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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2023

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  On 10/31/2023 at 9:03 PM, Olympian1010 said:

My second submission is little more obscure. I first heard this song while watching HBO’s The Outsider. It immediately gave me goosebumps. The vocals are in Hindi of I’m not mistaken @Roamingrover86?

:USA Zaharila - El Michels Affair ft. Piya Malik :USA




Indeed the lyrics are in Hindi, although without the subtitles I wouldn’t have been able to understand the lyrics, :question: as the words were not clear & dialect was difficult to follow. 

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As suggested, I also thought of two songs for this Dia de Los Muertos event.


The first one is one of the saddest songs I know, telling the story of a girl who daily takes the train to madrid and falls in love with someone else that also makes the same journey but misses the courage to talk with him, until one day she does that, on a Thursday , at 11 March 2004, where her live changes forever.


This song is about all the lives that got lost due to the Islamic terrorist attacks from 11 March 2004 that blew up a bunch of trains in Madrid and kill almost 200 people.


The story is based on a Diary that was found at the wreckage of the bombing, who belong to a girl that was writing there how she met a guy on that train trip and how she was enjoying talking with him everyday.


Those in the video above are actual survivors and family members of those murdered in the terrorist attacks.



:ESP La Oreja de Van Gogh - Jueves :ESP

Edited by kungshamra71
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My second song  is not as sad as the first one. In fact, is quite comic since it’s from South Park. 

But it is also quite deep, and if you listen to it carefully, you will realize there the true meaning of the song: we are all going to die, so don’t give too much relevance to things that do not have importance and enjoy all the time you have with those you like, because they will also going to die.


“It might happen in a couple months Or 50 years from now But no matter when it happens It will seem too soon to you
So be sure on Christmas Eve When you snuggle into bed That you thank God for your family 'Cause someday they'll be dead”
:USA South Park - Dead, dead, dead :USA
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I’m not sure this song explicitly qualifies as a “Día de Los Muertos” entry, but it is my favorite Mexican folk song and there’s definitely a somber message and meaning to it. It plays off the prominent Mexican folklore figure La Llorona, a mother who loses her children and becomes a spirit that steals the children of others (if I remember correct). I believe each artist tweaks the lyrics slightly to fit their vision of La Llorona. A version of the song was featured in Coco, but I prefer this version sung by Angela Aguilar. Aguilar was born in Los Angeles, but it is widely recognized as a Mexican artist. This video was shot specifically for the holiday I believe.


:MEX:USA La Llorona - Ángela Aguilar :USA:MEX


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:JPN Sen Masao - Kitaguni no Haru  :JPN




Kitaguni no Haru released in 1977 is one of the most popular enka songs in Japan. The song was covered by various singer in the Sinosphere under various title. This song is a very special song to my late father, although what he listened to is a cover version in Chinese called Rong Shu Xia (Under the Banyan Tree) by Yu Tian [see spoiler] and he is unaware that the song is originally a Japanese song :d. I'm choosing the original version for the sake of giving homage to the original singer.


Since I was a kid I listened to this a lot because my father would play the CD early in the morning and maybe this is one of the factors that gave me a soft spot for Japanese enka/Korean trot (and perhaps contributing to my music taste). My father was hospitalized a few years back due to brain hemorrhage and passed away within a month. Before his passing, I brought a music player and played this tune a few times whenever I visited him in the hospital. Well... it certainly brings back memories and I will be glad if you liked this too.


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There are many songs that remind me of my brother and my sister who passed so I will just post a couple.


This song reminds me of my older sister. She was a big fan of Kylie when she first came out and she bought the album on cassette. She would play the album in our kitchen over and over. She had me and the rest of my brothers and sisters dancing to the locomotion, very fond memories :)


And this song reminds me of my brother for a completely different reason. It is not a song he liked, in fact I am not sure if he ever got to hear the song. It reminds me of him because at the time of his passing and the weeks just after, I spent a lot of time in my teenage bedroom listening to music and this song was all over the air waves at the time and every time I hear the song it brings me right back to that time and how I was feeling.



Edited by OlympicIRL
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Including this year's entries, 771 songs have officially taken part in the Totallympics International Song Contest.


405 songs have officially taken part in the 11 editions of the TISC Open. Over the next few days I will tap into this rich history and post some of the previous TISC Open entries. I will try to post something from each nation that has participated and I will use a random generator to select which songs are presented. Hopefully there will be some forgotten favourites for everyone to enjoy.

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Draw for pairs will likely be on Monday. I’ll communicate more info about the pairs event at a later date.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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