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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. WADA has published it’s Independent Report. 11 adverse findings. 6 in Weightlifting, 1 each in Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, and Equestrian.
  2. Given you love for ignorance, I’m surprised you’re not spreading creationism or flat-Earth theories.
  3. And I admire your lack of imagination, research, and knowledge on the subject matter.
  4. You don’t know what socialism brings either...Communism isn’t Socialism. If people don’t realize how helpful and awesome government programs are, than I can’t help. Yeah, I think that’s why Poland’s decided to try racism, white nationalism, and xenophobia again. Sanders isn’t a communist, but apparently you can’t read English since multiple users have said this before. No, that is something Democrats are united on. Stop, no. Cut down on the number of (by many), yes. Or we’ll actually realize the best system of Socialism, and we will have actually “Made America Great Again”. I’ll admit that Sanders would be first choice to initiate that, but I’ll take what I can get. I’ll take help where I can get it, that’s politics baby. They’re wrong about him being an easy opponent though. The left has some propaganda at the ready, so I wouldn’t be concerned
  5. @mrv86 I think the work you’ve done is awesome. That said, what’s men’s team keirin
  6. Greco-Roman should have its own, but it traditionally hasn’t at any multi-sports games, so that may be why.
  7. This. This is a great example of why Bernie is the candidate the party needs and not Biden or Buttigieg. Also, here’s a link to the full article: It actually does a pretty good job of explaining where Sanders so popular amongst a young generation of Americans. It also offers and explanation of why my generation is more left than most American generations.
  8. Ethiopia out here tryna get these sexy quotas this year. Personally hoping for a Mauritius quota (as they are one of the African nations I support the most (because their flag is cool)), but this should come down to Nigeria and Tunisia.
  9. Because there three different disciplines Same reason there’s two for BMX, three for Gymnastics, two for karate, etc.
  10. The current party in power in Bhutan is Marxist though I believe. I know they’ve been in out, which is exactly how it should be. I believe in the core principles of what Marx pushed, but I believe they can/should be accomplished through democratic means. Hence, Democratic Socialist.
  11. But they’ve made it work for them. The government is heavy handed, but the population is regarded as one of the happiest in the world. Most of their problems are stem from being patriarchal society (like Singapore), more than from Marxism. Nepal is even less heavy handed, and freedom of information seems quite available there.
  12. So there was already another company that claimed to have cracked the code?
  13. It’s worth mentioning that both Nepal and Bhutan have chosen Marxist policies and presidents, but both have also been able to maintain democracy in the process, so it can be done. Now, their are still issues with Nepal and Bhutan in terms of rights, but I think those could ironed out.
  14. I just don’t agree. Communism is a blight humanity; absolutely. There are are pros though. What Bernie and I agree is that if we truly wanted the system, we’d combine multiple systems to make the best one. Communism was horrible, you are absolutely right, but there are still some things worth “stealing” from it.
  15. Going with them Trump expletives I see I felt I was very clear that communism was bad, but what can a man do? People in communist countries have healthcare, higher literacy races, and live more active lives. They also tend to have a better sense of collectivist (in the communication sense) thought (rather it’s bad or not is most certainly up for debate). They also don’t have to worry about random shooting attacks. I do think communism is worse than capitalism, but for me, that’s like being asked to chose who’s better “Mussolini or Hitler” (Mussolini obviously, but’s still far from a great option) I do value freedom of speech, and as a social-anarchist I believe it’s everyone’s right within fair limits (ie. no hate speech) (there’s difference between criticism and hate). I have many values as journalist, as an educated citizen, and as someone who truly cares about the wellbeing of others. I will attack places like China, North Korea, USSR, etc. all day. However, it would be unfair to not point out where political systems have been successful. I wrote under censorship for 14 years as a catholic school student. I learned from a very young age how to play the game. It’s one of the main reasons I’m so outspoken today. However, I’ll admit that any good writer can get a message across under any regime. You just have to learn to play the rules to your advantage. I saw through their lies, but I was smart enough to use them for my vision of how the world should be. I really do appreciate your virtue signaling though. You complain of my personal attacks on you, but I see it’s a double standard so...
  16. Oh boy, first confirmed case in California. Sounds like they think he got it while in the state, so RIP. It’s already turned into a scandal, since the CDC denied UC Davis’s first request to test for Covid-19. He tested positive a few days later. Really hoping it hasn’t spread at this point, but at this point it’s inevitable the disease will make to most countries. I just hope the qualifier doesn’t get canceled.
  17. Alright, at least I made it a good one. But seriously, how the fuck did y’all notice this, and I didn’t? I’ve been running regularly, posting articles daily, doing school work; who even am I at this point?
  18. Fuck, you’re right again Where have I been? It’s very unlike me to get emotional at every little milestone.
  19. Weekly mass shooting, at least it wasn’t a school or place of worship this time. 6 dead today, 6 more next week probably
  20. Democratic Party 1980-2019: Bernie is not a communist Bernie: wins three primaries Democratic Party: why the fuck are you guys voting for a communist!?! Do you hate this country?
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