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Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023

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Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023


INA.gifJPN.gifPHI.gif Various Cities (INA/JPN/PHI) - 25 August 2023 - 10 September 2023 INA.gifJPN.gifPHI.gif




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Qualified Nations

  • ANG.gif Angola
  • AUS.gif Australia
  • BRA.gif Brazil
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CPV.gif Cabo Verde
  • CHN.gif China
  • CIV.gif Côte d'Ivoire
  • DOM.gif Dominican Republic
  • EGY.gif Egypt
  • FIN.gif Finland
  • FRA.gif France
  • GEO.gif Georgia
  • GER.gif Germany
  • GRE.gif Greece
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • IRI.gif Iran
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • JOR.gif Jordan
  • LAT.gif Latvia
  • LBN.gif Lebanon
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • MEX.gif Mexico
  • MNE.gif Montenegro
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico
  • PHI.gif Philippines
  • SRB.gif Serbia
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
  • SSD.gif South Sudan
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • USA.gif United States
  • VEN.gif Venezuela


Competition Format


Group Phase
August 25th - August 30th, 2023
32 Nations, 8 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Round (Results will be carried over into the Second Round), the 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the 17th-32nd Places Classification Groups (Results will be carried over into the 17th-32nd Places Classification Groups)

17th-32nd Places Classification Round
August 31st - September 2nd, 2023
16 Nations, 4 Groups, the Nations will be ranked 17th-32nd

Second Round
September 1st - September 3rd, 2023
16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals

Knockout Round
September 5th - September 10th, 2023
8 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023 Champion
Road to the Men's Basketball IOC Summer Olympics Games 2024
The 1st, 2nd Nations from Americas, Europe and the best Nations from Africa, Asia, Ocenia will qualify for the Men's Basketball IOC Summer Olympics Games 2024

Teams already Qualified for the Men's Basketball IOC Summer Olympics Games 2024
  • FRA.gif France
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Qualification Format






First African Qualifiers Round
November 25th, 2021 - July 3rd, 2022
16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second African Qualifiers Round
Second African Qualifiers Round
August 26th, 2022 - February 26th, 2023
12 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Nations will qualify for the Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023

Registered Nations (Partial)
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • ANG.gif Angola (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • CMR.gif Cameroon (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • CPV.gif Cape Verde (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • CAF.gif Central African Republic (First African Qualifiers Round)
  • COD.gif DR Congo (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • CIV.gif Côte d'Ivoire (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • EGY.gif Egypt (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • GUI.gif Guinea (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • KEN.gif Kenya (First African Qualifiers Round)
  • MLI.gif Mali (First African Qualifiers Round, Disqualified)
  • NGR.gif Nigeria (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • RWA.gif Rwanda (First African Qualifiers Round)
  • SEN.gif Senegal (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • SSD.gif South Sudan (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • TUN.gif Tunisia (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)
  • UGA.gif Uganda (First African Qualifiers Round, Second African Qualifiers Round)






Central American and Caribbean Pre-Qualifiers
April 15th - April 19th, 2021
  5 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations will qualify for the Americas Pre-Qualifiers
June 12th - june 16th, 2021
  2 Nations, Home and Away Match, the winning Nation will qualify for the South American Sub-Zone Second Pre-Qualifiers
July 1st - July 15th, 2021
8 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Goup will qualify for the American Qualifiers
First Americas Qualifiers Round
November 24th, 2021 - July 4th, 2022
16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Americas Qualifiers Round
Second Americas Qualifiers Round
August 25th, 2022 - February 27th, 2023
12 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Nations from each Group and 1 best Nation between the all Groups will qualify for the Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023

Registered Nations (Partial)
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • ARG.gif Argentina (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • BAH.gif Bahamas (American Pre-Qualifiers, First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • BOL.gif Bolivia (South American Sub-Zone First Pre-Qualifiers, Americas Pre-Qualifiers)
  • BRA.gif Brazil (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • CAN.gif Canada (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • CHI.gif Chile (American Pre-Qualifiers, First Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • COL.gif Colombia (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • CRC.gif Costa Rica (Central American abd Caribbean Pre Qualifers, American Pre-Qualifiers)
  • CUB.gif Cuba (American Pre-Qualifiers, First Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • DOM.gif Dominican Republic (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • ECU.gif Ecuador (South American Sub-Zone First Pre-Qualifiers)
  • ESA.gif El Salvador (Central American abd Caribbean Pre Qualifers, American Pre-Qualifiers)
  • GUY.gif Guyana (Central American abd Caribbean Pre Qualifers)
  • JAM.gif Jamaica (Central American abd Caribbean Pre Qualifers)
  • MEX.gif Mexico (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • NCA.gif Nicaragua (Central American abd Caribbean Pre Qualifers, American Pre-Qualifiers)
  • PAN.gif Panama (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • PAR.gif Paraguay (American Pre-Qualifiers, First Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • USA.gif United States (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • URU.gif Uruguay (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • VEN.gif Venezuela (First Americas Qualifiers Round, Second Americas Qualifiers Round)
  • ISV.gif Virgin Islands (First Americas Qualifiers Round)






