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  1. Scores after 2nd Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Denmark - Belarus : 1-2 (1-1, 0-1, -) 02:12 Artem DEMKOV (Kodola, Korobov) 0:1 05:29 Nicolas MEYER (Lauridsen) 1:1 30:20 Mikhail STEFANOVICH (Falkovsky, Protas) 1:2 Group B (Riga Arena) Latvia - Norway : 2-2 (2-1, 0-1, -) 03:50 Sondre OLDEN (Kasastul, Trettenes) 0:1 11:55 Renars KRASTENBERGS (Rubins) 1:1 17:44 Ronalds KENINŠ (Abols, Sotnieks) 2:1 21:08 Ken Andre OLIMB (Rosseli Olsen) 2:2
  2. Scores after 1st Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Denmark - Belarus : 1-1 (1-1, -, -) 02:12 Artem DEMKOV (Kodola, Korobov) 0:1 05:29 Nicolas MEYER (Lauridsen) 1:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Latvia - Norway : 2-1 (2-1, -, -) 03:50 Sondre OLDEN (Kasastul, Trettenes) 0:1 11:55 Renars KRASTENBERGS (Rubins) 1:1 17:44 Ronalds KENINŠ (Abols, Sotnieks) 2:1
  3. During an interview with our athlete the reporter of our federation site claimed ITU announced last week there will be no Tripartite invitation in the W event. and 2 other girls from world ranking will qualify instead. Anyone has info if it is true ?
  4. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 25th Qualified Athlete Martina REPISKÁ - BADMINTON (W SINGLES) Martina Repiská sa kvalifikovala na OH Stane sa treťou slovenskou bedmintonistkou so štartom na OH Slovenská reprezentantka v bedmintone Martina Repiská sa kvalifikovala na olympijské hry 2020 do Tokia. Stane sa tak treťou Slovenkou štartujúcou pod piatimi olympijskými kruhmi po Eve Sládekovej a Monike Fašungovej. Svetová bedmintonová federácia (BWF) v piatok oznámila, že už žiaden turnaj nebude súčasťou kvalifikácie na olympijské hry. V Tokiu sa predstavia najlepší hráči vo svetových rebríčkoch k 15. júnu, dovtedy sa však už rankingy vzhľadom na zmrazenie turnajov nezmenia. BWF už čoskoro rozpošle kvalifikovaným oficiálne pozvánky a bude čakať na ich potvrdenie. „Kvalifikačný proces na olympijské hry je prakticky uzatvorený, keďže hráči už nebudú mať možnosť získavať body. Definitívne prerozdelenie všetkých miest je otázka nasledujúcich týždňov,“ povedal generálny sekretár BWF Thomas Lund. Dvadsaťpäťročná Repiská sa aktuálne vo svetovom rebríčku nachádza na 69. mieste. V redukovanom poradí hráčok jej patrí 39. priečka, čo je podľa BWF zaručuje účasť na olympijských hrách. „Podľa našich prepočtov má Martina účasť na 100 percent istú. Samozrejme, ešte musí prísť oficiálny pozývací list a my účasť následne, samozrejme, potvrdíme. Martina je teraz v Dánsku, kde sa v tamojšom národnom centre pripravuje na olympijské hry. My už sme v pláne ani nemali žiadne ďalšie turnaje,“ potvrdil dobrú správu pre TASR reprezentačný tréner Michal Matejka.
  5. Final Scores Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Sweden - Great Britain : 4-1 (1-1, 2-0, 1-0) 07:20 Liam KIRK (Phillips) 0:1 15:18 Marcus SORENSEN (Olofsson, Tommernes) 1:1 27:00 Jonathan PUDAS (Pilut, Wingerli) 2:1 32:08 Mario KEMPE (Sorensen) 3:1 52:34 Mario KEMPE (Sorensen) 4:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Kazakhstan - Canada : 2-4 (0-1, 1-1, 1-2) 06:03 Andrew MANGIAPANE (Henrique, Brown) 0:1 21:01 Adam HENRIQUE (Power, Mangiapane) 0:2 24:03 Nikita MIKHAILIS (Unassisted) 1:2 41:31 Nikita MIKHAILIS (Valk, Savitsky) 2:2 47:40 Cole PERFETTI (Anderson, Dolan) 2:3 59:57 Connor BROWN (Henrique) 2:4
