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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I could be wrong, but I don’t think Great Abaco has a huge population. I think the majority of Bahamians live on the southern islands, but as I said I haven’t looked at a map of the Bahamas in a while. Either way this storm has taken a turn for the worse.
  2. Current models have it as a Cat 2 hitting South Carolina. Cat 2 may cause some mild damage and maybe some coastal flooding at best. The Bahamas are fucked though. I’m much more concerned about them.
  3. Or nowadays USA D(eported). That joke was in very bad taste and against my views, but it had to be made in 2019.
  4. Eights were huge back in the day, and are the pinnacle of the sport. Cutting that event would be like cutting the heart rowing. Sailing gets enough quotas in my opinion.
  5. The biggest thing I miss about my trip to Vancouver (when we stayed in Surrey) is the endless daylight. It was so nice. It gets dark around 20:00-20:30 in LA during the summer. In Vancouver it gets dark at like 23:00-23:30 in the summer. Watching the games has reminded me of this.
  6. The following is a discussion based on unconfirmed information and rumors. Please be advised. So, apparently some/a Lithuanian Basketball official has stated that FIBA are actively working on phasing 5x5 Basketball out of the Olympics by 2028. The rumor comes from a source shared to Reddit Olympics. I looked at the original post and the source didn’t seem super reputable. However, I also know that sometimes the craziest rumors can be true.
  7. Also, there was a shooting at an Alabama high school American Football game last night. A teen got into a disagreement with other teens and pulled out a weapon and just started firing into the crowd. No one was killed (a fucking miracle), but 11 were injured.
  8. And now more bad news . 5 dead, 21 injured
  9. Totals are rising to quick for me to update. It recently went to 1 dead, 20 injured
  10. Straight Pride Parade went just about as well as it was supposed to...for the counter protestors . Nothing like a city where everyone gets drunk and hates everyone (Boston) coming together to fight hate and neo-nazis . Also, **** straight pride.
  11. 1 dead and 10 injured after a mass shooting that appears to have taken place on a Texas highway. Shooter is dead. The news is just breaking. Again, don’t take any source as 100% correct and valid for the first few hours.
  12. @JoshMartini007 I got sent the following document/link in the ICF media package. I don’t know if it’s helpful or something you already saw, but I thought I’d run it by you. EDIT: I’m an idiot, I didn’t see it was posted on the last page. Sorry
  13. The US is better prepared for natural disasters than most nations. It’s probably the one good thing we’ve accomplished in the last two decades. I mean California laughed off a major earthquake this year. I almost never worry about natural issues. I’m more likely to die from gunfire, drug overdoses, in a car crash, or some the systemic issues of homelessness.
  14. I’d imagine Park. He’s had success as a Vert skater, but that discipline wasn’t added to the games (a good decision I might add). Park would have the most transferable skills from halfpipe and Vert, so that’d be the logical choice.
  15. I’d rather see amputee football personally. I know of a few more sports looking for entry too (Armwrestling in particular). I’ll make a post later today about how I’d change the Paralympic program (and I’ll do it in a different thread so we keep this one on topic )
  16. “Not enough international reach” official IPC reason. The IPC decided to cut 7-a-side Football in 2016, along with Sailing (which was a huge shock). Both of those sports did apply to be continued on the 2020 program. The sports that also went for inclusion were Badminton, Taekwondo, Powerchair Football, Amputee Football, Electric Wheelchair Hockey, and 3x3 Intellectually Impaired Wheelchair Beasketball. Obviously Badminton (which definitely deserved a place) and Taekwondo (not so sure about that one) were selected. The IPC almost decided to cut Track Cycling too. Here’s a good article about the 2020 Paralympics sports program:
  17. I will say that I think the ISSF has one of the best qualification systems. Other IF’s should really follow their lead.
  18. This back half of the race has made for quite a boring event. Plus, Sagan’s not here so there will be a grand total of zero pointless wheelies
  19. Happy belated welcome @Winterless! Sorry for the delay. Enjoy the forum
  20. I love climbing on bike, skates, skis, etc.; but that steep switchback climb does not look fun to me, which says a lot about how steep it is.
  21. Yeah Mountain Biking’s been a little less competitive lately. I still enjoy watching a race though.
  22. It’s Mountain Biking, anyone can win on a given day at the top level.
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