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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Did we establish clear format for the team event? Are we going with I suggested? Is someone keeping track of that?
  2. Right, probably a similar meaning then. My guess is that Hindustan is an endonym in the Central Asian languages. The reason those people in those countries call India “Hindustan” is because they’ve had contact with India for hundreds of years. As where the name for the United States is probably an exonym in their languages, since they didn’t have contact with Americans before last hundred years of so probably. Plus, those languages were highly “Russified” during Russian and Soviet rule. The Soviets even made attempts at killing those languages (you kill a language, you kill a lot of that culture. If someone’s not connected to their identity as a Kazakh, then they can easily become a Soviet culturally.) I don’t think I quite used endonym/exonym right in this context, but what I’m trying to say is that “Hindustan” is the traditional, historical name for India in those languages. It’s most likely always been the name in those languages, so there wouldn’t be a need/point to changing the name. As where, those languages never had a name for the United States, so instead coming up with a name in the traditional style, they most likely just burrowed a name from the Russian language or just used a name that sounded similar to the English version. I’m sure you didn’t need, nor want, all this explanation/theory, but I have a tiny, little interest in language, culture, and communication
  3. “Stan” roughly translates to “home of” or “land of”, I believe.
  4. Media outlets are reporting a large police presence outside Ubisoft Montreal. Unconfirmed reports of a hostage situation.
  5. I’ve already got one lined up. I’m afraid the organizers have been a little too frivolous with their personal feelings...
  6. That’s a great question. Though, I’d say regardless of the answer, Kenya still needs to face sanctions because the number of positive tests amongst their athletes suggests they have a major problem.
  7. Yes, but we have seen an insane amount of positive tests from their athletes lately. I do think they should definitely face sanctions of some sort.
  8. Men’s and Women’s Ski Jumping World Cups in Sapporo (scheduled for Jan. and Feb. 2021) are cancelled.
  9. I have good ideas from time to time If that’s the format we go with, should points reset after each leg, or should points carry over from leg to leg (think ISSF final format)?
  10. What about an elimination race style team event. Team with the lowest score after each leg eliminated. Leg 1 - 7 teams start, 6 teams advance Leg 2 - 6 teams start, 5 teams advance Leg 3 - 5 teams start, 4 teams advance Leg 4 - 4 teams start, 3 teams advance Leg 5 - 3 teams start and compete for the medals.
  11. I knew there was some actual technical issues when they constructed the track (gates wouldn’t drop, then something else), but they claimed to have fixed all that. Each track is constructed differently, but I think the conveyor belt is the same for the whole season. The best source of information for this stuff is the subreddit (r/JellesMarbleRuns).
  12. Hello, welcome to the forum! As for your question, I don’t think they have.
  13. Doesn’t look like the citizens of Armenia are taking this too well. There’s multiple videos of protestors storming and taking control of Parliament.
  14. Zambia I’m writing a research paper on Zamrock, so I figured when in Rome...This is song from arguably the biggest Zamrock band, WITCH (We Intend To Cause Havoc). It’s got a great sound to it. Lazy Bones - WITCH
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