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South American Games 2018


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Brazil's golden sports (Artistic Gymnastics/Swimming) have ended today and we're only 5 golds ahead of Colombia. The next days will be interesting, but I think Colombia has the upper hand with Track Cycling just starting.


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7 minutos atrás, vinipereira disse:

Brazil's golden sports (Artistic Gymnastics/Swimming) have ended today and we're only 5 golds ahead of Colombia. The next days will be interesting, but I think Colombia has the upper hand with Track Cycling just starting.



Interesting. But I'm hopeful for more gold medals: in rhythmic gymnasts, we won 61 out of 63 possible gold medals at the South American championships from 2010 to 2017, and we are expected to win all 8 gold medals here. This must help. 

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I have a doubt: the technical regulations state that each tournament will only be competed with a minimum of five different countries. Only four nations sent teams for women's volleyball. Will it really award medals?

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1 minute ago, thiago_simoes said:

I have a doubt: the technical regulations state that each tournament will only be competed with a minimum of five different countries. Only four nations sent teams for women's volleyball. Will it really award medals?


I think so. The Women's +78kg in Judo also have only 4 nations and they awarded medals. (unless the rule for individual events is different)


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25 minutes ago, thiago_simoes said:

I have a doubt: the technical regulations state that each tournament will only be competed with a minimum of five different countries. Only four nations sent teams for women's volleyball. Will it really award medals?


BTW, I think they cancelled the Women's Water Polo tournament prior to the Games because it had only 3 nations, so maybe the new rule to have a competition is 4.


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