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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. No idea at all, but as usual I expect SVK team attempt to fight for the top of the tally in Cycling and shooting as usual. But seriously no idea, we are not so good as at winter paralympics but we can fairly expect a couple of medal in the above mentioned sports, especially cycling
  2. our medalists are home and received quite a party in Šamorín Sabbatini in the big flag got bathed in champagne
  3. Rumors saying the format will be a 35 km race walk M & W mass start event at the same time, but after the race the times for the 2 best males and 2 best females of each country will be counted. source: Alfons Juck.
  4. I doubt he´ll be still around in 3 years, he was already the oldest competitior in Tokyo at 45. But in other hand, he may be the most hated person in the world pro golf circuit but he is also an incredible fighter and warrior, the way how he did not give up at all and played that record in the last round despite being far away behind after Day 3 was just one impressive sign of determination. For me the "remontada" of the whole games with a fully deserved but absolutely illogical and hardly believable medal, he probably was the only one to believe on it, or maybe even not
  5. Day 2 added. Post above. Links for each day in the OP of this thread. Day -2, -1, 0 and 1 are complete with every single race of the day, however In Day 2 we sadly miss 3 videos, for some reason the Evening Swimming Heats session (is the only Tokyo 2020 missing Swimming session in the video replays) and also the matches on Court 1 in Badminton are missing in both morning and evening sessions, hopefully they will be added soon. Everything else is available. Good watching everybody ! Day 3 will be added tomorrow, need some rest now
  6. Belinda Bencic arrived to Slovakia to show her medals and the congratulations from another Tennis Olympic champion Miloš Mečír from 1988
  7. Rate the performance on a scale of 1-10 5 - Not great, Not Terrible 2. What were the suprises and heartbreaks ? Surprise or better say shock, obviously Rory Sabbatini and his unbelievable final round, coming out of nowhere in the last round marking new Olympic Record of 61 in the last day which catapulted him to the absolutely unreal Silver medal and was one single avoided bogey or just a bit better 3rd round from the Gold medal Heartbreaks, there were much more than pleasant surprises this time, the biggest being at least for me Boris Makoev having a disastrous but really disastrous draw in the epic return of Slovak wrestling, all 3 months of hard training and work preparation for his biggest careers moment went to the absolute oblivion in a matter of seconds after the draw with Naifonov in 1st round and Yazdani being also in the same part of bracket. So all chances of huge boost and popularisation of this sporten in the country ended by only 1 single match wrestled in the middle of the night...terrible dissapointement for Boris. His tears in front of cameras and that feeling of wasted lifetime chance will hurt much for a long while I am afraid. The other one was the Canoe Slalom M C1, to fail to win a medal in this pure Slovak event for the very first time in history will need some time to swallow 3.Was your country's goal achieved? I believe we do. Winning 4 medals and a couple of other honorable placements and efforts or even some small but very valuable partial achievements like first ever win in Badminton and Boxing at the Olympic Games was great. Also remember that more than 60 % of our team in Tokyo was made of olympic debutants and young athletes which first goal was to learn and gain olympic experiences, some of them made even the finals (Mintálová, Škáchová, Jány) or Zapletalová made the semifinals in barely regular lane 1 in that huge rain storm 4. Which are the sports that will be invested more in future? No idea. I do believe nothing will really change, the main sport will remains Ice Hockey. We are actually living some huge hype with our current Under 18 Team which is by far the best we had in history. The team around expected 2 next year NHL Draft 1st rounders maybe even top 10s Finished in Silver postition during the Olympics at the prestigious Hlinka-Gretzky Cup beating the likes of USA, SWE, FIN or GER by smashing 12-2 . So sad this generation will not have the chance to play the Top division world championships though, since their predecessors were relegated to the Division I. Well, hard luck for the other teams in this division this year, our youngs will very likely eat them alive one by one. Plus the most important moment of the year 2021 for Slovakia is still just to come, in 3 weeks, the Ice Hockey Olympic Final Qualifier. This will decide about the future of this country even more than with some parliamentary elections
  8. This is gonna be a bit longer than I expected. so I will add only 1 Day replays per day, because I have also something else to do sometimes, yeah I know you do not believe it . So for now enjoy the Day 1 Tomorrow I will add here the Day 2 etc... Links for the Days are as usual in the thread´s OP
