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  1. well, maybe not but it was very close, still very good race today from Alena
  2. Another very nice performance of Alena Procházková very very pleasant surprise in this seasons start, it looks she will win points also in first distance seasons WC event. Bravo Alena
  3. haha well it will not be a very rich charity then thanks, well, no one actually know in which level Kuzmina will be, we all are looking forward for Pokljuka to see the answer. Remember she missed 2 whole seasons, also she had to suddenly stop the last preparations phase because of illness and she had to return home from the training camp of our NT in Tyumen. Her main and only goal is PyeongChangs sprint and 3rd consecutive medal (Golden hattrick) so she still has some 16 months to improve her level back to the top.
  4. Tessa Worley back to winning ways in Killington France's Tessa Worley proved that determination was a critical factor for victory at the first World Cup race held in the Eastern U.S. in 25 years. The 2013 World Champion in giant slalom skied a courageous first run and powered through the second to claim the top step of the podium ahead of first-run leader Nina Loeseth of Norway who finished 0.80 seconds back. Italy's Sofia Goggia skied to her career-first podium in third, 1.11 seconds off Worley. “It’s been long,” Worley noted of her return to the podium for the first time since 2013. “Physically I could feel well. In less than a year after my injury, I felt ... physically 100 percent. The tough part was to get the spirit back of the racing and to be able to give everything.” Tough snow conditions demanded much of the ladies who did everything within their power to make it to the finish line. “I didn’t think it was going to be enough even for a podium and thought I was for sure four seconds off,” Loeseth revealed. “I had a few mistakes, but I think everybody did. Everybody felt really bad. I ski on feeling, so I always like to feel good, but sometimes you just have to leave the feelings in the start and just go.” The Italian led her team of five who placed in the top 10. "I think we are the strongest team in giant slalom – actually – on the World Cup because we were nine girls and just the youngest one did not qualify for the second [run]," Goggia noted of the Italian dominance. Soelden victor Lara Gut of Switzerland skied out in the first run, but she was very positive about the race atmosphere. "Usually when we are in the USA, there’s not so many people coming to watch the races,” she said. “Here it’s amazing – so many people, and I was surprised. Yesterday, I had an autograph session. So many kids came around, so many people recognizing me. I feel that people are happy that I was here. So that was cool." Full Results and Cup Standings Here Tessa Worley 2nd run
  5. wow. hope they will approve. and btw in which sport ? speed skating or short track ?
  6. There a milion of vidoes or films from the communism era, you can easily find them. I´ll just put this 5 minute clip and one 3 minute video about some "the best-off" "hilarious" propaganda about USA with subtitles..
  7. Thanks god, now it´s only a history. Peoples has tendencies to insufficiently rate the freedom. we are very lucky to live in freedom
  8. watching tomorrows start list I see that we do not consider the tomorrows mixed relay as important without Paulína Fialková and Kazár. Gereková/Poliaková/Hasilla/Otčenáš lol... the goal is clear...try finish the race... the single relay is even worse Ivona Fialková/Šíma oh dear
  9. That´s another great difference that was between us, we could not travel to the West without special permission. you received this permission only after long very long investigations of all your families and even then, you was afraid, if you´ll not return, your family members will have huge troubles... crazy considering Bratislava and Vienna are the nearest (nowadays Capital) cities in the world, and no one could not go there legally, ofc you could try to skip the barbed fences but you had to be careful to not be gunned down
  10. you know we tried to follow your way in the 60s and tried a so-called Socialism with human face but you know what immediately happened our "Brothers" just had the extreme need to invade us during the night Warsaw pact occupation under pretext of liberation Czechoslovakia from a war !!! this is what soviet soldiers in their tanks said to our peoples the morning, we are here to help you and stop the war...we never had any war since 1945 ex-Yougoslavia, Romania and East Germany are the only nations that resisted and refused to colaborate with the "ex-USSR big brother" to invade friends from a brotherly nation. and this is why czechs and slovaks will never forgot to ex-yu or Romanians their friendship. you are our friends, never war between our nations and why majority of czechs and slovaks well...let say it mildly... live only for days when our hockey teams will beat ex-USSR nations
  11. During communism Cuba was the largest supplier of oranges to Czechoslovakia. Yes, it´s true! But you can immagine, how it was a stupid idea and how many (FEW) in this case we actually really received those oranges, they were so few, that people were buying them mainly for the Christmas for example, and it was something really special to have Cuban orange or even more Cuban oranges at home during the christmas (well at this time it wasn´t called christmas but end years holidays), peoples looked on you like a very rich person... Absolute stupid period it was...thanks god it will never return
  12. sure, huge result for her. no doubts about, and she skied very well today, especially in the 1st run. I was just pointing her incredible capacity to never conert leadings place after 1st run
  13. second. she was 2nd also in Courchevel last season.
