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  1. Also for don´t forget that the winter olympic future can be bright entering much more different sports, this year Argentina experienced some really interesting things at winter youth olympic games, like Veronica Ravenna in Luge or Esmeralda Villalonga in freestyle skiing slopestyle. Also I remeber some Argentinians competing in figure skating
  2. Today is a race between Gereková, Poliaková and Ivona Fialková about who of them will be cut from the team and replaced from next stage by Kuzmina...The worst ranked today will be the sad. Just hope it will not be Gereková but in this wind...everything is possible
  3. thats definitely what I call a pessimistic prediction no way ! I´m sure you´ll send more than 10 still so sorry for your hockey´s a shame that such great players will miss the olympics again
  4. well he was on podium in both yesterdays FIS races 1st and 2nd and it´s not that it was just a random race, there were plenty of interesting names competing. very promising guy.
  5. has actually a very interesting prospect in alpine skiing mens speed disciplines
  6. ah yes the dutch harsh standards, I forgot about that oh man, thats incredibly can´t put all sports in the same´s absolutely impossible for her to finish in top 8 world cup race with her BIBs..this is so weird and unfair from your NOC. ah thats cool so you have sport gene in your veins
  7. maybe she has chance to grab a reallocation or so...I mean it´s hardly believable to me to think that she will not compete. Korfball isn´t this basketball mixed teams thing ?
  8. ahah the Bradbury effect in which each of us at least once in life desire
  9. I´m sure at least Adriana Jelinkova will be in PyeongChang there no even words to describe such asolute domination in a sport..maybe the China of table tennis
  10. Slovakia Team Size prediction for Winter Olympic Games 2018 PyeongChang Ski Sports Alpine Skiing (9) - There chance to qualify more, but 9 is the most realistic number. In this sport we will have our biggest and most realistic medal chance. Our girls (Petra Vlhová and Veronika Velez-Zuzulová) are among the best of the world in womens slalom and looking how they are improving race after race, I really hope for a medal, which will be something huge for our winter sport. let´s hope they will be able to continue to rise their performances and avoid injuries. Thanks them we will surely qualify also 3 other girls for PyeongChang (Barbora Kantorová for sure + 2 other girls). Among mens it´s a bit complicated, but we are in faith that Adam and his brother Andreas Žampa´s will have in Korea at least 2 teammates (Matej Falát and Matej Prieložný or Martin Bendík) Cross Country Skiing (3) - Our Cross-Country skiing is in huge troubles, after Martin Bajčičák retirement the situation is even worse, I´ll not be surprised if we will have only 1 male in PyeongChang (Peter Mlynár), same among womens, at least Alena Procházková has capacity in her great day to do something interesting in sprint. Our biggest and only hope for a decent result in this sport. But I still think we should qualify at least 1 more athlete to accompany the 2 higher mentioned in PyeongChang. Ski Jumping (0) - No chance, unfortunately this sport is dead in SVK. I even don´t knoe if our federation is still working ? not sure at all. apparently we have 2 youth athletes but they heve not where to trains, without infrastructure, funds and absolutely any interest there nothing bright for us here even the future looks very very very bad. which is very sad especially for me, because Ski Jumping is one of ma top favourite sports, it was one of those sports I started to follow the first during my childhood, so sad about our situation. Nordic Combined (0) - The same as for ski jumping, maybe even a level worse. we have only one registred athlete, I´m not sure if he is still active money, no funny...our nordic skiing is KO..and sadly it doesn´t look to be any better any soon. those sports Ski Jumping and NC are something I envy the most to our Czech brothers, they have great system, fantastic infrastructures and talented athletes...we have nothing Freestyle Skiing (1) - Pretty likely we will have a participate in freestyle skiing, Zuzana "Zuzička" Stromková if will avoid injuries should easily qualify in ski slopestyle. I´ll be very happy for her, she is such great and humble person, and so hot Snowboarding (1) - Same as freestyle skiing we should qualify here easily also one of our "snow girls" Klaudia Medlová has abilities to be a medal threat in Big Air or Slopestyle in a perfect day. She is traditionally our only invited athlete for the prestigious x-games. Maybe we will this time qualify also solmeone else, Klaudia´s younger sister Zuzana in the same events can do it but must to improve much more during this season to collect important points, among mens the situation is harder, maybe Hliničan has a shot in Big Air but it´s probably unlikely, he is actually too far in the list. Biathlon (10) - No excuses here, any lower number will be dissappointing, even if nowadays this sport became to be really painful for slovak sport fans to follow, it´s indiscutably a sport with huge tradition and history in SVK. our womens relays always fought for olympic medals, 4th in Nagano, 5th in Salt Lake and Torino..then with Anastasiya Kuzmina winning our only 2 gold medals from winter olympics since our independance. 