  9. Maybe NBC has monopole rights in the USA Just refresh the page, it should work
  10. All Replays Just click on the option Replays You´re welcome.
  11. TEAM SLOVAKIA TOKYO 2020 RESULT SERVICE 1 - 2 - 1 GOLD MEDAL 1x Shooting W Trap Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková ----------------------------------------------------- SILVER MEDAL 2x Canoeing Slalom M K1 Jakub Grigar Golf M Individual Rory Sabbatini ----------------------------------------------------- BRONZE MEDAL 1x Canoeing Sprint M K4-500m Samuel Baláž/Denis Myšák/Erik Vlček/Adam Botek ----------------------------------------------------- 4th Place 1x Shooting Mixed Trap Slovakia I (Erik Varga/Zuzana Rehák-Štefečeková) ----------------------------------------------------- 6th Place 1x Canoeing Slalom M C1 Matej Beňuš ----------------------------------------------------- 7th Place 1x Shooting M 10m Air Rifle Patrik Jány ----------------------------------------------------- ATLETIKA: MATEJ TÓTH: 14. v chôdzi na 50 km (59 štartujúcich; dosiahol čas 3:56:23 h) EMMA ZAPLETALOVÁ: 15. na 400 m prek. (39; v rozbehoch 12. - dosiahla 55,00 s, v semifinále 55,79 s) MARCEL LOMNICKÝ: 24. v hode kladivom (31 štartujúcich; v kvalifikácii hodil 72,52 m) GABRIELA GAJANOVÁ: 25. na 800 m (46; v rozbehu dosiahla čas 2:01,41 min) MARTINA HRAŠNOVÁ: 25. v hode kladivom (30; v kvalifikácii 66,63 m) MIROSLAV ÚRADNÍK: 41. v chôdzi na 20 km (57; dosiahol čas 1:29:25 h) MICHAL MORVAY: 41. v chôdzi na 50 km (59; dosiahol čas 4:15:22 h) MÁRIA KATERINKA CZAKOVÁ: 45. v chôdzi na 20 km (58; dosiahla čas 1:41:29 h) JÁN VOLKO: 46. na 100 m (61; v rozbehu dosiahol 10,40 s), 42. na 200 m (48; v rozbehu dosiahol 21,21 s) BEDMINTON: MARTINA REPISKÁ: 15. vo dvojhre (43 štartujúcich; v skupine vyhrala aj prehrala po 1 zápase) BOX: ANDREJ CSEMEZ: 9. do 75 kg (25 štartujúcich; vypadol v 2. kole) CESTNÁ CYKLISTIKA: LUKÁŠ KUBIŠ: cestné preteky s hromadným štartom nedokončil (128 štartujúcich – dokončilo 85;), 37. v časovke jednotlivcov (39; strata na víťaza 11:21,01 min) JURAJ SAGAN: cestné preteky s hromadným štartom nedokončil (128 – dokončilo 85), GOLF: RORY SABBATINI: 2. v súťaži jednotlivcov s výkonom 17 pod par (60 štartujúcich; vo 4. kole utvoril rekord ihriska výkonom 10 pod par) KANOISTIKA - RÝCHLOSTNÁ: SAMUEL BALÁŽ: člen 3. K4 na 500 m (štartovalo 11 osádok; dosiahli čas 1:23,534 min), s Botekom člen 10. K2 na 1000 m (16 dvojíc; v B-finále dosiahli čas 3:21,087 min) ADAM BOTEK: člen 3. K4 na 500 m (štartovalo 11 osádok; dosiahli čas 1:23,534 min), s Balážom člen 10. K2 na 1000 m (16 dvojíc; v B-finále dosiahli čas 3:21,087 min) DENIS MYŠÁK člen 3. K4 na 500 m (štartovalo 11 osádok; dosiahli čas 1:23,534 min) ERIK VLČEK: člen 3. K4 na 500 m (štartovalo 11 osádok; dosiahli čas 1:23,534 min) PETER GELLE: 14. v K1 na 1000 m (27; v rozjazde dosiahol čas 3:42,81 min, v semifinále 3:28,255, v B-finále 3:28,240) KANOISTIKA - VODNÝ SLALOM: JAKUB GRIGAR: 2. v K1 (24; v kvalifikácii bol 8., v semifinále 4.) MATEJ BEŇUŠ: 6. v C1 (18; vyhral kvalifikáciu, v semifinále bol deviaty) ELIŠKA MINTÁLOVÁ: 9. v K1 (27; v kvalifikácii bola 8., v semifinále 2.) MONIKA ŠKÁCHOVÁ: 9. v C1 (22; v kvalifikácii bola 11., v semifinále 10.) LUKOSTREĽBA: DENISA BARÁNKOVÁ: 33. v olympijskom luku (64 štartujúcich; vypadla