  14. Severin Freund soars to victory in Ruka Daniel Andre Tande, Severin Freund, Manuel Fettner Severin Freund won the second Ski Jumping World Cup competition of this winter in Ruka, Finland, in an impressive manner. For 28-year-old Freund, who was already second in the season opener on Friday, jumped on 146 m and 138 m (290.6 points) and took his 22nd win in the World Cup with a clear lead of 11.6 points over second-placed Norwegian Daniel-Andre Tande. The third place went to Austria's Manuel Fettner, who equalled his career-best result (a third place in Oberstdorf 2010). Severin Freund now took the lead in the overall World Cup with 180 (of the maximum of 200) points. Freund took advantage of his huge amount of experience on the HS 142 hill in Kuusamo and took a well-deserved win. "I'm really satisfied, this is definitely not what I expected and this makes it so much more satisfying. Today I made the right jump at the right time because I was lucky with the conditions in the first round. I had the best conditions and made a very aggressive jump, which wouldn't have worked on many hills. The season has just started and I already achieved my goal of winning again. Now I just want to get better from competition to competition", Freund said after the competition. After being eighth in the first round, Daniel Andre Tande could move up to second overall with an outstanding second jump of 139 m. "After the first round I didn't expect that I could finish in the Top 3 today. My first jump wasn't nearly as good as the second. It's a difficult hill here, but I really like it because you can fly quite long. It's my second time here so I couldn't be happier with the result", explained Tande. The best team peformance today was shown by the Austrians. Besides Manuel Fettner, also Stefan Kraft (4th), Andreas Kofler (6th) and Michael Hayboeck (10th) were in the Top 10. "I'm very satisfied with the result and also with my jumps. I'm really happy. I think this was the best weekend I've ever experienced in Kuusamo with regard to the weather conditions and I've been here often. Yesterday was no wind and today it also felt like almost no wind for Kuusamo", Fettner joked after his strong performance. Karl Geiger achieved yet another great result for the German team in ninth. Markus Eisenbichler and Richard Freitag in 15th and 16th, Stephan Leyhe in 19th and Andreas Wellinger in 20th completed a solid team result for Germany. The fans in Klingenthal, where the next World Cup competitions will be held next weekend, can look forward to seeing a strong German team. For the Slovenian brothers Peter and Domen Prevc it didn't go as well as yesterday. Peter, who sustained a big bruise on his right thigh in his crash yesterday, was seventh. His 17-year-old brother Domen, the winner of this season's first event, finished 13th. Today's competition ended without a top result for the Polish team of head coach Stefan Horngacher. But Maciej Kot (8th), Piotr Zyla (11th), Dawid Kubacki in 14th and Kamil Stoch, who was struggling a bit after his fall yesterday, were still strong - the Polish team has to be reckoned with this winter. The weekend in Ruka was a huge success for Vincent Descombes Sevoie of France. He already gained some attention with a great 10th place on Friday and was pre-qualified for the second event. Today Descombes Sevoie could do even better and finished on a sensational fifth place. He is now 9th in the overall World Cup - á la bonne heure. Besides Severin Freund and the Prevc brothers, the organizers in Ruka also one of this weekend's winners. The investments for the new inrun track and the huge wind net already paid off on the very first weekend. The Rukatunturi hill in Kuusamo will probably continue to be a regular in the World Cup calendar of the FIS. After two competitions, Severin Freund of Germany leads the overall World Cup with 180 points, followed by Domen Prevc (SLO/120 points) and Austrian Manuel Fettner (110 points). The team of Germany leads the Nation's Cup after the first weekend with 376 points, ahead of Austria (311 points) and Slovenia (225 points). Full Results and Cup Standings Here
  15. 13th Again great points for Petra in GS Tessa Worley finally won a race, she waited for a WC podium some 3 seasons. Nina Loeseth for the 3rd time in her career as a leader after 1st run but once again didn´t converted it in a final win. Italy the team of the day with something like milion Italian skiers in top 15 today. especially to mention Sofia Goggia with her huge effort in todays 2nd run
