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Tennis 2016 Discussion Thread


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On 4/15/2016 at 2:05 PM, hckosice said:

SVK-CAN  will be opened by Dominika Cibulková and Francoise Abanda in 1st match





Why is this the first time I ever saw this Abanda girl? :hearts:


Starting today, I am a Francoise Abanda fan :clap:


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We had a great start against France with Kiki Bertens beating Caroline Garcia, but Kristina Mladenovic not surprisingly was too strong for Richel Hogenkamp: 1-1. 


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3 hours ago, Wanderer said:

In Asian/Oceanian Zone Group II Bahrain won only one game in 11 rubbers played :red:

Philippines advanced to Zone Group I 2017, defeated Singapore 2-0.

I was surprised with Singapore performance. I thought even Pacific Oceania had stronger team with Tere-Apisah (PNG) and Carruthers (SAM) in the team.

Final standing:

1. Philippines

2. Singapore

3. Hong Kong

4. Malaysia

5. Indonesia

6. Pacific Oceania

7. Sri Lanka

8. Iran

9. Pakistan

10. Bahrain

11 Kyrgyzstan

I thought with "one game" you meant one match, but no, 1 match ended 6-0, 6-1 and the other 10 with 6-0, 6-0, that's sad :lol::( 


To be fair, two of them were only 14 when the week started (one turned 15 at the day of the match against Hong Kong)..


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Slovakia - Canada  2-0 after Day 1

  • Dominika Cibulková - Francoise Abanda 4:6, 6:3, 6:1
  • Anna Karolína Schmiedlová - Aleksandra Wozniak 6:4, 4:6, 6:4















and one for heywoodu:)




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24 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Thanks :d


And shame on Cibulkova for beating her :stop:


well, it would be a shame if she didn´t win:d


and you´re welcome:d

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5 hours ago, heywoodu said:

I thought with "one game" you meant one match, but no, 1 match ended 6-0, 6-1 and the other 10 with 6-0, 6-0, that's sad :lol::( 


To be fair, two of them were only 14 when the week started (one turned 15 at the day of the match against Hong Kong)..


You better check your tennis dictionary :d


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1 minute ago, Wanderer said:


You better check your tennis dictionary :d


I know what a "game" means in tennis :d

However, winning 1 game in 11 rubbers seemed so impossible that I couldn't believe it :lol:


Actually in 14 rubbers by the way :p 


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