowa has just kicked off.
  5. Israel and Russia would probably disagree with you though. I'm pretty sure these two countries are happy that you elected Trump over Clinton
  6. I just wonder how many Americans remember George Lincoln Rockwell from before 'The Man in the High Castle'? America themselves was still bleeding Nazi vermins in the 60s so they're not the best example when it comes to lecturing Europeans on Gestapo IMO
  7. My knowledge on USA is better than yours on Gestapo though
  8. Americans aren't reliable sources on Gestapo, I'd largely ignore their take on the matter They probably never heard of Sicherheistdienst either
  9. That would probably require striking down or re-writing the Fourth Amendment though. Not gonna happen. We know how US politicians are opposed to changing those 18th century bills of law
  10. Police can arrest anyone for 48 hours without pressing charges. That is the law in USA last time I checked? Just because you get arrested, it doesn't mean you're a criminal
  11. A totalitarian government would shut down CNN years ago. Hell, it wouldn't be allowed to even be created in first place Ted Turner would be send to work in the mines in Alaska, that's totalitarianism for you!
  12. I watched it live and the journalist could have easily called the studio to say they will resume the report like 5 mins later after they relocate. But he kept talking to the policeman instead. If you disobey police orders you will be taken away in handcuffs. It's that simple. I have little sympathy for the CNN powerhouse who has state Governor acting like their courier
  13. CNN journalists have been released already. Of course the Minnesota Governor being from Democratic Party was personally involved there. Nice to know he walks on a CNN leash here, he wouldn't care acting so quickly for any random citizen but CNN is their media tube so he has to help them more than anyone else
  14. Every single TV station plays the race card intentionally. The people in the studio specifically asked why this reporting crew was stopped and they said it's because Jimenez isn't white Bottom line, if police tell you to move, you move not continue with the report, period. Journalists are not sacred cows IMO. They ought to know better after the precint burned down last night that police is on a very short fuse when it comes to patience. CNN lawyers will bail them out in like two hours anyway but CNN wil surely play both the racial & victim card about this.
  15. Police is a force after all? Who wants a weak police in their country? If they show any real weakness they might just dissolve the unit wholesale. And then USA can declare martial law and that's the end of it. What do you expect in a country of 330 million where people can buy guns like raisins? Minorities can't buy semi-automatic weapons or what? Yeah, burning down a whole precint will solve this issue for sure
  16. CNN reporter just got arrested live on air for disobeying Minnesota state police orders CNN is losing their mind and plays the racial card since the guy was named Jimenez
  17. Yep, and I wonder how long before people forget what are they protesting about? Because it's sure not about that guy being killed anymore
  18. This reasoning that "we shouldn't be punished because the other side does the same if not worse things" won't fly in any court regardless of how much time passes by IMO
  19. No wonder courts eventually side with the police in the end. Endorsing theft & arson means endorsing anarchy. No sane court judge in a democratic country would ever endorse anarchy. MInnesota can be as liberal as they want to but it still comes down to pure criminal activities in the end. They're not gonna win the ideological war that way
  20. Lovely 21st century crap - even by Uber standards - just destroy everything Then again, electric bikes are expendable so whatever
  21. It won't be cheaper if GMO gains monopoly over naturally grown food. Monopolists always raise the prices. Same happens with LPG vehicles, it was set to replace gasoline as the "fuel of the future" and now the prices are rocketing so much the LPG car rentals are shutting down hand over fist because it makes no economical sense to rent LPG cars for free anymore. Same will happen with GMO food that simply won't get cheaper. More technology involved means a higher cost.
  22. It would perhaps solve problems in poor African or Asian countries which however don't have money to pay for it. And those GMO producers are unwilling to hand out food for free while the rich EU is unwilling to pay for this crap since that would collapse the agricultural market in Europe. People are not that desperate to pay more for a milk from the lab, they would rather herd millions of cows instead
  23. EU basically told GMO food from USA to fuck off though Americans will have to find a new market for their crap.
  24. USA has made their own bed and no political party is willing to strike the Second Amendment. down. All this talk about progress and everyone is willing to stick to something that's been written in 1791 when you could fire two bullets in 90 seconds
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