5 girls shoudn´t be a problem to qualify (especially if Kuzmina and Paulina Fialková will do their job collecting points for the Nations Cup) it may be abit harder for mens but I still hope for the best Skating Sports Speed Skating (0) - No way, inexisting sport here, as I know we have 2 guys registred but with very poor level. well...what to say, you´ll hardly find a slovak guy skating on ice without cross and puck..the interest for speed skating is very very low here. Short Track Speed Skating (1) - I think we should qualify 1 girl this time too, Alica Porubská is a very talented girl and she definitely deserve to fulfil her olympic dream. Figure Skating (3) - Not sure about this one, since our best dance pair Federica Testa/Lukáš Csolley unfortunately split this summer, the new formed Lucie Myslivečková/Lukáš Csolley will have a very hard task to qualify, I´m not persuated they will manage it. I sincerely hope I´m wrong..we´ll see...In other side Nicole Rajičová should qualify without big problems in the womens competition. Sleigh Sports Luge (4) - Expecting a representative in each event in order to qualify also for the team realy. I think it´s realistic to qualify Jozef Ninis for the mens, Viera Gbúrová for the womens and Solčanský/Stuchlák for the doubles competition Skeleton (0) - Zero chance, inexisting sport. I remember we had one athlete with slovak descendants competing in the USA but without any mentionable or notable results, he was trying to qualify for SVK for Sochi but with very poor results, and I don´t know if he is even still active Bobsleigh (0) - Unfortunately we will not be represented this time for sure, the first time since 2002. Our bobsleigh team broke as I know, didn´t heard anything about a new one. Team Sports Curling (0) - Our mens didn´t qualify for the World Chapionships and thus lost the last chance to qualify, womens are at even lower level, only chance, very slim was in the new formed mixed doubles, but since only 8 teams will qualify it´s (well, don´t confuse the unlikely with the impossible) but here it´s impossible to qualify. there much more teams with higher level. Ice Hockey (25) - Mens qualified ! Shame and absolute disaster avoided. We never missed any winter olympic tournament. Czechoslovakia never missed any tournament the same streak continue after the split up also for the Czech republic and Slovakia and we sincerely hope and wish it will continue this way for the eternity. This is the most important sport for slovaks, the majority of slovaks consider the winter olympics only by the hockey, we should win milion medals but if our team didn´t reach the quarterfibals, the olympics are unsuccesfull. This time too we will not only send a team to take part, the goal is already known and is the same as always. Quarter Finals ! We must ! everything else is a failure. Lillehammer, Torino and Vancouver were succesful, Nagano, Salt Lake and especially Sochi were a total failures, so the QF are duty this time, this time WE MUST ! About the womens..No chance this time, the Vancouver 2010 generation retired and this generation is much weaker, it´s unlikely to qualify for them, if they will it will be a huge surprise. I expect more from the future to be honest. our youth categories are showing very good work and results, so maybe in 2022 we will have again both ice hockey teams under the 5 rings. Total Optimistic Prediction - (60) without womens Ice hockey (with them it´s 83) it´s the maximum 60, but it´s unrealistic to reach this magic 60 barreer Total Pessimistic Prediction - (50) I think it´s pretty impossible to qualify lower number than 50. Total Realistic Prediction - (55) That´s my expecting number of our athletes in PyeongChang, still higher than for the summer olympics
  11. If you remember in the old forum we had a amazing thread focusing in first team sizes predictions of your countries for the summer olympics Rio 2016. So what about to do the same also for the PyeongChang upcomming games ? Also we should work with same format, so if you are interested just copy/paste the template and pick you first predictions. ... Team Size prediction for Winter Olympic Games 2018 PyeongChang Ski Sports Alpine Skiing () - Cross Country Skiing () - Ski Jumping () - Nordic Combined () - Freestyle Skiing () - Snowboarding () - Biathlon () - Skating Sports Speed Skating () - Short Track Speed Skating () - Figure Skating () - Sleigh Sports Luge () - Skeleton () - Bobsleigh () - Team Sports Curling () - Ice Hockey () - Total Optimistic Prediction - () Total Pessimistic Prediction - () Total Realistic Prediction - ()
