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Jack Gonçalves

Totallympics Professional
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Everything posted by Jack Gonçalves

  1. I think it is the 6 of the refugee team that does not count? If someone can confirm…
  2. But still some quotas are missing. They should do this earlier… 😂
  3. Why are there more men than women? It should be 186 of each … why 188 men? what a mess.
  4. hello, Why do some in the Olympic ranking have full points for continental championships for the first year of qualification? Should it not be 50% of the points? Example : (the last points for this one in 60kg category) 31 SAMY Youssry EGY 1582 Q 350 252 120 10 participation Tashkent Grand Slam 2024 1 March 2024 10 - 80 35 10 10 5 700 Found it : Exception for the 6th result: Olympic qualification period 6th result rule 50% Period (24 June 2022 to 22 June 2023) Higher points from Masters 2022 (50%) or continental championships 2023 (100%) 100% Period (23 June 2023 to 23 June 2024) Higher points from Masters 2023 (100%) or continental championships 2024 (100%) The lower points are going to be counted in the best five of the period, if applicable. stupid rule I must say.
  5. where can you watch the judo??
  6. Frederico Morais , out of the Surf competition because of Positive covid test before departure.
  7. Hopefully all those delegations are vaccinated....... Because Portugal athletes etc are.
  8. Both Portuguese guys got the 2 Chinese in their way. could not be worse.
  9. the day before the -48 and -60 categories.
  10. Agate is illegal in Portugal and cannot travel outside of the country...
  11. Portugal's federation just also changed their Facebook/Instagram and Twitter pictures to the rainbow flag! :RAINBOW:
  12. Portugal's federation just also changed they Facebook picture to the rainbow flag! :RAINBOW:
  13. It goes for the first not directly qualified (even if he has a CQ). Then a CQ gets free and goes to the next athlete in condition to receive it.
  14. I hope Munich just ignore UEFA and does it. Why can't they color their stadium as they wish? =)
  15. Did they take any reallocation into account at all?
  16. Mayra is not a variation of Maria. it has a different origin.
  17. Well it was not Setúbal, but someone gave up organizing because of COVID.!!!
  18. OMG no man qualified for Portugal :X Vasco...
  19. VEN is not in the main round anymore. 6 left H 73 Competitor Info Pts P Hiroto Ohhara JPN Kanoa Igarashi JPN Joan Duru FRA H 74 Competitor Info Pts P Shun Murakami JPN Jeremy Flores FRA I Ketut Agus Aditya Putra INA
  20. In Portugal you are Portuguese if your Parents are Portuguese and might also get it from grandparents (some rules might apply here for the grandparents case), if you are born in Portugal from non Portuguese parents you are not Portuguese, we have the Jus Sanguinis system. You can however pretend to be Portuguese after living several years in the country (those years might vary depending on some factors I think). We do have at least one canoe athlete qualified that was born in France and lived in France with a Portuguese parent... sorry about the off-topic
  21. No... But Sequeira is half british from her mother side. And they would need to be Portuguese in order to compete for Portugal...
  22. No. He got a small injury from a fall last competition in the USA, so he is recovering for Olympics.
  23. how many pass to the semi-finals and to the finals?
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