v 1. kole, v nasadzovacom kole 12. s osobným rekordom 655 b) PLÁVANIE: RICHARD NAGY: 23. na 400 m pol. pret. (29 štartujúcich; dosiahol čas 4:18,29 min), 37. na 200 m motýlik (38.; dosiahol čas 2:01,92 min) ANDREA PODMANÍKOVÁ: 28. na 100 m prsia (45; dosiahla slovenský rekord 1:08,46 min), 30. na 200 m prsia (31; dosiahla čas 2:29,56 min) STOLNÝ TENIS: BARBORA BALÁŽOVÁ: 9. v miešanej štvorhre s Pištejom (16 štartujúcich párov; vypadli v 1. kole), 33. vo dvojhre (48; vypadla v 2. kole) ĽUBOMÍR PIŠTEJ: 9. v miešanej štvorhre s Balážovou (16; vypadli v 1. kole), JANG WANG: 16. vo dvojhre (48; vypadol v 3. kole) ŠPORTOVÁ GYMNASTIKA: BARBORA MOKOŠOVÁ: 52. v kvalifikácii viacboja (85 štartujúcich; dosiahla 51,199 b – preskok 13,333, bradlá 13,333 - 38., kladina 11,700, prostné 12,833 - 37.) ŠPORTOVÁ STREĽBA: ZUZANA REHÁK ŠTEFEČEKOVÁ: 1. v trape (26 štartujúcich; v kvalifikácii dosiahla svetový aj olympijský rekord 125 b, vo finále olympijský rekord 43 b), 4. v mixe trape s Vargom (16; dosiahli 146 b, v súboji o bronz 42+2) ERIK VARGA: 4. v mix trape s Rehák Štefečekovou (16; dosiahli 146 b, v súboji o bronz 42+2), 11. v trape (29; v kvalifikácii dosiahol 122 b, vypadol v rozstrele o finále) PATRIK JÁNY: 7. vo vzduchovej puške na 10 m (47; vo finále dosiahol 143,7 b, v kvalifikácii bol 4., dosiahol 630,5 b), 13. v ľubovoľnej malokalibrovke 3x40 (39; v kvalifikácii dosiahol 1172 b) MARIÁN KOVAČÓCY: 8. v mixe trape so Špotákovou (16; v kvalifikácii dosiahli 144 b) JANA ŠPOTÁKOVÁ: 8. v mixe trape s Kovačócym (16; v kvalifikácii dosiahli 144 b) DANKA BARTEKOVÁ: 13. v skeete (28; v kvalifikácii dosiahla 118 b) JURAJ TUŽINSKÝ: 27. vo vzduchovej pištoli na 10 m (36; v kvalifikácii dosiahol 570 b) TENIS: LUKÁŠ KLEIN: 9. vo štvorhre s Poláškom (32 štartujúcich párov; vypadli v 2. kole), 33. vo dvojhre (64; vypadol v 1. kole) FILIP POLÁŠEK: 9. vo štvorhre s Kleinom (32; vypadli v 2. kole), NORBERT GOMBOS: 33. vo dvojhre (64; vypadol v 1. kole) ZÁPASENIE VOĽNÝM ŠTÝLOM: BORIS MAKOJEV: 14. v kategórii do 86 kg (16 štartujúcich; prehral v 1. kole)
  12. Yes, and she even succeeded somehow yesterday to push herself to the post of medal awarding person in the canoeing sprint M K4-500 for our last medalled athletes at these games and later in the evening to the historic Italian gold in the M 4x100 relay she is still able to do wonders so let see how her career in the sport diplomacy will continue, she is however still member of the European Olympic Committee
  13. So what was your best moment of the games ? That M Triathlon false start with that boat no one saw for me for sure followed by that very nice goal against bullies in the W water Polo 1-33 slaughter The worst moments certainly all athletes who had to miss their competitions because of positive/close contact with positives covid tests, the judoka refusing the match against and from SVK view the disastrous draw of our only wrestler here and missed medal in M C1 obviously
  14. No slovak athletes are in this ceremony sadly, almost the whle delegation already returned home, so our flag bearer was Danka Barteková, who is serving tonight her last day as IOC member
  15. has just been invited to participate at the World Championships via wild card offered by IHF. What the fuck is this ?
