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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Yes, I heard about it, the numbers and the speed at which it spreads are really terrible
  2. I understand everything especially that part about swimming pool having two ends/walls
  3. I think they are really good, try to beat this 1:25 You are the black sheep of the family
  4. Looks like a Proposal will be presented to move the EYOF Banská Bystrica to 2022
  5. yep, but apparently the site is updated many times per day, Some European countries are added only once per day (night) ,ofc according our medias, I´ve personally never heard about this site before lol
  6. yeah, I don´t trust this at all. our medias were just surprised to see the country mentioned in such thing, but we all know that we are far of to be a SAFE COUNTRY TO STAY during his shit. I seriously don´t know what are the formulas they use to count this and how serious it is, i doubt that it is even a little realistic
  7. Israeli politicians are massively spreading the study that their country is best in the fight against coronavirus. However, it also mentions Slovakia, according to the report we are the third best in the world against COVID-19. lol somehow I can not believe it
  8. 400 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+37 yesterday) - 1 dead The PM is seriously considering to put the whole Slovakia for 3 weeks under a total (as he said) "blackout" in other words completely shut-down the country for three weeks but only after a 2 weeks preparation. Arguing we are losing 78 millions of EUR per day right now, The rest of the crisis stuff is however apparently against it. It will be negotiated on the next crisis meeting. Since Friday the nation will start massive testing in the country´s Roma Ghettos. The first 33 ghettos will be put in quarantine and everyone should be tested inside. during the next crisis meeting they will also review the measures and regulations for easter but one thing was already... announced... The Easter Monday nation´s tradition of throwing water on women will be banned this year (after some +/- 1200 years in a row)
  9. aaand we officially succumbed, could no longer resist anymore, after 24 days from the first confirmed case, we have our first dead... 1st victim in 60 years old man. RIP
  10. 363 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+27 Yesterday) According to PM if we´ll be able to keep the discipline we are showing and will be able to maintan the regulations and imposed measures we could finish among the 5 countries in the world that have managed the best this pandemic...but there also still a possibility we will have to shut down Slovakia completely for three weeks At current pace we should have around 170k infected persons during the highest peak in early July (according to the new updated model of the developement of the pandemic based on current measures and regulations)
  11. Mandatory wearing of masks from today also in
  12. Looks like Slovenia and Austria starts mandatory wearing of masks (in shops for now) , I fear it is too late..but it looks like their authorities are finally beginning to realize the seriousness of the situation
  13. already announced they will move it to another date
  14. Daily Update. 22 new confirmed cases yesterday (1 of them is also our boxer Andrej Csemez - first confirmed positive slovak international level athlete) So 336 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+22 Yesterday) 120 of them Hospitalized, 2 in serious condition 1 of them in critical Updated Graph Red - Total amount of confirmed cases Blue - Daily confirmed cases and todays photogallery other small shops opened today. For example, textile stores can be open under strict conditions (gloves and masks mandatory, distance required and only a very limited amount of people in the shop at the same time (1 for 25 m2 of the shop area) which resulted in a mass attack of mentioned shops, everyone looking for cotton textile and sewing equipments The mask machine remains quite popular but overall life remains paralyzed and the city's main squares which in other times are full of people and tourists are now still empty
  15. Andrej "Bandi" Csemez tested positive, first Slovak positive athlete. Our only quite competitive boxer. The guys from the federation are so pissed right now about the organizers of the tournament...since I guess, we are not the only one, it will be interesting to see what will happen in the next days this can easily finish at some court
  16. And now something also for romantic souls. Weddings are allowed only at local offices and under strict conditions with minimal participation and without guests.
  17. Yes. Basically, he said long time ago that this years Olympics will be his last careers race, no matter how it would end...then this current pandemic situation happened and the games are thankfully postponed, during the first intervew after the annoucement he confirmed that he was not considering to continue to torture his body with all incredibly hard training and whole preparation regime for one more season anymore. After more than 20 years of high level sport career it came the time to finally dedicate more time to his family. Couple of days later, when he was asked again, he said, it is a decision that needs to be well considered, He needs a little time more to reconsider all pros and cons before announcing the final decision to either retire or to go one more year into the "torture preparation" because obviously if he will go to Tokyo it will not be to just compete but with only goal to maintain the Olympic title
  18. It´s not hard to do one at home. Trust me, if you know someone who is skilled or do have a sew machine you need just a piece of cotton and rubber band, my mom with one friend of her made several literally tens of pieces. we gave them to the whole family, they are easy to wash and we use them daily... There plenty of videos on youtube how to make them, or even without sewing, it require basically only a couple of seconds
  19. yeah, well, my hungarian is somewhere around my Chinese language just the fact that I know these two words and know what they means must by default be necessarily considered as a respectable fact.
  20. 22 New Confirmed Cases yesterday, we officially surpassed the 300 barrier... So 314 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+22 Yesterday) 2 in Serious Case, 1 of them still in very critical Updated Graph In some cities Masks machines are starting to be installed. If someone loses or for some reason damage the mask he is wearing, he can thanks this machine quickly buy a new one for 2 EUR (available also for bank cards) There also disinfectant gels and other disinfectants available
  21. Our economical First governments aid will cost a billion euros per month . It should prevent layoffs though An additional € 500 million will be used by the state to provide bank guarantees. The PM after last nights crisis meeting introduced today seven measures to address the economic impact of the crisis. They should apply only for employers who do not lay off any of their employees and only under guarantee they will retain jobs of their employees during the crisis. 1. The State shall reimburse 80 percent of every employee's salary of all companies that are actually closed due mandatory ban. 2. Allowances for self-employed persons and employees according to the decrease in sales. At a decline of 20 percent - 180 euros. At a decline of 40 percent - 300 euros. At a decrease of 60 percent 420 euros. At a decline of 80 percent - 540 euros... 3. Provision of bank guarantees of EUR 500 million per month. 4. For all employees in quarantine and parents that have to stay with their childs (Elementary School kids) at home, 55 percent of their gross wage will be paid for during the all time they will be in quarantine or stay with their young childs during closed schools. 5. Postponement of payment of employer contributions when sales will fall by more than 40 percent 6. Postponement of income tax advances when sales fell by more than 40 percent 7. Possibility of offsetting losses not yet claimed since 2014 inclusive
  22. Meanwhile in a certain country named the Republic of Belarus, this player who is also the president of the country, a certain Lukashenko won the national amateur ice hockey tournament in Minsk... " Is there a virus? I didn't notice anything. Sports, especially hockey, is the best antiviral medicine." was his quote, according the pictures available from the tournament, many peoples attended that event
  23. I´ll going to lost one hour again thanks That idiotic time change again tonight .. bye CET... hello CEST
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