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Archery WA Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024


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2 minutes ago, Roamingrover86 said:

The result of this qualifier won’t add rankings points . Only the World cup will & one of  :COL / :GBR /:JPNwill win a quota today . 
So things looking good for :IND in terms of the ranking quota.

I did another calculation, even if they give some points in this tournament, the maximum number any of the other teams may add, is irrelevant.

It seems like Colombia may lose their chance to qualify.


BTW , if anyone is unable to watch the live tournament in their country, with a Mexican VPN you could follow here:


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I’m wondering if World Archery is planning to do a shoot-out between the women losing in 1/8th individual round or will they ranked them like they do for quarterfinal losers.

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