  16. Anton Siekel is the new president of Slovak Olympic Committee, he was elected today and will replace František Chmelár who was leading the committee since 1999. Danka Barteková only slovak IOC member (bronze medalist in London 2012 skeet ) voting Our committee also officially promoted slovak karate association between the Olympic bodies, Baseball and Softball will remains considered as only 1 federation, skateboarding will be considered under the Slovak speed skating federation and sport climbing federation will be approved and promoted during the next assembly. So only Surfing will be the only sport without slovak federation and will not be registred. Anton Siekel new Slovak Olympic Committee president, It's a former successful manager and was elected by majority already in the first round, receiving 88 out of the 107 eligible votes. new and former SOV presidents Anton Siekel and František Chmelár
  17. Johannes Rydzek claims first victory of 2016/17 The first name in the 2016/17 winner’s list in Nordic Combined is Johannes Rydzek. The 24-year-old captured the victory by 34.1 seconds over runner-up Eric Frenzel. The podium was completed by Jørgen Graabak from Norway who finished 45.6 seconds later. Akito Watabe took a close victory over Johannes Rydzek in the jumping round with the Japanese landing at 141.5 metres. With a total of 145 points, Watabe just had 0.2 points more than Germany’s Rydzek who shone with very good 140.5 metres. For the track, this meant the two athletes were only separared by one second at the start. Finnish youngster Eero Hirvonen continued in great shape after his victory at the Finnish national last weekend and captured the intermediate third position with 138 metres and 140.8 points which put him 17 seconds behind Watabe. Hot candidates for the victory and podium results were also Olympic champion Jørgen Graabak who held the fourth position after the jump with a time behind of 24 seconds and Björn Kircheisen. The veteran had shown stable, solid jumping from the first jump yesterday and achieved 132.5 metres today, putting him one minute and five seconds behind Watabe. German teammates Frenzel and Rießle followed on positions eight and nine, +1:13 and +1:37 behind the leader. Watabe and Rydzek skied together for the first part of the race but it became clear quite quickly that Watabe was not able to hold on to Rydzek. From this moment on, the first race turned into a one-man show. Rydzek went away from Watabe, skied a lonely race at the top and was never in the slightest danger to lose the first victory of the season. Even with slightly reduced speed in the end, Rydzek still set the second-fastest racing time and finished over half a minute earlier than his teammate Eric Frenzel. Frenzel skied a courageous race behind the leading duo, setting the fastest-cross country time of 26:52.8. At first, he was together with teammate Björn Kircheisen and Mario Seidl and on the last lap, the trio caught up with Jørgen Graabak and Eero Hirvonen. The Finn and The Norwegian had held the positions three and four in the beginning but overtook Akito Watabe by the half point of the race. Especially the newly minted Finnish champion Hirvonen surprised with a strong performance and cheered on by his home crowd, he finally brought a fourth position into the finish, the first Top Ten rank of his career. Graabak had to let Frenzel pass but was the only Norwegian with a position in the Top 20 in the end. The rest of the Top Ten positions went to Mario Seidl, Björn Kircheisen, Akito Watabe, Fabian Rießle, Philipp Orter and David Pommer. Full Results and Cup Standing in our Results Database
  18. Nina Loeseth won the GS 1st run, well thats quite a surprise. Petra Vlhová again in 2nd round
  19. very good group for Portugal, hard to find easier...c´mon Russia in football ? loool even Slovakia beat them and New Zealand well, with all respect Portugal is much better...only Mexico is very good but Portugal is still higher so thats what I call a dream group
  20. Nilsson and Golberg winners in Ruka season opener Stina Nilsson SWE wins in Ruka Stina Nilsson of Sweden and Paal Golberg of Norway have won the opening competitions of the Viessmann FIS World Cup Cross-Country 2016-17 season in Ruka, Finland. Snow fell throughout the competition creating challenging conditions for the athletes as they raced around the 1.4 km course. As the heats progressed the final climb back to the stadium saw the competitors in the herringbone technique unable to stay in the tracks. Both Nilsson and Golberg managed the climb each round and proved strongest on the final stretch to the finish. For Nilsson it was her first ever win in classic technique. Just one year ago she took second place to Norway's Maiken Caspersen