  12. Rowing and Canoeing Sprint at Sea Forest Resort, Final Decision about Volleyball postponed until Christmas.
  13. some biggest air crash tragedies, in which athletes have died. 8th November 1948 - A small Benchcraft 18 was lost in the English Channel. On it´s board there were a half of the Czechoslovakia Ice Hockey National Team travelling for a friendly match in London, the first half of the team was alerady in London. The fly dissapeared aronud a hour after departure, just after the pilot announced troubles because poor visibility over the channel..The wreckage was never found. The Ice hockey world lost many great names that day Zdeňek Jarkovský, Miloslav Pokorný, Vilibald Šťovík, Zdeňek Švarc, the first slovak player in the Czechoslvakian NT Ladislav Troják and Karel Stibor. 4th May 1949- A plane with 5 times Italian Football Champions AC Torino was returning from a friendly match, but because of storm and very poor visibility crashed into the back of the complex of the Basilica of Superga on top of the hill in Turin. The accident killed all 31 persons, including 18 players of AC Torino. 6th Februry 1958- After qualifying for the semifinals of the Europan Club Champions, the famous Matt Busby team Manchester United had a tragic accident during the stopover in Munich. After 2 first departure failures because of mechanical problems came the 3rd and worst. The snow started to fall heavily and the plane lost speed which meant the take-off was not possible. The machine broke through the fence and crashed into a house near the airport, broke and the flames engulfed him. 22 of the 44 people on board did not survive. among them for example, the famous Bobby Charlton. 15th February 1961- A crach of the Boeing 707 near the national airport in the Belgian capital of Brussels, killed all 72 people, including also the USA national figure skating team, who had to attend the World Championships in Prague, former Czechoslovakia. According to eyewitnesses, Boeing unexpectedly began to rise and then fell in near field and the wreckage suddenly started fire. Also one local farmer lost his life in this accident when some pieces of the plane hit his head. 2nd October 1970- In the USA, two aircraft boarding American football team of the State University of Wichita had to attend the city of Logan where they were expected to met the Utah University team. They were 2 planes called "Gold" and "Black", one for the Starting A-Team and the second for the "B" team. The accident happened to the first mentioned fly, few minutes after departure the plane crashed in the mountainous party of Colorado near Denver. The pilot who had no License for driving such type of aircraft flew too low and grabbed the top of trees and crashed killing immediately all 29 passengers, only 2 surviving athletes succumbed also later from their injuries in the hospital. 13th October 1972- Uruguayan Plane that flewed to Chile in bad weather crashed in the Andes. 45 peoples including the Uruguayan Rugby team were on board. 12 passengers died immediately, 17 others succumbed to their injuries and because of subsequent avalanche fall. 16 peoples survived the accident but after 10 days they learn that the official search were stopped. They survived remaining 2 months only because they ate the dead. The accident was later documented in a book and in 1993 even in a movie. 6th October 1976- A bomb placed by the opponents of the Castro regime, exploded onboard of a Cuban Airlines plane killing all 24 Cuban fencers. 13th December 1977- 29 members of the USA university of Evansville Basketball team died in a plane crash who were heading to Nashville for a match against the Middle Tennessee University. Very bad weather with heavy rain and thig fog were the reason of the tragedy. The fly exploded already 90 seconds after the start killing immediately 26 passengers, remaining 3 died later succumbing to their injuries. 8th December 1987- Alianza Lima football club of Peru won away match against Deportivo Pucallapa and advanced into the first place of the National championship. The team was returning home by charter plane, unfortunately the players never returned home. The plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean 11km from the Lima Airport. The pilot became the only survivor. 7th September 2011- The crash tragedy of the Russian Ice Hockey KHL team Lokomotiv Yaroslavl. From the 45 passengers travelling to Minsk in Belarus for the KHL seasons opener survived only 1 servisman. All players and team stuff died in this accident. Many great players and Ice hockey world stars from different countries including Ruslan Salei of Belarus, Stefan Liv of Sweden, Karlis Skrastins of Latvia, Czechs Jan Marek, Josef Vašíček and Karel Rachunek and the top scorer of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic tournament Slovakian super star Pavol Demitra. The aircraft ran off the runway before lifting off, struck a tower mast, caught fire and crashed 2 km (1.2 mi) from Tunoshna Airport on the Volga River bank. Another Crash tragedies with sportspersons: 1969 Famous Boxer Rocky Marciano 1993 All Zambia Football National Team 2007 Colin McRae World Rally Champion Today 29th November 2016- Colombia Plane crash of the Brazilian Football team Chapecoense A charter aircraft carrying 81 people including members of Brazil's Chapecoense football team has crashed en route to Medellin airport killing 76 passengers. This was a very sad post, but I had to do it in memory of all persons we all sport fans lost
