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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Kirkpatrick

  1. Olsbu with 6/10, bye, bye. Wierer provisional first place. Oh no! +0.6! Come on now, how did she lost that?
  2. Wierer with a great recovery on stand shoot.
  3. Wierer's shooting terrible lately. Two misses in prone. Vittozzi misses two as well!
  4. Poliakova is worse than ever. Slovakia really has no other that might jump into women't relay?
  5. Don't have the beautiful image of ARD/ZDF HD today, so Pat and Mike are keeping me company today. And yeah, that break after five starters...very annoying.
  6. Looks like it's a round between heats and QFs or SFs, with the participants that didn't qualify for the latter racing.
  7. SATURDAY, MARCH 9 10:00 Ranking Finals 1500, 500 m. Ladies & Men 13:45 Opening Ceremony 14:02 S-Finals & Finals 1500 m. Ladies & Men Q-Finals, S-Finals & Finals 500 m. Ladies & Men Semi-Finals 3000 m. Relay Ladies Semi-Finals 5000 m. Relay Men What do the "Ranking Finals" mean?
  8. Herrmann dominated Eckhoff, who's really far off her usual speed. Olsbu actually had faster time than even Denise.
  9. Indeed, on women's side they'll have exceptional competition, and Eckhoff already spent her good shooting wish. Roeiseland fastest from women, Herrmann close second, *everyone* else far behind.
  10. Cristiansen is scary good on range. First gold for Norway.
  11. Run, Korea, run! Hope this WC won't be gold medal fest for Norway as was Nordic one.
  12. I decided to watch on ARD, I understand pretty much nothing, which is sometimes still better than those two. Plus, HD.
  13. Germany Norway Italy rest 20+ seconds away
  14. Looks like Eckhoff isn't all there with speed, as Wierer sticks with her, and Herrman already cut the lead from 18 to...1 second or so.
  15. Olsbu easily catching up with Vitozzi, and had 23 seconds disadvantage.
  16. I'd like to upgrade my enjoyment of ski orienteering from "fun" to "pretty good!".
  17. For those that might know better, in ski orienteering, it's not mandatory to check points in order? I mean, very likely it's not, as I don't see any DSQs near some names, but to be sure. Noticed Gorlanov, eventual winner, going 1-2-3-4-5-13-8-9-10-11-12-6-7-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-finish.
  18. Ski orienteering is a fun event! Will check out World Championships in Sweden in two weeks. I am enjoying this Universiade, short track is always entertaining as well, and I actually recognized plenty of names from World Cups.
  19. That was very satisfying to watch.
  20. Have perhaps for today's ski orienteering?
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