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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Damn boy, that's like hitting a hattrick in your own goal, all in injury time of the big final.
  2. I'm thinking about replacing it though, it's getting old, a bit slow and the keyboard isn't working well anymore (especially the 'e' often doesn't do anything )
  3. Interesting moment for you to mention that Just went out to the fridge to pick my treat for tonight
  4. I only realized it had any COVID connection an hour or so ago when I looked it up on YouTube to post it on a Dutch forum That 'rap' part put paid to any chances it had to climb another spot on my ranking.
  5. Can't say I've really eaten hot curry (I think, or what one would call curry at all), but from what I've heard...won't that upset one's stomach even if the contest is about seeing which grass grows faster?
  6. Wow, thank you! I'm sorry for failing you, and as I wanted to say earlier (but couldn't, of course): I actually liked Tajna, Croatia was on my reserve list and only fell out of the points somewhere in the last two or three days
  7. Oh, and a last small thing: you know how I made and posted a Spotify playlist here with all songs (basically in order in which they were posted or mentioned, so nothing specific)? In the run-up to sending my votes, I kept changing the order so that my favourites would be in the last positions and eventually the last 12 songs on the playlist would be my 1-point song up to my 12-point song....totally forgot that the playlist was public until maybe half an hour ago....
  8. Now finally I can say it: shame on everyone who left Till Forever Falls Apart laying by the side of the road! I wasn't expecting Finland or Malta to end up very high, but I absolutely, 100% was expecting USA to challenge hard for the win
  9. You, sir, know what you are talking about Dear Home, Sacre Coeur, Song About Love, this shouldn't be that surprising!
  10. NETHERLANDS UNITED STATES 12 FINLAND 11 MALTA 10 NORWAY 9 GREAT BRITAIN 8 MEXICO 7 TUNISIA 6 ITALY 5 SWEDEN 4 SPAIN 3 NEW ZEALAND 2 FRANCE 1 Tot zover de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury. Een speciaal compliment voor Ashe en Finneas en hun ware muzikale parel, de Nederlandse jury heeft er bijzonder van genoten en doet dat bijna dagelijks nog steeds! We wensen iedereen een hele fijne avond en nog veel plezier! That's it for the votes of the Dutch jury. A special compliment for Ashe and Finneas and their true musical gem, the Dutch jury enjoyed it thoroughly and still does so on a nearly daily basis! We wish everyone a very nice evening and a lot of fun!
  11. Right, just taking another listen to the song that I knew I would give 12 points the very moment I heard it. I gave every other song plenty of chances and more than in any other edition, there were a lot of songs I have really grown to like, but none came close to my number one for a single second Those familiar with my 12-point history would be able to make an educated guess
  13. Another song I didn't like that much at first, but really grew higher and higher and now I very much like it
  14. Who sent them and whose points should I take away? Yuck. Tried to fuck with me, tried to mess with me.
  15. Eleven points go to a song of which I don't understand a single word...not even close, I have absolutely no clue what it's about (I don't watch videos, so I seriously have no idea). However, the melody was so addicting and the voices work together so nicely! I have to admit, some of the middle part isn't really my cup of tea at all, but the rest more than made up for it
  16. A little something about Kuragg: when I first heard it, I almost crossed it out, thinking "ugh, old people music like we have here in the Netherlands with all local 'party singers'"...then I started to like it more and more and more and now it's one of my favourite songs at the la la la la la laaaa
  17. NETHERLANDS Goedenavond Totallympics! Het is ons weer een waar genoegen om deel uit te maken van dit mooie evenement, we willen onze Poolse vrienden graag bedanken voor het organiseren van een erg leuk muziekfeest. Dan volgen nu de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury. Good evening Totallympics! Once again it's a true pleasure to be part of this wonderful event, we'd like to thank our Polish friends for organizing this very enjoyable musical party. Without further ado, here are the votes of the Dutch jury. MALTA 10 NORWAY 9 GREAT BRITAIN 8 MEXICO 7 TUNISIA 6 ITALY 5 SWEDEN 4 SPAIN 3 NEW ZEALAND 2 FRANCE 1
  18. I feel like my voting has never been as much all over the place as it is this time
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