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Insanely lucky day for me in the swimming prediction contest or maybe it is a miscalculation? Not sure how i was able to make up so much ground in one day.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Final Standing is available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wBRA: juliosilva 
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wITA: Henry_Leon 
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg  :wROU: ady48



Here is the presentation of the three medallists. Congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @juliosilva with the gold medal, @Henry_Leon with the silver medal and @ady48 with the bronze medal.

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Final Standing is available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wCAN: Josh
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wITA: Henry_Leon 
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg  :wIND: Siddhartha Talukdar 



Here is the presentation of the three medallists. Congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @Josh with the gold medal, @Henry_Leon with the silver medal and @Siddhartha Talukdar with the bronze medal.

Edited by Wumo
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First time I'm on the podium, and it's a gold :yes


Anyone want an autograph now? :p


Well... I have to say, this certainly was unexpected. Wouldn't have thought I'd ever take a medal in a fencing predictions contest, much less a gold. But I'll take it I guess :p 

Thank you to @Wumo for organizing the contest, and congrats to the other medalists @Henry_Leon@Siddhartha Talukdar:beer:

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Very impressive performance by Wumo, must be a lot of work. I think noone would have a problem if you wouldn't post all the results so quickly. Please don't put any pressure on yourself.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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