First Asian Qualifiers Round
November 26th, 2021 - July 4th, 2022
16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Asian Qualifiers Round
August 25th, 2022 - February 27th, 2023
12 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group, Japan and Philippines as the Host Nations will qualify for the Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023


Registered Nations (Partial)
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • AUS.gif Australia (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • BRN.gif Bahrain (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • CHN.gif China (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei (First Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • IND.gif India (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • INA.gif Indonesia (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Host Nation)
  • IRI.gif Iran (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • JPN.gif Japan (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round, Host Nation)
  • KAZ.gif Kazakhstan (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • JOR.gif Jordan (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • LBN.gif Lebanon (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • PHI.gif Philippines (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round, Host Nation)
  • NZL.gif New Zealand (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • KSA.gif Saudi Arabia (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Second Asian Qualifiers Round)
  • KOR.gif South Korea (First Asian Qualifiers Round, Withdrew)
  • SYR.gif Syria (First Asian Qualifiers Round)






European First Pre-Qualifying Round
February 20th, 2020 - February 21st, 2021
8 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the European Second Pre-Qualifying Round

European Second Pre-Qualifying Round
August 7th - August 18th, 2021
12 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the EuroBasket 2022 Qualification Round  
First European Qualifiers Round
November 25th, 2022 - July 4th, 2022
  32 Nations, 8 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Asian Qualifiers Round
Second European Qualifiers Round
August 25th, 2022 - February 27th, 2023
  24 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Men's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2023

Registered Nations (Partial)
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • ALB.gif Albania (European First Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • BLR.gif Belarus (European First Pre-Qualifying Round, European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, Excludded)
  • BEL.gif Belgium (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • BIH.gif Bosnia and Herzegovina (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • BUL.gif Bulgaria (First European Qualifiers Round)
  • CRO.gif Croatia (First European Qualifiers Round)
  • CZE.gif Czech Republic (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • CYP.gif Cyprus (European First Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • DEN.gif Denmark (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • EST.gif Estonia (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • FIN.gif Finland (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • FRA.gif France (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • GEO.gif Georgia (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • GER.gif Germany (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • GBR.gif Great Britain (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • GRE.gif Greece (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • HUN.gif Hungary (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • ISL.gif Iceland (European First Pre-Qualifying Round, European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • ISR.gif Israel (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • ITA.gif Italy (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • LAT.gif Latvia (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round,  First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • KOS.gif Kosovo (European First Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • LTU.gif Lithuania (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • LUX.gif Luxembourg (European First Pre-Qualifying Round, European Second Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • MNE.gif Montenegro (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round,  First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • NED.gif Netherlands (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • MKD.gif North Macedonia (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, First European Qualifiers Round)
  • POL.gif Poland (First European Qualifiers Round)
  • POR.gif Portugal (European First Pre-Qualifying Round, European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, First European Qualifiers Round)
  • ROU.gif Romania (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • RUS.gif Russia (First European Qualifiers Round, Exludded)
  • SRB.gif Serbia (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • SVK.gif Slovakia (European First Pre-Qualifying Round, European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, First European Qualifiers Round)
  • SLO.gif Slovenia (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • ESP.gif Spain (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • SWE.gif Sweden (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round, European Qualifiers Round, First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • SUI.gif Switzerland (European Second Pre-Qualifying Round)
  • TUR.gif Turkey (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
  • UKR.gif Ukraine (First European Qualifiers Round, Second European Qualifiers Round)
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European First Pre-Qualifying Round
February 20th, 2020 - February 21st, 2021
8 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the European Second Pre-Qualifying Round

