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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Exhibition Games Results - 6-0 - 4-3 PSO - 4-1 - 4-2 - 2-4
  2. and it is a very nice and honorable 6th place, just 0.03 behind the podium and equalling her yesterdays NR 11.54 She will compete in Nairobi also in the 200m and also in the 100 Hurdles
  3. You learn something every day... for example today I learned Slovakia (yes we do have a male NT) had to beat Northern Macedonia by exactly 16 points, which was precisely the only result that would qualify both teams (SVK and MKD) instead of Switzerland... I am pretty sure SVK never won against Macedonia as far as i know in the past, almost sure never lost to them by less than 10 points... however yesterday Slovakia by a "shocking" buzzer won by exactly 16 points. No one in this planet will convince me this suspicious outcome (to say the least) does not smells fishy at all.... Feel sorry for though..
  4. Peter Sagan and Chris Froome of all people confirmed their participation at this year Okolo Slovenska. Peter will FINALLY compete in his home country speaking about Peter, the guy just can not train normally like other people
  5. Today, the president of the republic Zuzana Čaputová welcomed the medalists in the presidential palace in Bratislava. All medalsists from left: Zuzana Rehák-Štefečeková (Trap Shooting - Gold), Jakub Grigar (K1 Canoe Slalom - Silver), Rory Sabbatini (Golf - Silver) & K4-500 (Canoe Sprint - Bronze)
  6. Official Schedule for 2022 World Champs released. Opening day will be on Friday the 13th ... woooo and will open the whole tournament in Helsinki against ROC at 16:15 local time and at the same time in Tampere USA will face Latvia. The host country Finland will start the tournament in the evening match at 20:15 against Norway. Again each team will have to play 2 times 2 back to back matches, will have once 2 rest days between games and 2 other games every second day during the preliminary round. schedule Fr, 13.05. (16:15): - Sa, 14.05. (20:15): - Su, 15.05. Rest day Mo, 16.05. (16:15) - Tu, 17.05. Rest day We, 18.05. (20:15) : - Th, 19.05. Rest day Fr, 20.05. (20:15): - Sa, 21.05. (20:15): - Su, 22.05. Rest day Mo, 23.05. Rest day Tu, 24.05. (16:15): - Full Schedule here :
  7. is For President still Austrian ?
  8. yeah I know, but do not take all this seeading and world ranking too seriously. This seeding world ranking is based mostly on results from last ECH from 2019 we hosted and actually experienced some "real WTF 2 weeks" complete women volleyball euphoria, this is now far far back in the history books This is not the same team. 3rd place is highly unlikely, we should play Belarus for that 4th spot. but not very confident to succeed in if you ask me
  9. well, the odds claims we can and should beat in all other 4 matches we will be the underdogs with the biggest chances of upset being probably in the match against
  10. Shocking and absolutely unexpected Final in the Girls 100m for Slovakia Viki Forster advanced to the finals as 5th fastest from the semifinals with a new seniors NR of 11.54 ! Bravo Viki
  11. and travelling to Zadar for our 2nd W EURO-VOLLEY participation in a row with a goal to win as many matches as possible and try to surprise everyone by progressing from the group phase
  12. yeah, that will be simply devastating. A total blank, emptiness a national disaster that will be really difficult to overcome. yeah I think something like that yes, or maybe something like in Basketball this year or failing to qualify for last WC in Russia..and probably even more painful
  13. yeah, our chances somehow quickly dropping to zero Rossi will play for Austria, Sharangovich also confirmed the invitation to play for Belarus, BLR already training and preparing themselves together behind closed doors back at home for a whole month... I feel this is going to end by the worst and saddest disappointment in my whole life as a sports fan.
