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  On 6/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, DaniSRB said:

Hocemo za svaki sport po temu otvarati? :d


You can decide that yourself. My general suggestion is initially to have few threads, to avoid having many threads with few replies, then when the section will be more active you can open more threads.


By the way, I have made Майкл as owner but if you want you can be as well :yes

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  On 6/20/2022 at 6:02 PM, Sindo said:

You can decide that yourself. My general suggestion is initially to have few threads, to avoid having many threads with few replies, then when the section will be more active you can open more threads.


By the way, I have made Майкл as owner but if you want you can be as well :yes


I am fine with Майкл being sole owner. 


Well, we are mostly all active Serbian users here, in last few years noone appeared 😂

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  On 6/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, DaniSRB said:

Hocemo za svaki sport po temu otvarati? :d


Мислим да нам реално није потребно превише појединачних тема. Али видећемо како други мисле да је најбоље, мени је свеједно.

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Yeah, it's up to you to decide which threads you want to open. It is like having an own forum, where is the home page. By the way, you can also change "Team Serbia" into whatever name you want :yes


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Barna treći u kvalifikacijama iza Drehsela i Popovićija


Basketaši se mučili sa Novim Zelandom ali dobili. Imaju još Portoriko, Brazil i Francuze u grupi. 


Nego, ako neko može da mi kaže gde su najveće promene u sistemu kvalifikacija a koje se tiču nas, bio bih mu zahvalan. 

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  On 6/21/2022 at 10:51 AM, nenad said:

Barna treći u kvalifikacijama iza Drehsela i Popovićija


Basketaši se mučili sa Novim Zelandom ali dobili. Imaju još Portoriko, Brazil i Francuze u grupi. 


Nego, ako neko može da mi kaže gde su najveće promene u sistemu kvalifikacija a koje se tiču nas, bio bih mu zahvalan. 


ndma vise kontinentalnih kvalifikacija u odbojci, posle 3 svetska turnira gleda se renking



ostalo ne znam, uglavnom manji broj kvota

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