Group A

  • ALB.gif Albania
  • BLR.gif Belarus
  • CYP.gif Cyprus
  • POR.gif Portugal

Group B

  • ISL.gif Iceland
  • KOS.gif Kosovo
  • LUX.gif Luxembourg
  • SVK.gif Slovakia


Group A


Cyprus CYP.gif 41 - 97 BLR.gif Belarus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 5-22, 13-19, 8-25, 15-31
February 20th 2020, h. 19:00 (GMT +2), Eleftheria Sports Arena, Nicosia


Portugal POR.gif 70 - 62 ALB.gif Albania
Quarter-by-Quarter: 9-18, 22-13, 13-16, 26-15
February 20th 2020, h. 18:30 (GMT), Pavilhao Desportivo de Albufeira, Albufeira


Albania ALB.gif 71 - 64 CYP.gif Cyprus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-17, 13-16, 22-15, 22-16
February 23rd 2020, h. 17:00 (GMT +1), Dhimitraq Goga Sports Palace, Durres


Belarus BLR.gif 72 - 56 POR.gif Portugal
Quarter-by-Quarter: 19-18, 15-11, 19-18, 19-9
February 24th 2020, h. 19:00 (GMT +3), Sports Palace, Minsk


Belarus BLR.gif 90 - 50 ALB.gif Albania
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-16, 24-7, 23-20, 22-7
November 26th 2020, h. 16:30 (GMT), Centro de Desportos e Congressos de Matosinhos, Matosinhos


Portugal POR.gif 74 - 56 CYP.gif Cyprus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 17-21, 27-12, 14-11, 16-12
November 26th 2020, h. 19:30 (GMT), Centro de Desportos e Congressos de Matosinhos, Matosinhos


Belarus BLR.gif 89 - 53 CYP.gif Cyprus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-9, 24-9, 26-13, 15-22
November 28th 2020, h. 15:00 (GMT), Centro de Desportos e Congressos de Matosinhos, Matosinhos


Albania ALB.gif 70 - 88 POR.gif Portugal
Quarter-by-Quarter: 16-22, 21-26, 25-21, 8-19
November 28th 2020, h. 18:00 (GMT), Centro de Desportos e Congressos de Matosinhos, Matosinhos


Portugal POR.gif 75 - 57 BLR.gif Belarus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-12, 25-11, 17-6, 19-28
February 18th 2021, h. 15:00 (GMT +2), Eleftheria Sports Arena, Nicosia
Cyprus CYP.gif88 - 66 ALB.gif Albania
Quarter-by-Quarter: 18-22, 14-12, 26-15, 30-17
February 18th 2021, h. 18:00
(GMT +2), Eleftheria Sports Arena, Nicosia
Cyprus CYP.gif 52 - 84 POR.gif Portugal
Quarter-by-Quarter: 13-21, 9-24, 16-17, 14-22
February 21st 2021, h. 15:00
(GMT +2), Eleftheria Sports Arena, Nicosia
Albania ALB.gif 72 - 93 BLR.gif Belarus
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-25, 15-19, 16-26, 17-23
February 21st 2021, h. 18:00
(GMT +2), Eleftheria Sports Arena, Nicosia
Group A Provisional Standing
POR.gif Portugal
BLR.gif Belarus
CYP.gif Cyprus
ALB.gif Albania
Group B


Slovakia SVK.gif 73 - 65 LUX.gif Luxembourg
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-25, 20-13, 19-11, 14-16
February 20th 2020, h. 18:00 (GMT +1), Eurovia Arena, Bratislava


Kosovo KOS.gif 80 - 78 ISL.gif Iceland
Quarter-by-Quarter: 22-13, 13-21, 25-21, 20-21
February 20th 2020, h. 19:00 (GMT +1), Pallati i Rinise dhe Sporteve, Pristina


Luxembourg LUX.gif 80 - 84 KOS.gif Kosovo
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-25, 25-19, 20-16, 15-24
February 23rd 2020, h. 18:00 (GMT +1), Centre National Sportif & Culturel d'Coque, Luxembourg


Iceland ISL.gif 83 - 74 SVK.gif Slovakia
Quarter-by-Quarter: 17-14, 26-20, 20-20, 20-20
February 23rd 2020, h. 20:00 (GMT), Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík


Iceland ISL.gif 90 - 76 LUX.gif Luxembourg
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-24, 11-14, 32-21, 24-17
November 26th 2020, h. 16:00 (GMT +1), Eurovia Arena, Bratislava


