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Serbia National Thread


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  On 9/15/2021 at 9:39 AM, ChandlerMne said:

Za sve vrijeme na ovom forumu sam od tebe cuo desetine raznoraznih gluposti, ponavljanja, smaranja, proizvoljnih i sasvim nepotrebnih opservacija. Nisam reagovao, cak sam te smatrao korektnim.

Ako ti se ne svidja sta pricam, zaobidji. A imas i ono dugme ignorisi ili blokiraj. 

Moje poruke sasvim sigurno moderirati neces. Pricacu sta hocu i koliko god puta hocu.

A tvoje vidjenje mojih poruka i stavova me interesuju kao cijena nafte u Somaliji.



To si me pomesao sa nekim:d moje vesti su iskljucivo proverene od strane pouzdanih sportskih novinara "blic" "novosti" "zurnal":lol::lol::fencing:

I prosli put ti je receno da smaras sa ovim glupostima samo u blazoj formi kad si se isto nadovezao na vest o Adriani!



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  On 9/15/2021 at 10:51 AM, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

To si me pomesao sa nekim:d moje vesti su iskljucivo proverene od strane pouzdanih sportskih novinara "blic" "novosti" "zurnal":lol::lol::fencing:

I prosli put ti je receno da smaras sa ovim glupostima samo u blazoj formi kad si se isto nadovezao na vest o Adriani!




Besmisleno je polemisati sa nekim kao ti. Nisi inspiracija ni da ti odgovaram vise.

Za vecinu pristojnih i korektnih ljudi  na podforumu - pisacu sta hocu, pa ko oce neka cita. Ko nece - sasvim svejedno. 


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  On 9/15/2021 at 11:00 AM, ChandlerMne said:

Besmisleno je polemisati sa nekim kao ti. Nisi inspiracija ni da ti odgovaram vise.

Za vecinu pristojnih i korektnih ljudi  na podforumu - pisacu sta hocu, pa ko oce neka cita. Ko nece - sasvim svejedno. 




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  On 9/15/2021 at 7:55 AM, DaniSRB said:

It's confirmed now, Danilovic is going to negotiate with Pesic


opinions on Pesic? is the best solution for the national team?

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Ne znam koliko je to tacno ali su danas osvanuli naslovi da ce Maljkovicka zamijeniti selektorku Francuske. Nije nemoguce jer je Marina dala neku neutralnu izjavu, niti potvrdjuje niti negira.


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  On 9/15/2021 at 4:35 PM, George_D said:

opinions on Pesic? is the best solution for the national team?



Probably yes. If we want a coach who will be a coach of national team only, to not have a club, than you don't have much solutions. Pešić is a great coach, there's no doubt about that but you need many things to fall into place if you want to have success nowdays in world basketball with windows, players not coming to play etc. If Jokić decides he wants to play for NT than it's not a big deal who the coach is. If he decides that he loves his horses than playing basketball for his country like he did in the past, than Pešić is going to need all of magic that he used to have in his sleeve. 

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  On 9/17/2021 at 2:05 PM, nenad said:


Probably yes. If we want a coach who will be a coach of national team only, to not have a club, than you don't have much solutions. Pešić is a great coach, there's no doubt about that but you need many things to fall into place if you want to have success nowdays in world basketball with windows, players not coming to play etc. If Jokić decides he wants to play for NT than it's not a big deal who the coach is. If he decides that he loves his horses than playing basketball for his country like he did in the past, than Pešić is going to need all of magic that he used to have in his sleeve. 


as he did in 2001-2002

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Adriana 61.65, na svakom takmicenju ide preko 61 sto je odlicno!

Milica Gardasevic 6.68 ali je imala vetar u ledja 2.2 tako da joj ovo nije priznato kao novi LR!!

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