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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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You should be certain, that's what they call it. ;)


Pts. 4,000


What is is the occurrence called when the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn

appear closest together, as observed by many on 21st December 2020?


  A: Major conglomerate   B: Great conjunction      
  C: Extreme convergence   D: Big coincidence         



♦               P t s .  4 , 0 0 0             



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Now, for Pts. 8,000 we're going shopping...





Pts. 8,000


In largely assorted shops,

tofu is most commonly offered as firm, smoked and ...?


  A: woollen        B: linen           
  C: silken   D: woven       


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Pts. 8,000


In largely assorted shops,

tofu is most commonly offered as firm, smoked and ...?


  A: woollen        B: linen           
  C: silken   D: woven       


I do have it in my fridge.

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...and it is silken tofu!


Pts. 8,000


In largely assorted shops,

tofu is most commonly offered as firm, smoked and ...?


  A: woollen        B: linen           
  C: silken   D: woven       



♦               P t s .  8 , 0 0 0             




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Two away from the next safety net and no lifeline taken so far. For Pts. 16,000, this is what's on my screen...






Pts. 16,000


In East London lies the London Borough of Tower ...?



  A: Hamlets      B: Lears 
  C: Othellos   D: Macbeths




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Pts. 16,000


In East London lies the London Borough of Tower ...?



  A: Hamlets      B: Lears 
  C: Othellos   D: Macbeths

I see no problem at all here. Correct. :d


Pts. 16,000


In East London lies the London Borough of Tower ...?



  A: Hamlets      B: Lears 
  C: Othellos   D: Macbeths



♦             P t s .  1 6 , 0 0 0           





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A peek in my database told me that on your first time, you used your first lifeline on Q10. This is also where you stand now.

Let's have a look at your Pts. 32,000 question.






Pts. 32,000


What helped the audience distinguishing between the two

short track speed skaters Yang Yang, born 1976 and Yang Yang, born 1977?


  A: 1 and 2   B: A and S
  C: Dragon and Snake                      D: Yin and Yang                            




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