Slovakia SVK.gif 91 - 67 KOS.gif Kosovo
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-9, 21-20, 20-13, 29-25
November 26th 2020, h. 19:00 (GMT +1), Eurovia Arena, Bratislava


Iceland ISL.gif 86 - 62 KOS.gif Kosovo
Quarter-by-Quarter: 21-17, 24-12, 22-14, 19-19
November 28th 2020, h. 16:00 (GMT +1), Eurovia Arena, Bratislava


Luxembourg LUX.gif 77 - 73 SVK.gif Slovakia
Quarter-by-Quarter: 15-16, 16-14, 20-22, 26-21
November 28th 2020, h. 19:00 (GMT +1), Eurovia Arena, Bratislava


Slovakia SVK.gif 79 - 94 ISL.gif Iceland
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-20, 19-23, 16-36, 24-15
February 18th 2021, h. 16:00(GMT +1), Pallati i Rinise dhe Sporteve Prishtina, Prishtina
Kosovo KOS.gif 89 - 99 LUX.gif Luxembourg
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-32, 23-23, 24-20, 19-24
February 18th 2021, h. 19:00
(GMT +1), Pallati i Rinise dhe Sporteve Prishtina, Prishtina
Kosovo KOS.gif 73 - 77 SVK.gif Slovakia
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-15, 14-20, 17-20, 19-22
February 21st 2021, h. 16:00
(GMT +1), Pallati i Rinise dhe Sporteve Prishtina, Prishtina
Luxembourg LUX.gif 84 - 86 ISL.gif Iceland
Quarter-by-Quarter: 23-29, 20-28, 26-14, 15-15
February 21st 2021, h. 19:00
(GMT +1), Pallati i Rinise dhe Sporteve Prishtina, Prishtina
Group B Final Standing
SVK.gif Iceland
SVK.gif Slovakia
LUX.gif Luxembourg
KOS.gif Kosovo
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Central American and Caribbean Pre-Qualifiers
April 15th - April 19th, 2021
  5 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations will qualify for the Americas Pre-Qualifiers


  • CRC.gifCosta Rica
  • ESA.gifEl Salvador
  • GUY.gifGuyana
  • JAM.gifJamaica
  • NCA.gifNicaragua


Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
Costa Rica CRC.gif 67 - 69 JAM.gif Jamaica
Quarter-by-Quarter: 17-17, 7-24, 20-11, 23-17
April 15th 2021, h. 16:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Guyana GUY.gif 73 - 84 NCA.gif Nicaragua
Quarter-by-Quarter: 14-16, 26-26, 9-21, 24-21
April 15th 2021, h. 19:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Jamaica JAM.gif 107 - 87 GUY.gif Guyana
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-24, 27-18, 31-15, 29-30
April 16th 2021, h. 16:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador

El Salvador ESA.gif 58 - 78 CRC.gif Costa Rica
Quarter-by-Quarter: 15-20, 9-11, 11-24, 23-23
April 16th 2021, h. 19:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Nicaragua NCA.gif 92 - 54 JAM.gif Jamaica
Quarter-by-Quarter: 27-11, 22-10, 12-14, 31-19
April 17th 2021, h. 16:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador

Guyana GUY.gif 90 - 92 ESA.gif El Salvador
Quarter-by-Quarter: 24-26, 29-27, 27-14, 10-25
April 17th 2021, h. 19:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Costa Rica CRC.gif 78 - 75 GUY.gif Guyana
Quarter-by-Quarter: 20-20, 19-21, 27-15, 12-19
April 18th 2021, h. 16:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador

El Salvador ESA.gif 82 - 89 NCA.gif Nicaragua
Quarter-by-Quarter: 26-14, 29-23, 12-20, 15-32
April 18th 2021, h. 19:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Nicaragua NCA.gif 55 - 72 CRC.gif Costa Rica
Quarter-by-Quarter: 12-18, 21-14, 14-15, 8-25
April 19th 2021, h. 16:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador

Jamaica JAM.gif 66 - 68 ESA.gif El Salvador
Quarter-by-Quarter: 18-15, 18-21, 13-16, 17-16
April 19th 2021, h. 19:00, Jose Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium, San Salvador
Round-Robin Final Standing
CRC.gif Costa Rica
NCA.gif Nicaragua
ESA.gif El Salvador
JAM.gif Jamaica
GUY.gif Guyana
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