  16. FINAL STANDING Sunday 08.08.2021 Total Medal Events: 339/339 Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total 1 United States 39 41 33 113 2 China 38 32 18 88 3 Japan 27 14 17 58 4 Great Britain 22 21 22 65 5 ROC 20 28 23 71 6 Australia 17 7 22 46 7 Netherlands 10 12 14 36 8 France 10 12 11 33 9 Germany 10 11 16 37 10 Italy 10 10 20 40 11 Canada 7 6 11 24 12 Brazil 7 6 8 21 13 New Zealand 7 6 7 20 14 Cuba 7 3 5 15 15 Hungary 6 7 7 20 16 South Korea 6 4 10 20 17 Poland 4 5 5 14 18 Czech Republic 4 4 3 11 19 Kenya 4 4 2 10 20 Norway 4 2 2 8 21 Jamaica 4 1 4 9 22 Spain 3 8 6 17 23 Sweden 3 6 0 9 24 Switzerland 3 4 6 13 25 Denmark 3 4 4 11 26 Croatia 3 3 2 8 27 Iran 3 2 2 7 28 Serbia 3 1 5 9 29 Belgium 3 1 3 7 30 Bulgaria 3 1 2 6 31 Slovenia 3 1 1 5 32 Uzbekistan 3 0 2 5 33 Georgia 2 5 1 8 34 Chinese Taipei 2 4 6 12 35 Turkey 2 2 9 13 36 Greece 2 1 1 4 36 Uganda 2 1 1 4 38 Ecuador 2 1 0 3 39 Ireland 2 0 2 4 39 Israel 2 0 2 4 41 Qatar 2 0 1 3 42 Bahamas 2 0 0 2 42 Kosovo 2 0 0 2 44 Ukraine 1 6 12 19 45 Belarus 1 3 3 7 46 Romania 1 3 0 4 46 Venezuela 1 3 0 4 48 India 1 2 4 7 49 Hong Kong 1 2 3 6 50 Philippines 1 2 1 4 50 Slovakia 1 2 1 4 52 South Africa 1 2 0 3 53 Austria 1 1 5 7 54 Egypt 1 1 4 6 55 Indonesia 1 1 3 5 56 Ethiopia 1 1 2 4 56 Portugal 1 1 2 4 58 Tunisia 1 1 0 2 59 Estonia 1 0 1 2 59 Fiji 1 0 1 2 59 Latvia 1 0 1 2 59 Thailand 1 0 1 2 63 Bermuda 1 0 0 1 63 Morocco 1 0 0 1 63 Puerto Rico 1 0 0 1 66 Colombia 0 4 1 5 67 Azerbaijan 0 3 4 7 68 Dominican Republic 0 3 2 5 69 Armenia 0 2 2 4 70 Kyrgyzstan 0 2 1 3 71 Mongolia 0 1 3 4 72 Argentina 0 1 2 3 72 San Marino 0 1 2 3 74 Jordan 0 1 1 2 74 Malaysia 0 1 1 2 74 Nigeria 0 1 1 2 77 Bahrain 0 1 0 1 77 Lithuania 0 1 0 1 77 Namibia 0 1 0 1 77 North Macedonia 0 1 0 1 77 Saudi Arabia 0 1 0 1 77 Turkmenistan 0 1 0 1 83 Kazakhstan 0 0 8 8 84 Mexico 0 0 4 4 85 Finland 0 0 2 2 86 Botswana 0 0 1 1 86 Burkina Faso 0 0 1 1 86 Cote d´Ivoire 0 0 1 1 86 Ghana 0 0 1 1 86 Grenada 0 0 1 1 86 Kuwait 0 0 1 1 86 Moldova 0 0 1 1 86 Syria 0 0 1 1
  17. Men's Tournament Final Results Serbia Milan Aleksic Nikola Dedovic Filip Filipovic Nikola Jaksic Dorde Lazic Dusan Mandic Branislav Mitrovic Stefan Mitrovic Dusko Pijetlovic Gojko Pijetlovic Andrija Prlainovic Sava Randelovic Strahinja Rasovic Greece Stylianos Argyropoulos Kanakakis Georgios Dervisis Ioannis Fountoulis Konstantinos Galanidis Konstantinos Genidounias Marios Kapotsis Christodoulos Kolomvos Konstantinos Mourikis Alexandros Papanastasiou Dimitrios Skoumpakis Angelos Vlachopoulos Emmanouil Zerdevas Konstantinos Gkiouvetsis Hungary Daniel Angyal Balazs Erdelyi Balazs Harai Norbert Hosnyanszky Szilard Jansik Krisztian Manhercz Tamas Mezei Viktor Nagy Marton Vamos Denes Varga Soma Vogel Gergo Zalanki Matyas Pasztor Gold Medal Match Serbia 13 - 10 Greece Bronze Medal Match Hungary 9 - 5 Spain Full Tournament Results Here