  14. Confirmed around 7000 tickets will be available for sale for every game of the Bratislava tournament. Condition - vaccinated, or with a negative PCR test from less than 72 hours before the match or a person who had covid in the past 180 days. The team started the training camp in Zvolen for the young AHLers, from this weekend the whole team will move to the "bubble" in Bratislava and the tournament classified as the absolute biggest and most important sport event of the country in this year 2021 will be able to start
  15. mini-team composed of 5 athletes (1 Boy + 4 Girls) landed in Kenya without any memorable ambitions. any new PB or progress further in their competitions will be already a successful achievement. Interesting video showing the beautiful stadium and at the same time the poverty of local people
  16. Huge cause in Slovakia. A certain lady lost 400 000 EUR in the daily Vaccination lottery in Slovakia. Every day a couple of vaccinated person win 1000 EUR, 5 more person wins 10 000 EUR and every Sunday night there a special TV Lottery show on our national public TV with 5 person winning 100 000 EUR and more And now about this lady The fifth player picked up the phone but did not say the password in the allotted time; She claimed that she was watching TV over the internet and the transmission was delayed. With that she lost prize money of 400,000 euros; this amount, which is made up of the main prizes not distributed, will be transferred to the next main prize drawing of the vaccine lottery. But the Minister of Finance and the GM of the TV decided they will pay her the full win after all the trash which started in the medias, they travelled yesterday to the city of Prešov to announce it themselves to the lady lol More here The video with that fail
  17. So officially no NHLer in our team only with a couple of AHLers (with limited experiences from NHL like Marinčin, Daňo, Studenič, Jurčo, Feherváry, Ružička or Lantoši and players from European leagues led by the best forward of this years WCH Peter Cehlárik and his linemate Marek Hrivík or the extremely experienced but hot headed Libor Hudáček and believe it or not but also the 3 U18 talents Slafkovský, Nemec and Kňažko who led our U18 team to the fantastic silver medals two weeks ago in the Hlinka Gretzky Cup. Today was also officially confirmed the matches will be held infront of fans. 75 % of the stadium capacity will be allowed for vaccinated people.
  18. Yes for PyeongChang. This time it was schedulled on purpose specially for the summer NHL break.
  19. It works for me in almost all finals videos. You have to click on No Commentary to have the commentary
  20. By far my Best moment of Tokyo 2020 First 4 minutes of this video !
  21. All our NHLers declined invitations for different reasons...we are fu..ed ! So we will have to try the miracle now just via players from European leagues and a couple of youngsters from AHL(NHL) like Studenič, Feherváry, Jaroš, Daňo orJurčo...
  22. If anyone interested here the official approved final remuneration for performances of Slovak representatives in Tokyo 2020 Prices are in EURO obviously, 1. PLACE (GOLD) ZUZANA REHÁK ŠTEFEČEKOVÁ, Shooting – W Trap 50 000 2. PLACE (SILVER) JAKUB GRIGAR, Canoe Slalom – M K1 40 000 2. PLACE (SILVER) RORY SABBATINI, Golf - M 40 000 3. PLACE SAMUEL BALÁŽ, DENIS MYŠÁK, ERIK VLČEK, ADAM BOTEK, Canoeing Sprint – K4-500m 97 500 (Divided by 4 so 24 375 each) 4. Place ZUZANA REHÁK ŠTEFEČEKOVÁ, ERIK VARGA, Shooting – Mixed Trap 35 000 (Divided by 2 so 17 500 each) 6. Place MATEJ BEŇUŠ, Canoeing Salslom – M C1 10 000 7. Place PATRIK JÁNY, Shooting M 10 m Air Rifle 8 000 8. Place JANA ŠPOTÁKOVÁ, MARIÁN KOVAČÓCY – Mixed Trap 10 500 (Divided by 2 so 5 250 each) So, The total amount of rewards for successful Olympians is 291,000 euros, with 50 percent of this amount being paid by the Slovak NOC (SOŠV) and 50 percent through the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of Slova Republic (MŠVVŠ SR) by the state. In addition, the rewards for the team staff of successful athletes are a maximum of 33 percent of the athletes' rewards which will be divided between the supoort team. For multi-member teams, the amount is calculated from the basic amount per individual, without adding counts for another member.
  23. Novi Sad is basically the capital of foreign Slovaks so it is not realy surprising
  24. Hopefully Canada. And if not...then some small hidden gem somewhere in Norway
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