Falla but got her revenge today with Falla taking second place. In third was Heidi Weng of Norway. On the men's side Paal Golberg of Norway who learned just 3 days ago that he would be traveling to Ruka took the first win of the season. Golberg who trains outside the National Team was brought to Ruka in replacement for Petter Northug Jr in the sprint and recorded his 4th World Cup victory. In second place from Sweden was Calle Halfvarsson grabbing his first ever World Cup podium in a classic sprint. In third place another Norwegian reserve made good on his opportunity to start in Ruka. Johannes Klaebo the young rising star on the team was announced Tuesday as the replacement for an ill Eirik Brandsdal, and captured his first ever World Cup podium. Competition resumes tomorrow with 10/15 km interval start competitions. Full Results and Cup Standing available in Totallympics Results Database
  21. Gasser and McMorris victorious at Olympic big air Test Event The top six riders of the Olympic big air Test Event World Cup in Alpensia Anna Gasser (AUT) and Mark McMorris (CAN) have celebrated an impressive win at this season's second big air World Cup competition staged at Alpensia Ski Stadium (KOR) which also served as Olympic Test Event for PyeongChang 2018. On the huge scaffolding ramp purpose-built right across the ski-jumping hills Gasser was able to keep the momentum from her triumph at Milan (ITA) two weeks ago with a total score of 180.75 and a dominant lead over second and third ranked riders Julia Marino (USA, 157.00) and Katie Ormerod (GBR, 156.75). The top qualifier of the six female finalists and current big air World Cup leader had already added clarity to the question of who would take home the glory after the first two jumps (cab double cork 900, backside 720 mute) of the three run, best two count finals being able to enjoy a victory lap with a stylish frontside 360 nosebone. “It's nice to win the Olympic rehearsal. It's a great thing and it gives me a real boost of self-confidence aiming for PyeongChang 2018.” And while the Austrian ripper was able to celebrate a back-to-back win against a strong and deep international field, her rivals were also pleased with the result. After nailing a cab 900 and a backside 720 in her first runs, third ranked British athlete Katie Ormerod gave it a shot on stepping up her game – although she couldn't land the trick she was going for: “I'm really happy that I landed my first tricks, and I was able to try the cab 1080 for the first time in competition.” McMorris closes chapter In contrary to the women's competition, Mark McMorris had to up the ante in the last round of the finals of the top ten men to also claim his career's second World Cup win, his first in a big air competition. Coming from a third rank finish in Milan and after landing a backside triple cork 1440 indy in his first run, the 22-year-old was the only one to stomp a frontside triple cork 1440 mute earning a final score of 184.75 to edge off so far leading teammate Max Parrot (CAN, 178.00) to the second rank therefore also taking over the World Cup lead. “I feel awesome. It feels good to land that trick [frontside triple 14]. That was the trick I broke my femur on, and I haven't tried this trick ever since. It's a big mental thing for me to having overcome this. And being first is the icing on the cake,” stated the 2014 Olympic slopestyle bronze medallist. Reigning slopestyle world champion Ryan Stassel (USA) came out third of the finals which delivered an exciting and high-level snowboard show packed with a big variety of tricks ranging from a frontside 900 nose off toes by Darcy Sharpe (CAN), a switch backside 1260 of Stassel to a couple of backside triple cork 1440's, a switch backside 1620 japan attempt by Tyler Nicholson (CAN) and Max Parrot's first ever landed cab triple cork 1620 on a scaffolding jump. “I'm feeling really great to get second. I represented the number of my bib pretty good. And I'm also happy to land a new trick on a scaffolding jump. I have been trying this trick for a long time, and I finally got it. So yeah, I'm happy,” said Parrot. The big air World Cup tour continues next weekend (Dec 3) at the ARAG Big Air Freestyle Festival in Moenchengladbach (GER) which also serves as second stop of the newly launched Super Series, a series of three in-city big air World Cup events. Full Results and Cup Standings available in our Results Database
  22. Former Under 23 road race world champion and 3 time Team Trial world champion Peter Velits officially announced his retirement due long term health problems at age 31
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