  18. Women's Tournament Final Results France Pauline Coatanea Blandine Dancette Cleopatre Darleux Beatrice Edwige Laura Flippes Pauletta Foppa Alexandra Lacrabere Coralie Lassource Amandine Leynaud Kalidiatou Niakate Meline Nocandy Estelle Nze Minko Allison Pineau Oceane Sercien Ugolin Chloe Valentini Grace Zaadi Deuna ROC Vladlena Bobrovnikova Daria Dmitireva Olga Fomina Polina Gorshkova Ekaterina Ilina Viktoriia Kalinina Polina Kuznetsova Kseniia Makeeva Iuliia Managarova Anna Sen Antonina Skorobogatchenko Polina Vedekhina Anna Vyakhireva Elena Mikhailchenko Anna Sedoykina Norway Katrine Lunde Silje Solberg Camilla Herrem Sanna Solberg Isaksen Marit Jacobsen Kari Brattset Dale Marit Malm Frafjord Veronica Kristiansen Stine Bredal Oftedal Nora Moerk Stine Skogrand Marta Tomac Kristine Breistoel Vilde Ingeborg Johansen Henny Reistad Gold Medal Match France 30 - 25 ROC Bronze Medal Match Norway 36 - 19 Sweden Full Tournament Results Here
  19. Men's Super Heavyweight +91kg Final Results Bakhodir JALOLOV Richard TORREZ Jr. Frazer CLARKE Kamshybek KUNKABAYEV Gold Medal Match Bakhodir Jalolov 5 - 0 Richard Torrez Jr. Full Brackets Here
  20. Women's Tournament Final Results United States Justine Wong-Orantes Andrea Drews Foluke Akinradewo Jordan Larson Kimberly Hill Micha Hancock Jordyn Poulter Michelle Bartsch-Hackley Kelsey Robinson Haleigh Washington Jordan Thompson Chiaka Ogbogu Brazil Caroline de Oliveira Saad Gattaz Rosamaria Montibeller Macris Fernanda Silva Carneiro Roberta Silva Ratzke Gabriela Braga Guimaraes Tandara Caixeta Natalia Pereira Ana Carolina da Silva Fernanda Rodrigues Ana Menezes Oliveira de Souza Camila Brait Ana Beatriz Correa Serbia Bianka Busa Mina Popovic Sladjana Mirkovic Brankica Mihajlovic Maja Ognjenovic Maja Aleksic Milena Rasic Silvija Popovic Bojana Milenkovic Jelena Blagojevic Ana Bjelica Tijana Boskovic Gold Medal Match United States 3 - 0 Brazil (21, 20, 14) Bronze Medal Match Serbia 3 - 0 South Korea (18, 15, 15) Full Tournament Results Here
  21. Women's Middleweight -75kg Final Results Lauren PRICE LI Qian Nouchka FONTIJN Zenfira MAGOMEDALIEVA Gold Medal Match Lauren Price 5 - 0 Li Qian Full Brackets Here
  22. Men's Lightweight -63kg Final Results Andy CRUZ Keyshawn DAVIS Harry GARSIDE Hovhannes BACHKOV Gold Medal Match Andy Cruz 4 - 1 Keyshawn Davis Full Brackets Here
  23. Women's Lightweight -60kg Final Results Kellie Anne HARRINGTON Beatriz FERREIRA Sudaporn SEESONDEE Mira POTKONEN Gold Medal Match Kellie Anne Harrington 5 - 0 Beatriz Ferreira Full Brackets Here
  24. Women's Tournament Final Results United States Ariel Atkins Sue Bird Tina Charles Skylar Diggins Sylvia Fowles Chelsea Gray Brittney Griner Jewell Loyd Breanna Stewart Diana Taurasi A´ja Wilson Napheesa Collier Japan Maki Takada Rui Machida Yuki Miyazawa Nako Motohashi Naho Miyoshi Moeko Nagaoka Saki Hayashi Evelyn Mawuli Saori Miyazaki Himawari Akaho Monica Okoye Nanako Todo France Iliana Rupert Sarah Michel Endene Miyem Sandrine Gruda Marine Johannes Helena Ciak Alix Duchet Alexia Chartreau Valeriane Vukosavljevic Diandra Tchatchouang Gabby Williams Marine Fauthoux Gold Medal Match United States 90 - 75 Japan Bronze Medal Match France 91 - 76 Serbia Full Tournament Results Here
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