  14. Ready to play underdog Italy looking forward to comeback in Cologne Italy captain Anton Bernard battles against Japanese defenceman Keigo Minoshima. After two years in the Division I the Azzurri will be back in the top division at the 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. Italian hockey is starting to see the results of their “made in Italy” plan that foresees fewer national team players not coming through the own youth program. After starting this initiative at the start of the 2014/15 season, Italy has won promotion back to the top division after a second-place finish at the 2016 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship Division I Group A in Katowice, Poland. “We are such a close group of guys. We have a lot of fun when we are in national team camps and when we go to tournaments. To fight for each other is the most important thing on the ice. We can get a lot of energy out of this,” says national team captain Anton Bernard, who has been through the changes and has played in two top-level World Championships in 2012 and 2014. For the Bolzano native, whose brother Andreas is one of the national team goalies, the 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship in Cologne and Paris could be the sixth consecutive World Championship tournament including Division I. “We have a young team but it is still a process. We struggle to score goals but we have good goaltending. We just need to be more patient,” he continues. With the national team concentrating on home-grown talent there is an influx of younger players as well as new players who are happy to play for their home nation. “We are a pretty young team, we have players now that want to be here and want to earn a spot on the team,” says Tommaso Traversa. “To me it doesn't matter where they are from, whether they were born in Italy or not, as long as they know the identity that we have. They play for the team and the jersey that they are wearing. This is how it was last year. We gave everything no matter what and we got promoted.“ This is process and a lot has happened in the past two seasons under coach Stefan Mair. Not only was the ice hockey community surprised by this but so were the players. “It was a surprise for us that we made it to the top division especially after we had lost to both Austria and Slovenia. We didn’t think we could still make it. We had some help from other teams towards the end,” Bernard remembers the tournament last spring in Katowice. However, it looks like they embrace the underdog role that they have been cast in according to the team captain. “We will be going to the World Championships with an underdog mentality and we know there is a lot of work still to do,” Bernard says. “We still have a camp in February and probably a long one before the World Championship begins. There are lot of new guys who will be playing in the top division for the first time and they’ll be very excited. We are still the underdogs for sure.” The youth movement looks to be here to stay. Coach Mair again used a rather young roster during the international break in November at the Euro Ice Hockey Challenge in Budapest. “There are some young players that will get a real chance heading into the World Championship,” he says and expects a mix of young players and some with experience in the top division. Bernard is a player that Mair can expect to be a leader both on and off the ice. “There are some responsibilities that come with being the captain. You just need to step up with some of the other guys. In the past we have always had older players with international experience. They are not here anymore so it is now up to us to step up and move on,” the 27-year-old says. It will be interesting to see how Italy will perform at the 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship as the underdog. Italy has played in the top division without interruption between 1992 and 2002 and from 2006 until 2008. Since 2008 the national team was relegated each time it played including 2010, 2012 and 2014. But don’t be surprised if they pull off a couple of upsets. In the preliminary round the squadra azzurra will play in Cologne in a group with Russia, the United States, Sweden, Slovakia, host Germany, Latvia and Denmark.
  15. oh dear..this is a terrible news ! all my thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and all who have lost someone in this horrible disaster.
  16. and it´s so hard to say who will be the best option, all bidding countries are beautiful with a lot of things to propose, and not only about music. The fairest will be really a game of luck IMO. even I already know that I´ll be sad for the remaining 8 countries.. also great to have many candidating nations from almost all continents
  17. wow !!! will the new host be paid for hosting or what ? 9 candidates wow, thats huge when I was the host I was the only one bidding
  18. well, it´s not a ice sport, so nothing important for
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