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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Czech TV super hyping Ogrodníková, they were showing almost her every move the last 5 minutes
  2. How was this attempt of the Japanese only 60.54 ? It looked the javelin landed somewhere in the middle between 60-65m
  3. In M K1 ? Big I would say. Basically you have no real competition for the last available quota, all strong nations and good paddlers from smaller canoe slalom countries are already qualified. For me, your main opponents will be apart the 2 countries with naturalized slovak paddlers (Samuel Stanovsky) and (Marcel Potočný) mainly but the one I would more affraid is Matthieu Doby. however as I said honnestly Poland with 3 decent paddlers should win this quota on paper quite easily. but again we know that in this sport you always have to count on that randomness factor in a single race, one silly mistake and everything can happen... I would be more worried about the W C1 quota for you, Here I am afraid the task may be too hard for your girl(s) facing 3 paddlers from France, Slovenia (both still can be qualified directly via reallocations - HOPEFULLY) and Slovakia your chances are basically inexistant
  4. Women´s 20km Race Walk: 1. LIU Hong 1:32.53 2. QIEYANG Shenjie 1:33.10 3. YANG Liujing 1:33.17 Full Final Result HERE
  5. Women´s 100m: 1. Shelly-Ann FRASER-PRYCE 10.71WL 2. Dina ASHER-SMITH 10.83NR 3. Marie-Josée TA LOU 10.90 Full Final Result HERE
  6. Men´s Triple Jump: 1. Christian TAYLOR 17.92SB 2. Will CLAYE 17.74 3. Hugues Fabrice ZANGO 17.66AR Full Final Result HERE
  7. and in Croatian when you ask "hladna piča" it means cold drink. But be warned in slovakia/czech republic it means you "hungry "the very very vulgar word for vagina""
  8. Very very vulgar word for vagina and like @dcro know in Croatian it means drink
  9. Mixed 4x400m: 1. UNITED STATES 3:09.34WR Wilbert London Allyson Felix Courtney Okolo Michael Cherry 2. JAMAICA 3:11.78NR Nathon Allen Roneisha McGregor Tiffany James Javon Francis 3. BAHRAIN 3:11.82AR Musa Isah Aminat Jamal Salwa Eid Naser Abbas Abubakar Abbas Full Final Result HERE
  10. Picha-rdo without medal our commentators escaped this time
  11. Women´s Pole Vault: 1. Anzhelika SIDOROVA 4.95WL 2. Sandi MORRIS 4.90PB 3. Katerini STEFANIDI 4.85SB Full Final Result HERE
  12. Like comrades said "it was a good plan, but execution failed"
  13. and now all guys will eat Justyna Swiety, lucky bastards
  14. so IAAF anthem will be played in pole vault ceremony
  15. Taylor saved his ass in that 3rd attempt
  16. so only with agirl running with mens and a guy running agianst girls
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