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Boxing at the European Games 2023


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Men's 57kg - :BUL  :SWE  :BEL  :ESP 

Men's 63.5kg - :IRL  :FRA  :GEO  :HUN 

Men's 80kg - :ITA  :UKR  :CRO  :AZE 

Women's 50kg - :TUR  :ITA  :ESP  :FRA

Women's 54kg - :GBR  :BUL  :ROU  :TUR 

Women's 57kg - :BUL  :ITA  :IRL  :FRA 

Women's 60kg - :IRL  :FRA  :TUR  :SRB 

Women's 66kg - :HUN  :BEL  :GBR  :TUR 


Quota matches


Men's 51kg - :GBR v :FRA | :TUR v :ITA 

Men's 71kg - :AZE v :FRA | :ARM v :SRB | :ALB v :DEN | :TUR v :GER 

Men's 92kg - :IRL v :ESP | :POL v :ITA 

Women's 75kg - :FRA v :GER | :POL v :IRL 


QFs in weights classes where the SFs will be the quota matches


Men's +92kg - :GRE v :AZE | :ESP v :GER | :BUL v :LTU | :GBR v :ARM 


[Quotas] (quota match + just regular QF)


[4] 3+0 :FRA

[4] 2+0 :TUR 

[3] 2+0 :ITA  :IRL 

[3] 0+1 :BUL

[2] 1+1 :GBR  :ESP 

[2] :BEL  :HUN 

[1] 1+1 :AZE 

[1] 1+0 :SRB

[1] :UKR  :CRO  :ROU  :SWE  :GEO

2+1 :GER

2+0 :POL

1+1 :ARM 

1+0 :ALB  :DEN 

0+1 :GRE  :LTU 

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Men's 57kg - :BUL  :SWE  :BEL  :ESP 

Men's 63.5kg - :IRL  :FRA  :GEO  :HUN 

Men's 71kg - :FRA  :SRB  :DEN  :TUR

Men's 80kg - :ITA  :UKR  :CRO  :AZE 

Women's 50kg - :TUR  :ITA  :ESP  :FRA

Women's 54kg - :GBR  :BUL  :ROU  :TUR 

Women's 57kg - :BUL  :ITA  :IRL  :FRA 

Women's 60kg - :IRL  :FRA  :TUR  :SRB 

Women's 66kg - :HUN  :BEL  :GBR  :TUR 


Quota matches


Men's 51kg - :GBR v :FRA | :TUR v :ITA 

Men's 92kg - :IRL v :ESP | :POL v :ITA 

Women's 75kg - :FRA v :GER | :POL v :IRL 


QFs in weights classes where the SFs will be the quota matches


Men's +92kg - :GRE v :AZE | :ESP v :GER | :BUL v :LTU | :GBR v :ARM 


[Quotas] (quota match + just regular QF)


[5] 2+0 :FRA

[5] 1+0 :TUR 

[3] 2+0 :ITA  :IRL 

[3] 0+1 :BUL

[2] 1+1 :GBR  :ESP 

[2] :BEL  :HUN  :SRB

[1] 0+1 :AZE 

[1] :UKR  :CRO  :ROU  :SWE  :GEO  :DEN 

2+0 :POL

1+1 :GER

0+1 :GRE  :LTU  :ARM 

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Men's 57kg - :BUL  :SWE  :BEL  :ESP 

Men's 63.5kg - :IRL  :FRA  :GEO  :HUN 

Men's 71kg - :FRA  :SRB  :DEN  :TUR

Men's 80kg - :ITA  :UKR  :CRO  :AZE 

Women's 50kg - :TUR  :ITA  :ESP  :FRA

Women's 54kg - :GBR  :BUL  :ROU  :TUR 

Women's 57kg - :BUL  :ITA  :IRL  :FRA 

Women's 60kg - :IRL  :FRA  :TUR  :SRB 

Women's 66kg - :HUN  :BEL  :GBR  :TUR 


Quota matches


Men's 51kg - :GBR v :FRA | :TUR v :ITA 

Men's 92kg - :IRL v :ESP | :POL v :ITA 

Men's +92kg - :AZE v :GER | :BUL v :GBR 

Women's 75kg - :FRA v :GER | :POL v :IRL 


[Quotas] (quota match)


[5] 2 :FRA

[5] 1 :TUR 

[3] 2 :ITA  :IRL 

[3] 1 :BUL

[2] 2 :GBR 

[2] 1 :ESP

[2] :BEL  :HUN  :SRB

[1] 1 :AZE 

[1] :UKR  :CRO  :ROU  :SWE  :GEO  :DEN 



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2 hours ago, merlinsbeard said:

I do not agree with this at all, I do not accept the hidden blames to Turkish team implying that they did noy deserve the wins. It was a close game, we losy many games like this with referee decisipn and we won many, this time we won. Please stop implying the success of somebody is not deserved if you do not have proof. Hatice is a great boxer, a world champion. 

look at who were the judges and how they scored the bout and then let's talk if it's not determined well before things actually happen...


in this case, 2nd and 3rd round were clearly dominated by Chaarabi.


that's my POV (and as wrong it might be, at least it's only based on what I see happening on the ring and not led by prejudice or bias).

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2 hours ago, ChandlerMne said:

Dont get me wrong for asking but refs are corrupted if they dont declare Italian boxers as winners? I saw few fights when Italians were granted undeserved win. 

Refs are just like that, they make mistakes, i doubt that any nation is particular target of bad judgment.

I would like to see clean fights but that wont happen in the near future, whoever governs boxing.

I hope you're just trying to provoke here.


I don't have to show anymore that I can take any Italian loss (even the most bitter and upsetting) when it's deserved.


but most refs and judges in Olympic boxing are proven corrupted people and I won't stop pointing my fingers to the most obscure episodes.


the Mongolian ref of the match between :ITA and :SRB can't be named only "a man that made a few mistakes", he entered the ring on a mission and followed his plan through the whole bout (and still missed his task).


p.s. in this tournament there have been 2 bouts that might be named as "steal" in favor of Italian fighters (Malanga's 1st round and Gemini's match yesterday vs :SVK and if you read my posts I recognized immediately that we've been gifted those wins).

meanwhile many other losses have been perfectly in order and I didn't write anything against that.

the same, the only true steal against :ITA is today's QF between Chaarabi and  :TUR in the women's -54kg, meanwhile the 2 shameful episodes I mostly insisted on actually are referred to matches that the Italian fighters still won despite that. it's all in this thread.

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2 minutes ago, ChandlerMne said:

Refs and judges are from least boxing nations from Asia, South America and Africa... I mean...cmon... :mad:

2 judges from :ALG and :MAR in a match :ITA vs :TUR (where the Italian girl has well known Tunesian heritage)

just that choice says a lot...;)

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