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Everything posted by AlFHg

  1. Irma Testa sadly out at first turn, but she honestly deserved it. She didn't fought for two rounds, only in the third she actually was able to hit the opponent.
  2. This is something REALLY amazing :D homemade pizzas baked in wood oven :D
  3. The dates are confirmed as there is a document of olympic qualification system that is downloadable from the FIVB which updates the system and states that the dates are 2-4 August for Women and 9-11 for Men
  4. Starting from the fact that I'm politically distant from the minister, or better, I'm politically opposite to the minister and to this government in general. It is difficult to trust this government, apart from the ideas they have towards Europe that are silly, to say the least. The fact is that this minister, that is the actual leader of the government, is in contrast with the other (supposed, but in practice inconsistent) leader of the government, who is totally against the olympics. And this contrast is exacerbated by the fact that a third city (Turin), whose goverment is of the same party of this second minister, has withdrawn from the bid. All this premise to say these two things: 1) not sure if this government will last to next summer (but even next spring), so probably they won't give any decision; 2) Italian politics is a mess and find something trustworthy is almost impossible, and this since the end of WWII. However, my opinion is that in practice a way to have political and financial support from the government will be found, especially if Stockholm withdraws, officially or not. Also considering what happened in Veneto, that is where Cortina stays, this is a good chance to have external fundings to make that region on its track again. In theory.
  5. thanks cinnamon beated cocoa, however. If I remember, lately I'll post something that is REALLY amazing :D
  6. @thiago_simoes dulce de leche is something I will learn to do, one day. It should be very tasty :D
  7. The Italian boxer Roberta Mostarda won the first match of the entire competition against a Serbian athlete. It’s a promising start for us :D
  8. Well “Ovo” is not a current Italian word, it is an archaic form of “uovo”, but after all Western Europe language are quite similar
  9. They are cinnamon and cocoa rolls
  10. And this is Napoli :D this city I love/hate where I studied and actually work. This is Castel dell'Ovo that literally means "The Castle of the Egg", in a picture taken from the seaside. The whole world looks wonderful when you see it from there I can never remember the positions, but the two islands in the background should be, from left to right, Capri and Ischia.
  11. This is a picture of something taken somewhere on the Rhone in Villeurbanne it was the only moment of relax I had in four days I spent, or better wasted, in France to do interviews seeking for a Ph. D.
  12. Time ago I did these for my girlfriend :D I don't think they need any presentation
  13. I honestly think this could really be the case, also considering that some structures will be used for 2020 (am I right?) winter youth games, so the cost can be probably be reduced, somehow
  14. I don't think IOC will award a nation with two consecutive games. I suppose that to avoid it they will sponsor a new bid with increased funding, if both Italy and Sweden will fail with their bids. I'd bet a euro on Vancouver, Lausanne and Barcelona, in this order.
  15. Bertolli is a relatively famous Italian brand, although it was recently (2014 maybe) bought by a Japanese corporation. If it is written made in Italy, almost surely it is. If it something that is typical of Italy, maybe it is but I'm not aware of. Most probably, it can be something sold as pesto as it is a kind of brand already fidelised PS: sometimes, someone adds tomato sauce to pesto: as far as I know, it is made in a pizzeria franchising quite famous in Italy. Maybe this is just pesto to which sauce was added :D
  16. Using dried tomatoes for pesto in addition/substitution of basil is something becoming more and more popular in Italy, as long as using pistachios for it (and for many other things). however, for almost an eternity, pesto in Italy was always referred to the Genoan tradition, as @Sindo said
  17. As far as I know, no. CAF should organize a dedicated tournament in 2019 or 2020
  18. Today quota should be these: USA in men's 50m rifle 3 positions; USA in men's skeet; Chile in women's skeet.
  19. I hope IWF will upload qualification ranking quickly :D in the while, is there a scheme summing up the situation of maximum number of athletes that NOCs can bring to Tokyo? I mean, including doping limitation
  20. Honestly, I don't know how to move on that website as I usually take direct links from the FIE website however, for today rounds, here are the results of Bonn (male foil): and here are those for Orleans (female sabre): you should also check for eventual Dutch fencers in the pools
  21. These are live streaming :D engarde-service and fencing-vision are kind of livescores, the latter usually streams event in France and Francophone countries :D
  22. If you mean the results of every bout and not the general standings, I suggest to go to However, if you go on FIE website and check the event you want, typically there is a link to live results (a blue square on which LR is written) that usually is a good source For example, for Tallin:
  23. Today's live streaming: Women Epee world cup, Tallin, :EST Women Sabre world cup, Orleans, :FRA Men Foil world cup, Bonn, :GER
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