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Everything posted by Agger

  1. As I saw him saying it on TV, I would say that's wrong. He said it with honesty. If anything, he is impressed that the others are that much better than him, but also disappointed that he isn't closer to the top.
  2. Unless the tracker is way off, it seems "easy" for Demare
  3. Happy to see Quintana back on the top. Parts of me really wanted Thomas to lose the jersey while other parts are pretty happy that we don't seem to be getting the Giro+Tour double (I know that Dumoulin was "only" second, but I feel that it would be pretty much the same). Sadly it also showed what was expected; that Fuglsang isn't strong enough this year. Now I just hope that he'll be brave enough to give it a go at an early stage friday.
  4. Froome is playing games witht the others, I guess.
  5. 2 hours done and Demare is only 19 minutes back. Seems like he'll live to see another day.
  6. Fraile seems to be working his ass of to get Birdie back to the leader group
  7. And an hour into the race, Demare is just below 11 minutes behind.
  8. Wasn't Boswell part of the small break yesterday following Fuglsang?
  9. Considering that he has been through quite a bit of GTs I don't know how many there are (at least of the kind that can be ridden in a pro race)
  10. Demare already dropped. If he makes it today, it has been a boring stage.
  11. Well. I'm sure that the press got some nice pictures.
  12. David Millar has stated that Portet is the worst climb he has ever tried. Will be interesting
  13. So happy to have a Danish 4x100 in there. Good job by the girls. Hoping for a new NR in Berlin
  14. This is the first time since 1997 where we have seen stage winners in the three main jerseys (yellow, green and polka dot). That's a pretty surprising fact for me.
  15. I don't want to be the guy responsible for making sure that every single rider starts at the right place. It shouldn't be much of a problem with the first group but when. But indeed, it shouldn't make too much difference . It's just a show, especially as they're trapping the riders in a warmup area for the last half hour meaning that they can't really warm up the way they use to.
  16. They had already given it plenty of attention, but Rolf sounded pretty sure.
  17. Yeah. Thanks to Rolf Sørensen for reminding Danish viewers that he crashed only a few hundred meters from where Casartelli died.
  18. Is this the final stage for Demare? Almost 18 minutes before he is at the mountains.
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