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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Just thought I’d give you a proper welcome @RadMaster. Enjoy the forum!
  2. With a name like this, this kid wouldn’t have survived the American, British, or Australian public school systems. No wonder he became a kickboxer
  3. I’ve been reading a few stories about their program. Essentially the government/NOC are allocating a lot of their money towards that. Plus, it’s become a cultural thing since they won gold at Rio and then again this year at Minsk.
  4. It’s like saying Voldemort’s name in the Harry Potter universe @Laraja.
  5. Well if we meant in Germany or Ireland I’d be old enough
  6. They can have the South minus Texas. I’d love to visit/live in Greenland, just as much as I’d love to live in Iceland. Those (and BC) are probably my favorite places on the planet.
  7. Well I live in a place that hasn’t see snow (at least in a measurable amount) since 2012 and 2008. Mammoth is 4 hours away and they do have good trails and programs, but they’re just no accessible for the larger population of SoCal. I also think there’s a lot of reasons for decrease participation in youth sports in the US. There’s a reason Norway and to a certain degree China have the best youth sports programs in the world. I’m not going to lecture about it on this post though. I love Nordic Skiing, even more than Alpine, which I’ve tried a few times. The nature of the sport just makes it so expensive (especially since we’re taking about the US). I don’t hope so much that these athletes perform well, of course I’d love for them to medal, and will cheer for them should there be a live stream, but I hope more that they’ll have a good experience and use the games to propel themselves onto the international scene and see and learn things that make them better athletes.
  8. @heywoodu So look, I’ve said some rude things in this post and in posts. I also realize what I posted right before this is counterintuitive to this post. I’d like to offer out and olive branch and apologize. I’m not good at solving conflict, and I often start drama. I should have though about the post more before I made it. I’m sorry. I try to be a positive member on this forum and build other users up. This afternoon I failed at that. That is my fault, and again, I’m sorry. Cheers to being a great user.
  9. By the way @heywoodu I didn’t mean my post in a critical way. You had asked the Brazilians advice on sports channels and were talking about things you might watch. I was just trying to give you my opinion, as someone who’s been exposed to those sports for their whole life, on the topic. I’m sorry it offended you. I didn’t mean to discourage you from watching. I was just trying to tell you about the sport’s presence in my country. I feel like I was well in my rights to write what I wrote. I wasn’t attacking you, your country, or your sports. It’s not my fault you’re looking to stoke drama up, just because of what I said a few weeks ago.
  10. Reap what you sow. Goodnight to Belgium’s lame top hat. I’m going to enjoy my WEC, Ju-Jitsu, Frisian, and Korfball tonight
  11. I find WEC to be the most exciting series. The only motorsports I watch anymore are WEC, IMSA, and the famous races (Monaco, Indy, etc.)
  12. I never said you shouldn’t watch NASCAR. I was just stating as a former fan, why I wouldn’t waste time on it.
  13. If you’re talking about the Ju-Jitsu in the World and Asian Games, it’s not the same as Brazilian Ju-Jutsu
  14. Kind of like when I talk about Dutch sports huh? Don’t be hypocritical.
  15. Well I hope you and your family stay safe. Make good decisions and prepare ahead of time.
  16. @heywoodu You are missing nothing by not watching American Football, Baseball, or NASCAR. You actually get brain loss from watching those. Those sports have fallen big into American Politics. NASCAR and American Football are for conservatives. Basketball and Soccer are for Liberals. Baseball and IndyCar are stuck somewhere in the middle. I used to watch NASCAR religiously when I was young. I lost interest around 12-14 years old, especially after I discovered Olympic sports and winter sports. The first Olympic sport I watched religiously was Alpine Skiing. Though between the ages of 13-14, I probably watched the Vancouver 2010 Biathlon events 20-30 times. NASCAR is sooooo boring. They go in a circle a lot of times, which doesn’t bother me when the races are close, but when there’s a clear leader there’s nothing to make it interesting. The sport is also pretty Southern elitist. Plus, many of the fans and racers are very racist and sexist. It’s just all around a bad series. I much prefer WEC, IMSA, and IndyCar myself. American Football will be fun to watch a few times though. I just hate the sport because of the culture around it. Plus, as someone who advocates for safe sport, American Football isn’t on the top of my list. I think you’ll like it though. I’d highly recommend watching some Brazilian Ju-Jitsu matches if you get the chance.
  17. ESPN shows a lot of ICC, FIBA, and FIFA events in the US on their new pay-for streaming platform ESPN+. I’m sure it exists in Brazil too.
  18. You my sir, haven’t viewed Pacific Games Cricket results . I believe, but could be wrong, that some countries lost worse there
  19. There have a good male as well. Surprised he hasn’t qualified.
  20. I’ve really made a mess of this Judo thread tonight . Apologies to the mods for that.
  21. I plan to go to Caron Sevens too. Made we’ll bump into each other . I knew you were from LA because we had a conversation about that last summer I think. I not LA proper though, but I am within the county. I fully consider myself a true Angeleno and SoCal resident though.
  22. I can and I did. They rank below the Lao People’s Republic, Tahiti, and Cape Verde In my book (in terms of good multi-sports games hosts). That statement is also a perfect summation about the world letting Morocco get away with its completely illegal and immoral occupation and destruction of the Sahrawi Republic.
  23. @RobtheAggie
  24. Damn. Well for an Ukrainian/Israeli immigrant your English is very good. I’m assuming you speak or at least know Ukrainian, Russian, and Hebrew as well? I will say that one of the main reasons I love SoCal is because all the really cool people I meet all the time. Sri Lankans, Indians, Iranians, Armenians, people or different Jewish origins, Brits, Dutch, Germans, Mexicans, Salvadorans (we have a pretty good size community where I live). Guatemalans, Arabs, Koreans, Chinese, Russians, etc. That’s what makes LA such a cool city (so I obviously hate all this right wing nonsense about immigrants), and why, like Rio, it makes a great host city for the Olympics (I’m taking about the social situation of Rio, not everything else). The Weightlifting Worlds were so fun to work because all the local communities came out to support athletes from their native lands.
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