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Serbia National Thread


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  On 6/6/2022 at 4:52 PM, ChandlerMne said:

Ako je vjerovati stranici na Wikipediji, na Mediteranskim igrama cemo imati 244 takmicara. Ako je tacno, mislim da je to rekord. Takmicimo se u vecini timskih sportova.


Iz oks-a su bili rekli 160, ali nema spiska jos

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  On 6/6/2022 at 6:17 PM, Sindo said:

Hello guys!


An update regarding the Serbian section of the forum.


Instead of another website, we are going to use the "club" feature this forum allows. Basically it is a sort of sub-forum only for certain users. You will have the Serbian club where you will have your own sub-forum where you can have sections and threads and write in your national language. This will be much better than having everything inside one single thread, and I am sure it will help to find more Serbian users who will join the discussion in the future


You can find an example of this with the Team Canada club, which we have launched during the Winter Olympics:


Can you please help me with the name of the club? It can be whatever you want.


I hope you will like it and you will follow there all the qualifications to Paris 2024!


how it  will help to find new users when i can't find existing clubs of other nations?

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  On 6/6/2022 at 6:27 PM, DaniSRB said:

how it  will help to find new users when i can't find existing clubs of other nations?


You cant find them but you can open them, right? I think if those pages are public they will be included in Google and other search engine searches.


Also, I will invite there all the new Serbian users who will register. And once a user will be in the club, you will find the link to the club in all the pages:





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  On 6/6/2022 at 6:42 PM, Sindo said:

You cant find them but you can open them, right? I think if those pages are public they will be included in Google and other search engine searches.


Also, I will invite there all the new Serbian users who will register. And once a user will be in the club, you will find the link to the club in all the pages:






Yes, I can only open link which you left. I don't see clubs anywhere on the forum.


However, i suppose many users are attracted to forum thanks to seeing national threads and can discuss in  national languages.

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  On 6/6/2022 at 6:50 PM, DaniSRB said:

I don't see clubs anywhere on the forum.


Once the club will be set up, we will make sure all the Serbian users will see it. And there will also be a direct link to it, something like "", where team-serbia will be changed with the name you choose.


And once in the club there will be threads and posts, users will be able to find the direct link to the club on Google and other search engines.


Any idea for the name you would like to use?

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Odlicni rezultati u atletici, Adriana 62.76 novi LR, Milana 11.37 LR, Bosko 45.59 LR!! 

A tek je pocetak sezone, u prvom delu Balkanijade U18 srebro za teodoru Boberic i to ne u njenoj primarnoj disciplini vec u skoku u dalj sa 6.12, srebro za Virag Baci bacanje koplja 47.48 i najvredniji rezultati kugla Andjela Obradovic 16.37 zlato i srebro za Milicu Stojkov 16.34:yes

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Odrzava se EP u strelicarstvu.

Solidna je bila Katarina Vranjkovic, imala je jednu pobjedu u eliminacijama, a protiv Holandjanke je bila blizu - 4-6.

Od muskaraca samo Stefanovic korektno

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Ne znam jel bilo objavljeno.

Србију ће на Светском првенству представљати 15 рвача: Зураби Датунашвили, Мате и Виктор Немеш, Себастиан Нађ, Али Арсалан, Марио Вуковић, Жарко Дицков, Бранко Ковачевић, Алекса Илић, Урош Крстин, Милош Перовић, Кристијан Чермак, Андрија Михајловић, Стеван Мицић и Магоммедов Нурасулов.


Nema Cabolova, ne znam jel povreda ili su se odrekli njega.

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Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 predstavljati ukupno 6 stonotenisera i stonoteniserki, i to: Izabela Lupulesku, Sabina Šurjan, Tijana Jokić, Žolt Peto, Dimitrije Levajav i Marko Jevtović.


Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 u okviru sportske grane gimnastika predstavljati dvojica sportista, i to: Ivan Dejanović i Petar Vefić.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 u okviru sportske grane DŽUDO predstavljati ukupno 7 sportistkinja i sportista, i to: Nadežda Petrović, Milica Nikolić, Milica Žabić, Marica Perišić, Darko Brašnjović, Strahinja Bunčić i Aleksandar Kukolj.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 predstavljati dvoje sportista u jedrenju, i to: Kristina Boja i Nikola Banjac.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 u okviru grane sporta streličatstvo predstavljati dvoje sportista, i to: Anja Brkić i Mihajlo Stefanović.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu predstavljati šestoro takmičara, i to 4 devojke i 2 muškarca.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 predstavljati dve takmičarke u badmintonu, i to: Marija Sudimac i Sara Lončar

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu 2022 predstavljati dvoje sportista u mačevanju, i to: Jana Grijak i Veljko Ćuk.

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama u Oranu predstavljati dvoje takmičara, i to 1 devojka i 1 muškarac

Srbiju će na Mediteranskim igrama predstavljati ukupno 7 karatistkinja i karatista (3 devojke i 4 muškarca).


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