  6. Dad Mikhailis happy son Mikhailis scored two today. CAN for the second time in a row threw out a 2-0 lead..
  7. Scores after 2nd Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Sweden - Great Britain : 3-1 (1-1, 2-0, -) 07:20 Liam KIRK (Phillips) 0:1 15:18 Marcus SORENSEN (Olofsson, Tommernes) 1:1 27:00 Jonathan PUDAS (Pilut, Wingerli) 2:1 32:08 Mario KEMPE (Sorensen) 3:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Kazakhstan - Canada : 1-2 (0-1, 1-1, -) 06:03 Andrew MANGIAPANE (Henrique, Brown) 0:1 21:01 Adam HENRIQUE (Power, Mangiapane) 0:2 24:03 Nikita MIKHAILIS (Unassisted) 1:2
  8. Scores after 1st Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Sweden - Great Britain : 1-1 (1-1, -, -) 07:20 Liam KIRK (Phillips) 0:1 15:18 Marcus SORENSEN (Olofsson, Tommernes) 1:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Kazakhstan - Canada : 0-1 (0-1, -, -) 06:03 Andrew MANGIAPANE (Henrique, Brown) 0:1
  9. Sagan was fined 1,000 Swiss francs yesterday and deducted 50 points from the UCI rankings for allegedly intimidating opponents and misconduct in the initial 10 kilometers when he allegedly blocked some riders attempts to escape from the peloton. What a stupidity is that again ?
  10. POWER RANKING 27th May 2021 Edition In the fourth Power Rankings of 2021, the defending champion Finns are right back on top as they lead the tournament with 10 points. Switzerland jumps into second place after thrashing Slovakia, while the U.S. hangs tough in third place. The Power Rankings are for the enjoyment of readers, and reflect the progress of teams during the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. They are distinct from the official standings and IIHF World Ranking. 1 FIN In the warm-up, Italy trash-talked Lordi 2 SUI How come we never beat Czechoslovakia 13-3? 3 USA Big moustache, bigger heart 4 ROC Sochi Bear ate Duckly again 5 GER Kazakhstan, you can go video review yourself! 6 KAZ Breakaways, penalty shots...we ain’t picky 7 SVK Can still win silver if we add a 44-year-old... 8 LAT We will beat Mexico 9 GBR “My name is Kirk. Liam Kirk.” 10 CZE Well, that went better than the 2006 final! 11 BLR The week started off so well 12 DEN “Dahm I Wish I Was Your Lover” (Sophie B. Hockey) 13 CAN When one Connor falls, another must arise 14 SWE Mullets have made a comeback, just like the Czechs 15 NOR 15 shots per game – if only this was Qatar! 16 ITA When all else fails, there is lasagne Previous Editions 23rd May, 2021 21st May, 2021 23rd May, 2021
  11. This one is a no brainer. Weightlifting by miles, complicated, idiotic and elitist qualifying system, followed by boxing, this was a category Apart this cycle in term of stupidity. And then wrestling for allowing too many quotas almost 2 years before the games and too few in the real Olympic season
  12. Groups. Sadly we will not play in 1 hour of our borders A (Krakov, POL): B (Ostrava, CZE): C (Tampere, FIN): D (Tallinn, EST):
  13. Friday May 28th, 2021 - Preliminary Round Day 8 Schedule (GMT +3)  Preliminary Round LIVESTREAM Group A Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Sweden vs Great Britain Period-by-Period: May 28th 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Denmark vs Belarus Period-by-Period: May 28th 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Group B Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Kazakhstan vs Canada Period-by-Period: May 28th 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Latvia vs Norway Period-by-Period: May 28th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga
