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Sailing 2022 Discussion Thread


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A belated happy birthday to Félix Sienra of  :URU who competed in sailing at the 1948 Games in London where he finished 6th in the Firefly class behind Danish legend Paul Elvstrøm. Yesterday was his 106th birthday which makes him the third longest lived olympian in modern Olympic history.

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On 1/27/2022 at 2:32 PM, Makedonas said:

Looks like :GRE Vasileia Karachaliou (laser radial) will soon be competing for :POR

She is 25 yo and was 9th in Rio. Currently ranked 5th in the world.

It was announced today that World Sailing is officially allowing her to change nationalities. The Hellenic Olympic Committee was trying to block/delay this. There was previously a rumour that she would not be allowed to switch until after Paris 2024, and that she would have to skip the next Olympics but that no longer seems to be true. However there is also a rumour that she might compete for Cote d'Ivoire instead of Portugal :yikes:


I think the Hellenic Sailing Federation is really shameful. This is the second time this has happened in recent history, as Kyranakou (aka Zegers) became Dutch and she competed for them in Rio and Tokyo. Obviously the sailing federation is not okay because this doesn't happen really with our other federations (except for people who weren't good enough for Greece anyways, or in team sports went to countries where they had one parent from so they could have a better chance at winning medals).


However, I don't like the way Karachaliou handled this either. She acts so innocent and like a true victim but I don't really buy it. She had some difficulties since 2017 with the federation so they definitely should have taken steps sooner to address this, but there was a lot of shock/outrage from the Hellenic Olympic Committee when she announced a few months ago that she is done with Greece. They wanted to solve the problems with her but she refused. Prior to that (shortly after the Tokyo Olympics), she was offered some money from them which she declined because she already made up her mind (the Hellenic Olympic Committee was unaware of her intentions to stop representing Greece).


She also had a Greek sponsor (possibly more than one, but definitely at least one that I know of) who supported her a lot until Tokyo and they are very unhappy with her now. Of course there are two sides to every story, but it seems a little stubborn from her to not accept help from people who wanted to support her. She can say that "Greece kicked her out," and that might be partially true, but in the end she could have stayed but basically told everyone "it's too late" and just left instead of trying to sort her issues out. Other athletes have come out and said that the Hellenic Olympic Committee was always good to them, and Karachaliou even admitted that she received money and her reasons for leaving Greece aren't only economical...


As I said, she definitely had her reasons and her problems with the sailing federation, but at the end many people tried to help her and solve her issues with the federation, but she didn't care. I know she must've been frustrated after years of this, but it's very disappointing that she wouldn't give Greece another chance, especially after this news became viral and more people started paying attention. That was the perfect opportunity for positive change but instead she decided to walk away from her country. I'm sure her sponsorship situation also wasn't ideal, but the Hellenic Olympic Committee got her a sponsor and she kind of turned her back on the people that supported her these years.


A lot of Greeks will still cheer for her when she switches to her new country. Personally, I will not be. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but when you have problems with people and the other people want to fix them and you don't want to fix them, it says a lot about your character.

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the new Olympic Classes mede their season's debut in Palma de Mallorca, where the Princesa Sofia Trophy (the 1st stage of the 2022 World Cup) just ended a few hours ago...


51st Trofeo Princesa Sofia (:ESP Palma De Mallorca)

2022 Sailing World Cup, Stage #1


Medallists Recap


Mixed Nacra 17

Gold: :ITA Tita / Banti
Silver: :FIN Kurtbay / Keskinen
Bronze: :GBR Gimson / Burnett

Mixed 470

Gold: :ESP Xammar / Brugman
Silver: :ITA Ferrari / Caruso
Bronze: :FRA Peponnet / Retornaz

Women's 49er FX

Gold: :NED Van Aanholt / Duetz
Silver: :BRA Soffietti-Grael / Kunze
Bronze: :ITA Germani / Bertuzzi

Men's 49er

Gold: :FRA Fischer / Pequin
Silver: :USA Barrows / Henken
Bronze: :POL Staniul / Sztorch

Women's ILCA 6

Gold: :CAN Sarah Douglas
Silver: :GBR Hanna Snellgrove
Bronze: :GRE Vasileia Karachaliou

Men's ILCA 7

Gold: :GBR Michael Beckett
Silver: :AUS Matt Wearn
Bronze: :GER Philipp Buhl

Women's iQFoil (Windsurfing)

Gold: :FRA Helene Noesmoen
Silver: :ESP Pilar Lamadrid Trueba
Bronze: :POL Maja Dziarnowska

Men's iQFoil (Windsurfing)

Gold: :GBR Andrew Brown
Silver: :ITA Nicolò Renna
Bronze: :NED Luuc Van Opzeeland

Women's Kite

Gold: :USA Daniela Moroz
Silver: :FRA Lauriane Nolot
Bronze: :GBR Ellie Aldridge

Men's Kite

Gold: :FRA Theo De Ramecourt
Silver: :FRA Benoit Gomez
Bronze: :GBR Connor Bainbridge



Recap by World Sailing

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2 hours ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

Aren't there any replay or sailing wc? Or have the world sailing stopped broadcasting post 2020 due to cash crunch? 

unfortunately, we only have micro-highlights, no full races nor extended summaries...:facepalm:

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2 hours ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

So nothing like watching Sailing now only during Olympics 


maybe we'll see something at the World Champs/European Champs of some classes...:mumble:


and we always have the great show of the Sail Grand Prix with the America's Cup boats...

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1 hour ago, phelps said:

maybe we'll see something at the World Champs/European Champs of some classes...:mumble:


and we always have the great show of the Sail Grand Prix with the America's Cup boats...

Not sure how much really will be available. Even in 2021 didn't find many. 

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