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Boxing IOC Olympic Qualifier 2 2024


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and there is only 4 categories i  men ? 

 Cuba is the best nation in boxing , good part of US boxers came from there 

I dont know how can Uzbekistan learn this sport in short period while they were very weak ,i dont trust this miracle 

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Well they weren’t a nation then to be fair. Since independence they’ve been very strong 


Cuba might end up with qualifiers in all 7 men’s weights. In the Pan Am games, each of their boxers who didn’t qualify was beaten by the gold medalist 

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3 hours ago, bestmen said:

How can brazil and uzbekistan win 10 qota and cuba 4 

Brazil is doing a very serious job in boxing since late 2000s at least, probably one of the best examples of PanAm Games and OG legacy for sport.


And Cuba... well, they are having many issues with sports, not only boxing.

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we always had at least one boxer in the Olympics since 1992, this is the last chance to keep that record going, even though I'm not hopeful but some of our better boxers got OK draws which means if they do their own job they can advance few rounds and maybe win something at the end. 


but tomorrow will be a nervous day for Ali Habibinejad, not because of his own bout, but because his fate is not in his own hands :(. he needs some help from the Spaniard to stay in the draw.

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Really late but better late than never hehe


Day 2 (May 25) Session 3 (Morning) Results:


Mens 51kg:


:ECU Delgado Vera d. :ITA Serra

:TJK Shafiev d. :TTO Suarez

:ESP Lozano Serrano d. :PHI Ladon 

:VEN Gonzalez Solorzano d. :BHU Wangdi 

:PRK Chon-ryong d. :ISR Alaverdian 

:IRL Mari d. :PAK Faheem

:MGL Gankhuyag d. :KSA Al-Atbi 

:COL Martinez Rivas d. :NEP Thapa

:JOR Eshish d. :BUL Sebahtin


Mens 80kg:


:FIJ Aminiasi d. :COL Ortiz

:AUT Aimufua d. :TGA Viney

:DOM Piñales d. :GUY Amsterdam

:IND Loura d. :BUL Nikolov

:IRL Cassidy d. :GER Dadaev

:ESP Jalidov d. :ALG Houmri

:KEN Owuor d. :MLI Gory

:IRI Gheshlaghi d. :KOR Jin-jea

:DEN Terteryan d. :KSA Al-Subhi

:LTU Liorancas d. :VIE Manh Cuong

:ARM Hovhannisyan d. :VEN Pereira

:JPN Wakaya d. :ANT Zalaan


Mens +92kg:


:COL Mendoza d. :MAR Bouhdid

:MRI St Pierre d. :GHA Ahondjo

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