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Either getting easily caught in a trap or simply thinking logically: Answer B: Asthma medication


PS. I think that for some of the Norwegians aphrodisiac would not be needed, while for some 6000 doses might have been to few.

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12 minutes ago, Vojthas said:

Yellowstone is in fact American, but written without space

Wait, what? I had a yellow stone here laying around to show at border control when entering the US, you're saying that won't work? :( 


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A big story on Totallympics. Norway and their asthma medication. Who can forget. :d 



Pts. 2,000


  In February 2018, the national team of Norway reportedly sent over 6,000 doses of what to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang?


  A: Vitamin preparation   B: Asthma medication  
  C: Insulin injections   D: Aphrodisiac


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@Vojthas 4,000 next...




Pts. 4,000


  What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts?



  A: Atmosphere   B: Russian Federation
  C: Catholic Church         D: Human brain



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1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

Wait, what? I had a yellow stone here laying around to show at border control when entering the US, you're saying that won't work? :( 

Nah, that's just a rock that someone pissed on. I'd throw it away.

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1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

Wait, what? I had a yellow stone here laying around to show at border control when entering the US, you're saying that won't work? :( 


1 minute ago, OlympicIRL said:

Nah, that's just a rock that some one pissed on. I'd throw it away.

We allow many imports in the U.S., piss rocks isn’t one of them. 

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Let's keep it straight - I breath with an air in the atmosphere, I do belong to a Catholic Church (which is nothing I am super proud of, to be precisely), I do have a human brain (at least officially - but as I said the "alien" theory is just 3/4 of truth), and I do speak Slavic language as native, maybe that's quite far from speaking Russian, but I do know it's Answer B: Russian Federation.

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Don't seem like that's much of a problem to you.


Pts. 4,000


  What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts?



  A: Atmosphere   B: Russian Federation
  C: Catholic Church         D: Human brain



And it isn't!


Pts. 4,000


  What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts?



  A: Atmosphere   B: Russian Federation
  C: Catholic Church         D: Human brain
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@Vojthas Let's move up to 8,000:




Pts. 8,000


  Which fruit precedes "Pi" to form the name of a single-board computer often used to promote teaching of basic computer science?


  A: Raspberry   B: Blueberry
  C: Blackberry     D: Strawberry 
Question by OlympicIRL



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