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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Yep, can't blame anyone for being smarter than everyone else. If Latvia can convince Baiba Bendika to help them with FIS points (and 10k was in freestyle) then it's understandable Lithuania fields a relay team when they can - even if they probably finish dead last anyway.
  2. Maren Lundby wins gold. Sara Takanashi silver, Nika Kriznar bronze. Big favorite Marita Kramer blew the second jump and finishes 4th.
  3. Yeah, I remember that one, IBU used the Finnish umlauts or whatever that's called and FIS used the "ae" anglicized versions. There was also the infamous Jarkko Maeaettae in ski jumping
  4. Obviously. Greenland & Faroe Islands aren't members of IOC
  5. I wonder how long will Baserga be kept away from the World Cup? Even Cadurisch made her debut at a younger age. For someone labelled as a big talent for years, Baserga is being held back a lot.
  6. It's not about retirement, it's about lack of competition. The fact Riegler, Pommegger, or Fischnaller are still active and in contention for medals at age 40+ tells me in ten years time Joerg and Hofmeister will be in the same bout. Hell, Dujmovits took two years off and she's back on the WC podum like she never retired to begin with. The youth charge happens in other aspects of freestyle skiing, slopestyle, big air and all those events. Parallel slalom has to have the highest average age of competitors involved. This is like the geriatric home for seniors. And since those bad Russians are the only ones with some fresh talent this event will be willified by FIS and IOC for a little while yet.
  7. I just made a point that nobody will retire anytime soon. Joerg has like 10 years on the tour left and Hofmeister & Loch probably 15.
  8. If the situation in Slovakia as bad as everyone says I wouldn't give a fuck what EU says about this. Either save lives or admit coronavirus is indeed a political problem. Ursula van der Leyen has looked incompetent enough already as the delays in vaccine transfers are linked directly to her purchase "strategy" last summer.
  9. This parallel snowaboard is totally low-hanging fruit, Joerg & Dujmovits in the mid-30s, Riegler in her late 40s. It's hilarious that the much-maligned Russia is one nation that actually has found a new talent. Everyone else is set to die on the old name hill Same for the men, two youngest prospects come from Russia, the rest is basically over 30 yo, Fischnaller and Prommegger probably won't retire before they hit 50 at this rate and why should they. There is zero competition in this sport.
  10. Piotr Zyla has a new - much younger - girlfriend these days. He left his wife & kids for her. So he took the "retarding" into a whole new level. Guess a young mistress can do wonders to a man's confidence!
  11. Neah, Poland never stood a chance for a mixed medal so I don't care. I take Zyla beating Geiger in the normal hill event every single day
  12. Oftebro is looking better than any of the Germans at these Champs. I don't see how Norway doesn't win that one
  13. Germany wins by 5,2 points. Probably their only gold medal at these Championships
  14. I know my logic better than you do. Please inform yourself next time before clowning around. Thanks!
  15. Fluke alert! Germany leads after Round 1 by 4,9 pts over Norway.
  16. Ema Klinec blew the women's team event gold and now probably blew the mixed medal chances as well Romania won't finish last as they beat USA by 7 points
  17. No way someone bullies Norway into any changes. They invest more money into cross-country than everyone else combined save for Sweden. It's like trying to ban China in table tennis or Canada in curling. It's just NOT gonna happen
  18. Yes, I mentioned Rolland on the previous page I suppose more people remember her best from the unceremonial exit three seconds into the Vancouver OG downhill
  19. You probably don't follow cross country much? Lampic has 6 World Cup podiums to her name which is quite a lot given how deep Norway and Sweden are in women's sprint. Just because you seemingly don't pay attention to anyone beside Norway, Sweden and Germany it doesn't mean it's always a fluke. Besides Slovenia also won a silver medal in Seefeld in this event which you probably don't realize either
  20. Nope. Nobody beats Rok Benkovic as the biggest Slovenian fluke in WCh history
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