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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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1 minute ago, hckošice said:

Howler The Coyote is Arizona Coyotes NHL team I believe.


The rest never heard of them

Big Red = Cardinals (NFL), Phillie Phanatic = Philadelphia Phillies (MLB) and of course Howler supports the Arizona Coyotes, which play in the NHL.

That leaves Crunch the Wolf, supporting the Minnesota Timberwolves in the NBA.



Pts. 64,000


Which mascot supports an NBA team?



  A: Big Red     B: Phillie Phanatic
  C: Howler the Coyote   D: Crunch the Wolf   


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2 minutes ago, hckošice said:

I´m back. :)

Alright then, welcome back. :yes


So here it is, your second question worth Pts. 64,000. You're down to a 50:50 at this stage.






Pts. 64,000


A technique developed by American Danny Seemiller

is sometimes chosen as an alternative ...?


  A: turn in swimming pools    B: table tennis grip
  C: run-up for penalties

  D: form of altitude training



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Pts. 64,000


A technique developed by American Danny Seemiller

is sometimes chosen as an alternative ...?


  A: turn in swimming pools    B: table tennis grip
  C: run-up for penalties

  D: form of altitude training


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Not my preferred grip, to be honest.

But yes, he was a unique table tennis player for sure.


Seemiller Grip in Table Tennis - Greg's Table Tennis Pages


Pts. 64,000


A technique developed by American Danny Seemiller

is sometimes chosen as an alternative ...?


  A: turn in swimming pools    B: table tennis grip
  C: run-up for penalties

  D: form of altitude training



♦             P t s . 6 4 , 0 0 0           





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Well... 125,000 points. It would be a personal best.






Pts. 125,000


Which Paralympic sisters each won a gold medal 2012 in London

and a silver medal four years after?


  A: Clegg    B: Brussig      
  C: McFadden   D: du Toit  



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