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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. absolute fiasco ! hope federation will wakes up and start working because such unacceptable result must never be repeated ! no, seriously. speed skating masta wow, really surprising, just noticed it after you´ve mentioned it. really surprising, Norway was always very strong in this. Hope they will recover soon and return back among the best
  2. I immagine Patrick Roest result must be a embarassing disaster
  3. still few higher than our but yes swimming right now in Lithuanian sea may not be the brightest idea.
  4. yep, because we actually visited Palanga yesterday, we heard that it´s the most famous beach resort of Lithuania, called "summer capital". It looks really awesome, however the host committee showed and attracted us with this pictures but ofc they probably forgot to mention us that the pics were shoted in summer so you can imagine how attracted we was, we got up very early in the morning and sacrifying our scheduled breakfast, we immediately ran there. but comming there we had a bit unpleasant surprise with a empty and cold beach but it looks very nice, hope we´ll return there once during summer
  5. Thats just rumors I have some unfounded personal suspicions that it´s our Czech friends who started it but the beach is very nice, thats true . but we will never miss the ceremony and the contest for anything in this world
  6. Audi FIS Ski World Cup competitions in Beaver Creek (USA) cancelled Due to warm temperatures, lack of snow and unfavourable weather forecasts, the men‘s World Cup races in Beaver Creek (USA) scheduled for December 2nd, 3rd and 4th have been cancelled. Rescheduling of the events will be communicated as soon as possible.
  7. as expected doesn´t look good for a possible deal...most likely after 5 consecutive winter olympics appearance we will have again a ice hockey tournament without NHL players. last time it was in Lillehammer 1994.
  8. really looking forward for the under 69kg. category, as I read many news and articles we will send in this category our (I´ll quote) so-called biggest ever talent born in our teritory ever. Andrej Csemez. Apparently he is considered to be a real hope for a very interesting result. so let make a look on him and follow his tournament
  9. Yannick Noah and Mansour Bahrami playing tennis with paddles of our canoe slalom C2 Rio olympic champions the Škantár cousins more pics from the exhibition here here Dominika won btw against Belinda 6-4, and Hrbatý against Štěpánek in tiebreak, the best moment was ofc the final triples 3 against 3
  10. Slovak parliament ! Ongoing debate about how to help small businesses. Negotiations attended by one member something I don´t know if to cry or laugh... and these bastards earn incredible money...
  11. Cancellation of men's races in Lake Louise On 26th – 27th November, the Audi FIS Ski World Cup season was supposed to kick-off in the Lake Louise (Alberta, Canada). Unfortunately, warm weather and only little snowfall prevented the local organising committee from preparing the race track and forced the FIS officials to cancel the men’s races in Lake Louise. FIS Race Director Hannes Trinkl and Men’s Chief of Race Darrel MacLachlan conducted a first snow control on Saturday 12th November. Even though the Lake Louise “Men’s Olympic Downhill” course was not “race ready” yet, the chance of hosting the races was still there thanks to a positive weather forecast. This is why the official snow control has been postponed to Wednesday 16th November. Today, FIS officials and organising committee reviewed all the scenarios again, but had to look at the evidence: one week ahead of the first training run, the warm temperatures, the lack of snow and an unfavourable weather forecast won’t allow a qualitative preparation of the race track to meet the World Cup requirements. “While we have good snow conditions on the upper mountain, we didn't have enough cold to get to the finish line for the men. We will continue our efforts for successful races for the ladies and look forward to the men returning next year,” said Brian Lynam, Race Chairman, Lake Louise Alpine Ski World Cup. Information about possible replacement sites for the men's super-g and the downhill races will be communicated in due course. FIS would like to thank the Organising committee for the tremendous efforts the course crews put into trying to make the event happen and the good collaboration. There is still a chance to stage the ladies' event scheduled on 2nd, 3rd and 4th December, so we sincerely hope that Mother Nature will cooperate from now on and reward the Lake Louise Alpine Ski World Cup crew with World Cup races.
  12. those photos of your beach are simply divine. I want. I want. I want.. absolute paradise on earth. well, it´s not like I hate mountains or so...they are very nice, I know, and if we haven´t them,,we will have nothing as they are our biggest touristic atraction... but sun and beach is just over ah sure, Yellowstone must be fantastic experience, I´ve seen some pictures and they looks awesome. amazing nature
  13. man this sentence is literally a crime well, in fact I think that I´m so attracted by sea mainly because I somehow associate it with sun and heat I know, mabe thats just stupid, but thats what I have engraved in my mind -- sea = sun, heat, peace, tranquility, calm, comfort and now even more, just be two minutes out, and when your fingers will start to freeze from the local drastic weather you´ll immediately dream about a crowded beach
  14. you just say that because you have sea...try to live in a landlocked country and you will change quickly your me
  15. seriously ? well, thats definitely absolutely different than our habits for example in Slovakia it´s not very common at all to cook dinner, we usually cook lunch and for dinner we eat what we had for lunch or just have a snack, something like in breakfast. I thought it´s similar almost everywhere in europe
  16. I just wonder why dinner break is longer than lunch ? isn´t lunch supposed to be bigger than dinner ?
  17. Lake Louise one of the most beautiful venue of the world sport. Lake Louis World Cup stage is always one of my top action of the year
  18. chosing between this and this not so hard...sun and sea..I choose, no, wait I WANT the second one
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