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Women's Curling Tournament at the Winter World University Games 2023

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Women's Curling Tournament at the Winter World University Games 2023


USA.gif Saranac Lake (USA) - 13 January 2023 - 21 January 2023 USA.gif




Official Website 112255r04u4pz70n9mu99d.png
Programme 114826ez87b86sig8ubgz8.png
Results System 112255r04u4pz70n9mu99d.png
Results Database 160706oyh04y5y4bzsnssy.png
Facebook Page 000832qcaljaxz2cfx2jfq.png
Discussion Thread 160706oyh04y5y4bzsnssy.png
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  • 2 months later...

Qualified Nations

  • AUS.gif Australia
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CHN.gif China
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • KOR.gif South Korea
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • SWE.gif Sweden
  • SUI.gif Switzerland
  • USA.gif United States


        Competition Format
Preliminary Round
January 13th - January 19th, 2023
10 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations will qualify for Semifinals
January 19th - January 20th, 2023
8 Nations, Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Women's Curling Winter University Games 2023 Champion
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Preliminary Round
January 13th - January 19th, 2023
10 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations will qualify for Semifinals


  • AUS.gif Australia
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CHN.gif China
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • KOR.gif South Korea
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • SWE.gif Sweden
  • SUI.gif Switzerland
  • USA.gif United States

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
Australia AUS.gif 2 - 6 JPN.gif Japan
January 13th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Sweden SWE.gif 3 - 10 USA.gif United States
January 13th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Spain ESP.gif 5 - 9 CHN.gif China
January 13th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Canada CAN.gif 5 - 6 KOR.gif South Korea
January 13th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Great Britain GBR.gif 6 - 4 SUI.gif Switzerland
January 13th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
United States USA.gif 8 - 4 CAN.gif Canada
January 14th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Japan JPN.gif 5 - 7 KOR.gif South Korea
January 14th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Great Britain GBR.gif 9 - 3 AUS.gif Australia
January 14th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Switzerlands SUI.gif 2 - 9 CHN.gif China
January 14th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Sweden SWE.gif 10 - 2 ESP.gif Spain
January 14th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
China CHN.gif 6 - 4 SWE.gif Sweden
January 14th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Australia AUS.gif 4 - 7 SUI.gif Switzerland
January 14th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Japan JPN.gif 2 - 9 CAN.gif Canada
January 14th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Spain ESP.gif 3 - 6 GBR.gif Great Britain
January 14th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
United States USA.gif 6 - 7 KOR.gif South Korea
January 14th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
South Korea KOR.gif 2 - 5 GBR.gif Great Britain
January 15th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Spain ESP.gif 2 - 12 CAN.gif Canada
January 14th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Switzerlands SUI.gif 5 - 7 USA.gif United States
January 15th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civivcenter, Saranac Lake
China CHN.gif 9 - 2 AUS.gif Australia
January 15th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Japan JPN.gif 3 - 9 SWE.gif Sweden
January 15th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Spain ESP.gif 3 - 7 USA.gif United States
January 16th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Great Britain GBR.gif 9 - 5 JPN.gif Japan
January 16th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Australia AUS.gif 1 - 11 KOR.gif South Korea
January 16th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake CivivcCenter, Saranac Lake
Sweden SWE.gif 6 - 8 SUI.gif Switzerland
January 16th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Canada CAN.gif 4 - 7 CHN.gif China
January 16th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Great Britain GBR.gif 3 - 6 CHN.gif China
January 16th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
United States USA.gif 7 - 3 AUS.gif Australia
January 16th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Canada CAN.gif 2 - 6 SWE.gif Sweden
January 16th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
South Korea KOR.gif 15 - 1 ESP.gif Spain
January 16th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Switzerlands SUI.gif 9 - 7 JPN.gif Japan
January 16th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Sweden SWE.gif 5 - 6 KOR.gif South Korea
January 17th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Switzerlands SUI.gif 11 - 2 ESP.gif Spain
January 17th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
China CHN.gif 7 - 3 JPN.gif Japan
January 17th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Great Britain GBR.gif 3 - 7 USA.gif United States
January 17th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Australia AUS.gif 1 - 10 CAN.gif Canada
January 17th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Japan JPN.gif 10 - 1 ESP.gif Spain
January 18th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Canada CAN.gif 4 - 8 GBR.gif Great Britain
January 18th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
South Korea KOR.gif 5 - 3 SUI.gif Switzerland
January 18th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Australia AUS.gif 4 - 7 SWE.gif Sweden
January 18th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
China CHN.gif 3 - 5 USA.gif United States
January 18th 2023, h. 09:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Canada CAN.gif 5 - 3 SUI.gif Switzerland
January 18th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
South Korea KOR.gif 8 - 6 CHN.gif China
January 18th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Sweden SWE.gif 2 - 7 GBR.gif Great Britain
January 18th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake CivivcCenter, Saranac Lake
United States USA.gif 10 - 2 JPN.gif Japan
January 18th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Spain ESP.gif 7 - 5 AUS.gif Australia
January 18th 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Round-Robin Final Standing
KOR.gif South Korea
USA.gif United States
CHN.gif China
GBR.gif Great Britain
SWE.gif Sweden
SUI.gif Switzerland
CAN.gif Canada
JPN.gif Japan
ESP.gif Spain
AUS.gif Australia
Edited by frantic13poland
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Results Update




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Preliminary Round

Day 2

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Knockout Round
January 19th - January 20th, 2023
8 Nations, Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Women's Curling Winter University Games 2023 Champion

  • CHN.gif China
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • KOR.gif South Korea
  • USA.gif United States

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
South Korea KOR.gif 10 - 4 GBR.gif Great Britain
January 19th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
China CHN.gif 6 - 5 USA.gif United States
January 19th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake



Bronze Medal Match
Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
Great Britain GBR.gif 3 - 7 USA.gif United States
January 20th 2023, h. 14:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake



Gold Medal Match
Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
South Korea KOR.gif 4 - 6 CHN.gif China
January 21st 2023, h. 19:00, Saranac Lake Civic Center, Saranac Lake
Edited by frantic13poland
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