  14. DAY 7 HIGHLIGHTS Sweden 2 - 4 Czech Republic Period-by-Period: 2-0, 0-0, 0-4 May 27th 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 13. Wingerli (Friberg) 1:0, 16. Rakell (A. Kempe, Nygren) 2:0 - 42. Vrána (Stránský) 2:1, 45. Kovář (Sekáč, Kubalík) 2:2, 49. Klok (Kovář) 2:3, 59. Flek (Kubalík) 2:4
  15. DAY 7 HIGHLIGHTS Finland 3 - 0 Italy Period-by-Period: 2-0, 1-0, 0-0 May 27th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 7. Sund (Kontiola, Innala) 1:0, 9. Ruotsalainen (Ojamäki) 2:0, 29. Sund (Mäenalanen, Koivisto) 3:0
  16. DAY 7 HIGHLIGHTS Switzerland 8 - 1 Slovakia Period-by-Period: 1-0, 3-0, 4-1 May 27th 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 10. Diaz (Hofmann, Andrighetto) 1:0, 21. Andrighetto (Diaz, Hofmann) 2:0, 26. Loeffel (Scherwey, Bertschy) 3:0, 37. Hofmann (Corvi, Loeffel) 4:0, 41. Meier (Alatalo, Kurashev) 5:0, 45. Kurashev (Untersander, Ambühl) 6:0, 53. Hofmann (Ambühl, Andrighetto) 7:1, 55. Loeffel (Moser, Bertschy) 8:1 - 46. Krištof (Cehlárik) 6:1
  17. DAY 7 HIGHLIGHTS United States 4 - 2 Latvia Period-by-Period: 2-2, 2-0, 0-0 May 27th 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 2. Tennyson (Moore, Garland) 1:0, 15. Boyle (Labanc, Abdelkader) 2:1, 32. Moore (Garland, Robertson) 3:2, 34. Beniers (Chmelevski, Boyle) 4:2 - 5. Indrašis (Darzinš) 1:1, 17. Krastenbergs (Batna, Freibergs) 2:2
  18. Thursday May 27th, 2021 - Preliminary Round Day 7 RESULTS (GMT +3)  Preliminary Round Group A Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Switzerland 8 - 1 Slovakia Period-by-Period: 1-0, 3-0, 4-1 May 27th 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Sweden 2 - 4 Czech Republic Period-by-Period: 2-0, 0-0, 0-4 May 27th 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Group A Provisional Standing After Day 7 Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. ROC 4 3(0) 1(0) 15 7 +8 9 Switzerland 4 3(0) 1(0) 14 10 +4 9 Slovakia 4 3(0) 1(0) 11 12 -1 9 Czech Republic 4 2(1) 2(0) 12 13 -1 5 Denmark 4 2(1) 2(0) 7 9 -2 5 Great Britain 4 1(0) 3(1) 8 15 -7 4 Belarus 4 1(0) 3(1) 8 12 -4 4 Sweden 4 1(0) 3(0) 12 9 +3 3 Group B Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) United States 4 - 2 Latvia Period-by-Period: 2-2, 2-0, 0-0 May 27th 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Finland 3 - 0 Italy Period-by-Period: 2-0, 1-0, 0-0 May 27th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Group B Provisional Standing After Day 7 Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. Finland 4 3(0) 1(1) 11 5 +6 10 Germany 4 3(0) 1(0) 19 9 +10 9 United States 4 3(0) 1(0) 13 5 +8 9 Kazakhstan 4 3(2) 1(0) 8 8 0 7 Latvia 4 2(0) 2(1) 9 7 +2 7 Canada 4 1(0) 3(0) 6 12 -6 3 Norway 4 1(0) 3(0) 9 15 -6 3 Italy 4 0(0) 3(0) 5 19 -14 0
  19. Results Update Event Link Click on the logo to open Round-Robin
  20. Final Scores Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Sweden - Czech Republic : 2-4 (2-0, 0-0, 0-4) 12:08 Andreas WINGERLI (Friberg) 1:0 15:02 Rickard RAKELL (A. Kempe, Nygren) 2:0 41:10 Jakub VRÁNA (Stránsky) 2:1 44:53 Ján KOVÁŘ (Sekáč, Kubalík) 2:2 48:17 Lukáš KLOK (Kovář) 2:3 58:26 Jakub FLEK (Kubalík) 2:4 Group B (Riga Arena) Finland - Italy : 3-0 (2-0, 1-0, 0-0) 06:50 Tony SUND (Kontiola, Innala) 1:0 08:20 Arttu RUOTSALAINEN (Ojamaki) 2:0 28:33 Tony SUND (Maenalanen, Koivisto) 3:0
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