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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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1 minute ago, Quasit said:

Yes. It's time to get you to 32,000 after the first two games.

Please give me the number 1, 2 or 3 for your stack.

Let’s go for the Goldilocks approach, and take the middle number. I’ll go with number 2.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, Olympian1010 said:

Let’s go for the Goldilocks approach, and take the middle number. I’ll go with number 2.

Alright then. You know what to do. The only difference to your previous games is, you won't have 4 lifelines but the safety net as everyone else.

Good luck!


Let's hope we'll find an expert along the way. Most likely @Wumo again?



50:50 Expert Switch           


15        Pts. 1 Million
14        Pts. 500,000
13        Pts. 250,000
12        Pts. 125,000
11        Pts. 64,000
10        Pts. 32,000
9        Pts. 16,000
8        Pts. 8,000
7        Pts. 4,000
6        Pts. 2,000
5        Pts. 1,000
4        Pts. 500
3        Pts. 300
2        Pts. 200
1        Pts. 100




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Pts. 100


What score announcement is totally normal in tennis?



  A: Ten - Honey     B: Twenty - Sweetheart
  C: Thirty - Darling              D: Forty - Love 




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I must admit that my knowledge of tennis is meager compared to other sports, but I’ve played enough Wii Sports Tennis to know that the answer is D. Forty-Love

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, Olympian1010 said:

I must admit that my knowledge of tennis is meager compared to other sports, but I’ve played enough Wii Sports Tennis to know that the answer is D. Forty-Love

That's all we need for this one. :d



Pts. 100


What score announcement is totally normal in tennis?



  A: Ten - Honey     B: Twenty - Sweetheart
  C: Thirty - Darling              D: Forty - Love 



♦                 P t s . 1 0 0                



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Pts. 200


Predators are said to be on top of the ...?



  A: nourishment string        B: snack order                    
  C: food chain   D: meal row


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I’ll will absolutely be using these phrases from now on, but the most correct terminology would be C. food chain

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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1 minute ago, Olympian1010 said:

I’ll will absolutely be using these phrases from now on, but the most correct terminology would be C. food chain

Haha, snack order and meal row do have a nice ring to them but of course C is correct. :d



Pts. 200


Predators are said to be on top of the ...?



  A: nourishment string        B: snack order                    
  C: food chain   D: meal row



♦                 P t s . 2 0 0                 



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Pts. 300


Which of these was a hit single for The Bangles in 1986?



  A: Manic Monday    B: Wild Wednesday       
  C: Topsy-Turvy Thursday   D: Frenzied Friday  
Question by OlympicIRL


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