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Everything posted by konig

  1. Yes, you are right but the communist part of the peronist party (they have many) obtein the power again
  2. The communism return to the goverment in Argentina, is a very sad day for me but the explanation is the terrible present goverment. Is long and dificult to me to translate my larger conclutions, so i made that summary.
  3. Well, the communism kill over 100 million people in the last century and clearly fail, the USSR dont exit the nacional-socialism, they must continue to be "buried" in history, sadly, they continue causing problems with gramscianism......
  4. Yes, the only two europeans countrys who demand Visa to argentinians are Molvoda and Belarus, at least to this day.
  5. Photos of the island of Curacao
  6. I agree it was dificult for an "equal" level of songs.
  7. I send my votes, the first two are clearly the best for me, i dont like a very few songs.....and this is a edition without "joke songs", thats a very good thing.......
  8. HAHAHAAH very good video!!, yes, like there are so many countries that speak in spanish, you have MANY diferences between them when you use locals words, in Argentina we have a plus: like we have many italians descendant (my case and more of the 50% of us), you have italians expretions too haha. When i talk with people from another country who speak in spanish, i dont use "argentinism" because most of them dont get that words. I presume the problem with our language is we have many Verb Tenses than most of the languages.
  9. Agree with the last part of your post.
  10. Soda Stereo-Ella uso mi cabeza como un revolver Spanish Lyrics Ella usó mi cabeza Como un revólver E incendió mi conciencia Con sus demonios Me vi llegando tarde Tarde a todo Después de un baño cerebral Estaba listo para ser amado Pasa el tiempo y ahora creo que el vacío es un lugar normal Ella usó mi cabeza Como un revólver No creerías las cosas Que he hecho por ella Cobardemente Pero sin vergüenza Era una piedra en el agua Seca por dentro Así se siente cuando la verdad Es la palabra sometida Fui tan dócil como un guante Y tan sincero como pude Ella usó mi cabeza Como un revólver No creerías las cosas Que he hecho por ella English Lyrics She used my head as a revolver And she burned my consciousness with her demons I saw myself running late, late to everything After a cerebral bath I was ready to be loved Time passes and I now believe That the void is a normal place She used my head as a revolver You wouldn't believe the things I've done for her Cowardly but shameless I was a stone in the water, dried inside So it feels when the truth Is the submitted word I was as docile as a glove And as sincere as I could She used my head as a revolver You wouldn't believe the things I've done for her
  11. I dont think so but its like that kind of facts you think is "once in life".
  12. I cant believe it, Japan defeating Ireland.......i never expect to watch that.
  13. Its debatable but that part of the femenism believe in an existence of "patriarchy" in the west, in the history of mankind the are more equality than in the present, and they dont give any importance to the biology, can being whatever they want: if i see me like a space ninja and you dont agree with that, you are an spaceninjafobic...... The 3 are fanatism, the 3 are stupiditys but there arent in the same level: the anti-vaxxers are clearly the most dangerous.
  14. I always thinked that is an stupidity of this part of the world....but you are rigth, is a world stupid fanatism.....
  15. The anti-vaccine movement is the most stupid and dangerous western fanatism of all, even more than the flat-earth movement (poor Galileo Galilei) and tje feminism of the third wave.
  16. The most important: are you happy with the results?
  17. Im really sad to read what happen with Rodrigo Huk , 25 years old!!, too young......R.I.P tocayo.
  18. CONGRATULATIONS SPAIN!!, a big nigthmare for our team Im proud of this team, i never expected this result!!, we can think in an interesting future for this team. LDOG makes an exactly description of what happen, so i remit to his post.
  19. What can i say? this team makes easy the dificults things..... They having a biggest performance than i ever imagined, it will be a very interesting final with Spain.
  20. I never expected a semifinal, i dont have words to describe my happines with this team.
  21. Argentina is not participating.......OK.
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