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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018


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4 minutes ago, bestmen said:

2 frog football


Sorry guys, it's too slow. I am having to delete a million tables before each time I post because it appears again in the dialogue box from the previous message.

Here is the last update.


I need a break, I can't continue in this method, it's no good.




Voting position 18


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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018

National Jury Voting Order



 Brazil-icon.png  BRAZIL

2   24  
3   25  
4   Estonia-flat-icon.png  ESTONIA 26  
5   Indonesia-flat-icon.png  INDONESIA 27  
6   28  
7   Italy-flat-icon.png  ITALY 29  
8   30  
9   31  
10  Antarctica-flat-icon.png  ANTARCTICA 32   Denmark-flat-icon.png  DENMARK
11   33   France-flat-icon.png  FRANCE
12   34  
13   35  
14   36  
15   37   Poland-flat-icon.png  POLAND
16   38  
17   39  
18   Romania-flat-icon.png  ROMANIA 40  
19   41   Malta-flat-icon.png  MALTA
20   42   Netherlands-flat-icon.png  NETHERLANDS
21   Lithuania-flat-icon.png  LITHUANIA 43  




Brasília (DF)
   Italy-flat-icon.png  ITALY
Cuiabá (MT)
   Denmark-flat-icon.png  DENMARK









Fernando de Noronha (PE)
Foz do Iguaçu (PR)
   France-flat-icon.png  FRANCE









Gramado (RS)
    Antarctica-flat-icon.png  ANTARCTICA
   Estonia-flat-icon.png  ESTONIA
   Poland-flat-icon.png  POLAND


Manaus (AM)
   Romania-flat-icon.png  ROMANIA









Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
    Brazil-icon.png  BRAZIL



Natal (RN)
   Malta-flat-icon.png  MALTA
Ouro Preto (MG)
   Netherlands-flat-icon.png  NETHERLANDS
   Lithuania-flat-icon.png  LITHUANIA









Salvador (BA)
   Indonesia-flat-icon.png  INDONESIA
São Luís (MA)



Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018

National Jury Voting Order



 Brazil-icon.png  BRAZIL

2   24  
3   25  
4   Estonia-flat-icon.png  ESTONIA 26  
5   Indonesia-flat-icon.png  INDONESIA 27  
6   28  
7   Italy-flat-icon.png  ITALY 29  
8   30  
9   31  
10  Antarctica-flat-icon.png  ANTARCTICA 32   Denmark-flat-icon.png  DENMARK
11   33   France-flat-icon.png  FRANCE
12   34  
13   35  
14   36  
15   37  
16   38  
17   39  
18   40  
19   41   Malta-flat-icon.png  MALTA
20   42   Netherlands-flat-icon.png  NETHERLANDS
21   Lithuania-flat-icon.png  LITHUANIA 43  




Brasília (DF)
   Italy-flat-icon.png  ITALY
Cuiabá (MT)
   Denmark-flat-icon.png  DENMARK









Fernando de Noronha (PE)
Foz do Iguaçu (PR)
   France-flat-icon.png  FRANCE









Gramado (RS)
    Antarctica-flat-icon.png  ANTARCTICA
   Estonia-flat-icon.png  ESTONIA


Manaus (AM)









Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
    Brazil-icon.png  BRAZIL



Natal (RN)
   Malta-flat-icon.png  MALTA
Ouro Preto (MG)
   Netherlands-flat-icon.png  NETHERLANDS
   Lithuania-flat-icon.png  LITHUANIA









Salvador (BA)
   Indonesia-flat-icon.png  INDONESIA
São Luís (MA)
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3 minutes ago, OlympicIRL said:


Sorry guys, it's too slow. I am having to delete a million tables before each time I post because it appears again in the dialogue box from the previous message.

Here is the last update.


I need a break, I can't continue in this method, it's no good.



10 for the idea, 2 for the execution? :d 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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I see we're going to war against Estonia

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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6 minutes ago, OlympicIRL said:

Sorry guys, it's too slow. I am having to delete a million tables before each time I post because it appears again in the dialogue box from the previous message.


Have you tried deleting previous tables by clicking Ctrl + A and then Delete? It works for me.


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@mrv86 next.


Grid 1: Choose a numbered tile to reveal a nation


brazil.png image.png.a9d8d66cf99d8c7e506ac2927dec1f44.png 3.png 4.png 5.png image.png.0dc42eb576a707616e1686c397f7b9bd.png
7.png 8.png image.thumb.png.ba755f0709853b73f4ed745572700d5a.png 31DCBYZf5mL._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg 11.png 12.png
13.png 14.png image.png.d93f2c5b0a9f83d815feabbc79e2315c.png image.png.3c1eaeaf62d39688f487fe6fa1b6aa8f.png 17.png image.png.2842d8285162d7d7523eaeb4adefd6d8.png
image.png.54dad2e5f2f8d5a38ea02370d70ec904.png 20.png 21.png image.png.f162c480a4487755a1b6b026ccc95a17.png 23.png 24.png
25.png 26.png 27.png image.png.6fde13c94073464243564342f9b39b61.png 29.png 30.png
31.png image.png.cdb89b8c7bb193e65c3b98a41bdf5155.png 33.png 34.png 35.png 36.png
37.png 38.png image.png.95dc46f2d1e59647650c6465bf643dc2.png 40.png 41.png 42.png




Grid 2: Choose an animal tile to reveal the voting position of the nation that was drawn from Grid 1.


01 turtle.png elephant.png dolphin.png 32 07
04 chicken.png cat.png 10 octopus.png 33
horse.png clown-fish.png alligator.png parrot.png butterfly.png 18
kangaroo.png sheep.png year-of-snake.png 05 koala-filled.png fox.png
37 lion.png seahorse.png 08 21 swan.png
wolf.png starfish.png seal-filled.png bear.png pig.png 42
bat.png rabbit.png duck.png 41 deer.png grasshopper.png


Gird 3: Finally, choose a sports-themed tile to reveal the team and location of the nation that was drawn from the first grid.


music.png   pole-vault.png   cycling-track.png windsurfing.png
bowling.png ski-jumping.png olympic-torch.png musical.png shooting.png f1-race-car-side-view.png
  pawn.png   hockey-2.png archery.png canoe-sprint.png
  weightlift.png   curling.png   swimming.png
water-polo.png cricket.png handball.png skateboard.png   badminton.png
ice-skate.png     boxing.png acrobatics.png ping-pong.png
rowing-2.png diving.png fencing.png skiing.png   whistle.png


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37 - unicorn without horn - biathlon 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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Oops, too early :p 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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